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In December 2012  third phase of the project Water for Kauti – project for realisation of irrigation system. Complete work was successfully finished and as such we can bring you more details from the realisation phase and photos from the region. We would like to thank and appreciate work of Petr Chaloupka as without his help, useful advices and visits, the water in kauti would have been only a dream...

» Final report of project Water for Kauti including photographical documentation (PDF, 5 MB)
» Final report of project Water for Kauti including photographical documentation (full resolution images, PDF, 40 MB)

» Project Water for Kauti
» Photogallery
» Water for Kauti presentation (PowerPoint, 29 MB) (PDF, 15MB)

» Water for Kauti on pages of Pöyry Environment a.s.


Our coordinator Ken Okongo published a short video from the boy's home. Take a look how “our” and “yours” children live...

Centre Narovinu invites you for a seminar Volunteers for Developing Cooperation in Africa.

Are you interested in meeting new people and cultures and give something from your skills and free time for something reasonable?

Are you interested in joining the projects of developing cooperation and education focused of Africa?

The seminars allow the participants to get to know all necessary about problems and work in projects of developing cooperation, stress on permanent sustainability and active approach at work with local communities, sensitive attitude to cultural differences, respect to heterogeneity. They will get to know work of coordinator of the project „Adoption of African children“, developing awareness and education at Czech schools as well as community centre „Island of Hope“ on Rusinga Island in Kenya. 

Two following evenings in Prague: Monday 18.3. and Tuesday 19.3. (17:30 – 21:00).

After the seminar the participants can take an active part in the projects of Centre Narovinu in  CR. We are looking for responsible coordinators for the project „Adoption of African Children“  and programmes at schools, volunteers for exhibitions and promotion of the projects, helpers for making videos and presentations, graphics, administrative help, specialists in promotion on the Internet...

The leader of the course is  Dana Feminová – the founder and chairwoman of Centre Narovinu, organizing projects in Kenya and CR over a long period, for instance the project „Adoption of African Children – project of help for distance“ and „Island of Hope“.

Information and registration: dana.feminova@adopceafrika.cz, mobil: 777 711 911, Centre Narovinu (Tyršova 1, Praha 2, underground I.P. Pavlova)


Was it contribution? Surely, for children in Africa.

Within the project called „ Through Education towards a Universal Human Nation“, two TV spots were prepared, filmed and broadcasted. Their topics came from two Millenium development goals. One of them is the access of primary-school education to everybody). And the next is assuring of permanent environmental sustainability - access to clear drinking water.

Finances for the media campaign came from EU grant. All Czech TV channels met our demands and thanks to charitable prices we could broadcast 260 spots during all December (60 spots on TV Pětka, 40 spots on TV Óčko, 60 spots on TV Barrandov and 100 spots on TV Prima including channels Prima Cool and Prima Family). TV viewership was incredible and your reactions very positive and favorably evaluating our intention. Thank you.

Apart from television network, the campaign took place also in multiplex Cinestar. Totally there were broadcasted (in a week from 13. till 19. December) 2 141 spots in Prague, Hradec Králové, České Budějovice, Jihlava, Liberec, Mladá Boleslav, Opava, Olomouc, Ostrava, Pardubice, Plzeň and Zlín. The spots were viewed by 97 106 visitors in total.

At the same time, audio-spots with the same topic were broadcasted on radio stations (Radio Impuls and RockZona). Press releases, informative newspaper and magazine articles were sent out, and our activities were presented in various TV shows.

During a week from 24. 12. to 30.12. , there was a banner campaign at www.femina.cz and www.living.cz with 374 901 displays and 263 clicks on our webpage.

In total our site viewership grew to 12 290 visitors in December (in November the number was 3 779). In the period between December 25 and 31 the number even exceeded 1000 visitors a day.

The numbers are very high so how did it reflect in our projects in particular?

By the end of December several tens of new adoptions were arranged. New volunteers offering help with our activities showed up. We have full diary of activities at schools till February. Plenty of schools decided apart from distant adoption support to extend their help in Kenyan a Czech schools partnership project.

Thanks to all for your support and help. We evaluate media blitz as very successful with its outcome reflecting in the next months and years.

If you would like to support us in the future - you can download banners, adverts, spots or topics for interesting articles at our webpage.

We are thankful for all your support without which would not be possible to realize so many projects.

For Centrum Narovinu, Simona Heřtusová.

Centre Narovinu invites you for a seminar Volunteers for Developing Cooperation in Africa.

Are you interested in meeting new people and cultures and give something from your skills and free time for something reasonable? 

Are you interested in joining the projects of developing cooperation and education focused of Africa?

The seminars allow the participants to get to know all necessary about problems and work in projects of developing cooperation, stress on permanent sustainability and active approach at work with local communities, sensitive attitude to cultural differences, respect to heterogeneity. They will get to know work of coordinator of the project „Adoption of African children“, developing awareness and education at Czech schools as well as community centre „Island of Hope“ on Rusinga Island in Kenya. 

Weekend seminar in surroundings of Prague (23.3. – 24.3.).

After the seminar the participants can take an active part in the projects of Centre Narovinu in  CR. We are looking for responsible coordinators for the project „Adoption of African Children“  and programmes at schools, volunteers for exhibitions and promotion of the projects, helpers for making videos and presentations, graphics, administrative help, specialists in promotion on the Internet...

The leader of the course is  Dana Feminová – the founder and chairwoman of Centre Narovinu, organizing projects in Kenya and CR over a long period, for instance the project „Adoption of African Children – project of help for distance“ and „Island of Hope“. 

Information and registration: dana.feminova@adopceafrika.cz, mobil: 777 711 911, Centre Narovinu (Tyršova 1, Praha 2, underground I.P. Pavlova)


It has been 11 years now since two friends of mine, the owners of CK Brenna travel agency, started to support the distance adoption project of Centrum Narovinu. In 2002, they became adoptive parents of then six-year-old Philomena Aoko from Nairobi. While being on holiday in Eastern Africa at the beginning of this year, I had a chance to visit the girl and her family.

Alhough the decision about visiting Philomena had been taken shortly before our departure, we had no problems to organize it. Three e-mails exchanged between us and Mrs Feminova were all we had to do. We told her the approximate date of our visit and in return we received the contact to the local coordinator responsible for arranging visits. The original date of our visit was set on Monday, January 7, the first school day after a long (I think one moth's) holiday. We were supposed to meet Philomena at school in the morning and then spend the afternoon with her family. But later we had to change our itinerary and finally the only time we were able to see the girl was Sunday afternoon.

We phoned Ben, the coordinator, just three days before the visit was to be paid. Still it was not a problem to put it off for another day. He picked us up from the hotel on Sunday morning at nine to drive us to the place. We were really surprised he arrived on time because  our previous experience made us expect he would be at least one hour late.  Here in Africa, time is somehow less important than in Europe. Ben, whose Czech vocabulary was surprisingly good, first helped us to buy some sweets for Philomena's five siblings and then we set off.

Our journey from the city centre where we were staying to Philomena's home at the suburbs of Nairobi took about half an hour. Philomena and a local coordinator were waiting for us in the middle of the main (and only) street surrounded by a jumble of huts made from logs, timbers and sheets of corrugated iron. All of us were a bit shy at first but before we managed to walk through the maze of narrow streets taking us to her home, the ice started to melt to get broken completely when we met her mum who gave us a warm and wild welcome. She grabbed the bag with sweets without hesitation and rushed into the house to check what we had brought. It didn't take her long to examine the stuff and in a few minutes she could show us into the house just as good hostesses do.

The first and main room in African houses is usually a living room. This one looked the same as the others we had seen here, just it was smaller and its ceiling and walls were made from corrugated iron. But we were pleased to see it was very clean. In the centre of the room, there was a low table with a sofa and two or three armchairs. The walls were covered with curtains and decorated with photographs of children, plush toys and kitsch pictures. A BRENNA ball which Philomena got from her adoptive parents when she was a little girl was hanging from the cealing right in the middle of the room.

Soon the house became very crowded. There were eleven of us, even Philomena's uncle,  her mum's brother and apparently head of the family, arrived to talk to us.  Mum was given some money for food and household and Philomena got her present – a watch we bought for her. Unfortunately we could not hand her the parcel with presents and a letter from Brenna girls because our friend who was supposed to bring it had called off his journey. But we assured the family the parcel would arrive by post soon so noone seemed to be disappointed or sad especially when we promised Philomena's mum there would be a small gift for her in it too.

Then we talked mostly about Philomena, about things she likes, her school results and a job she would like to have one day. She asked a lot of questions about her sponsors because they had visited her before so she already knew them personally. It was obvious that she and her uncle appreciated the chance she had been given through adoption at distance. Education is not a thing that children with social background like hers take for granted and without this chance, the seventeen-year old girl would be uneducated, jobless and with no prospects for future. Finally we were offered a slice of sweet toast bread and cup of tea with milk which we could not refuse.

Although, compared with other places in Africa, Nairobi has quite a pleasant sort of climate, it was very hot inside the house so after about an hour we apologized and went to see  Philomena's grandma living on the other side of the slum right next to a church built – of course - from corrugated iron where a Sunday mass was just being served. While we were walking along the streets, local people were greeting us with their friendly smiles. Grandma's hut, devided into two rooms by a curtain, was much less clean than Philomena's house but grandma herself was a very friendly, outgoing and fun-loving person. A few photos were taken and in the early afternoon we were accompanied back to our car and asked to give their warm greetings to Philomena's adoptive parents. Our visit was over.

Ben gave us a lift to the bus station and helped us to find a bus to Mombasa. We paid him one thousand shillings (about 220 Kč) for petrol, wished him good luck in Czech and left, feeling our  visit to Philomena had given to our journey a special flavour. And looking back now, we are sure it was one of the  most important moments of it. If you have an adopted child in Africa and you have not met them yet, I do recommend you to do so. It will surely be an experience you will never forget. You can make it a pretext to visit this beautiful, wild continent.

Karel Musil


We have the dates and place of the next meeting! We will talk about "Failed projects".

• We will meet next Tuesday 29.1. 2013 at 6 p.m. in Centre Narovinu (Tyršova 1, Prague 2 - map)

• Our guests will be: Vendula Bratinková from SIRIRI, Filip Zoubek from Light for the World, and Tomáš Kocián from People in Need.

Mistakes made in development and humanitarian aid projects are not something we should be ashamed of. The basic prerequisite for success is the ability to learn from our mistakes. Let's share our failed projects, talk about their causes and lessons that we took from them! Motto: Who do not know what they did wrong, they have been doing it up to now!

• event on Facebook is here. Please, confirm your attendance in the guestlist.

Your DC team

Through Education towards a Universal Human Nation“ or Africa by uncommon eyes.

As we have already informed you in the last issue of the bulletin, the grant of European Union supported a great spot campaign of Centre Narovinu.

In September materials in Kenya on Rusinga Island were shot, the screenplay was being improved and it was dealt with all TV channels on the Czech market.

During October we managed to cut a few-hour long video for 30 seconds. Finally we offer 2 spots, one on the topic Education, the other Water.

The aim of the spots and campaign is to address the wide public and inform about developing aims of millennium and last but not least about our specific projects of citizen association as a part of developing help.

Spots were released 1.12. on TV Pětka and from 8.12. on TV Óčko. TV Barrandov continued 10.12. and the end of December will be with TV Prima. We thank a lot to all these channels for support and help and possibility to broadcast a large amount of spots for non-commercial prices. Completely there are 60 spots on TV Pětka, 40 on TV Óčko, 60 on TV Barrandov and 100 on TV Prima including the channels Prima Cool nad Prima Family. We are including a detail of broadcasting of all times in the attachment.

Centre Narovinu decided to support this TV campaign also in other mass media. We asked professionals from the branch of media and so that is why our spots will appear in multiplexes Cinestar. There will be broadcasted in the week from 13.12. 2 460 spots in total in Prague, Hradec Králové, České Budějovice, Jihlava, Liberec, Mladá Boleslav, Opava, Olomouc, Ostrava, Pardubice, Plzeň and Zlín.

At the same time we created spots on the same issue for radios, we sent press information and texts to various newspapers and magazines and we will also appear in a few TV programmes. We will monitor all these and will publicize on our web pages or in January bulletin.

TV spots can be see on youtube: Education / Education (Czech) and Water / Water (Czech).

Next promotional materials (radio spots, advertising banners, info texts, advertisements...) can be downloaded in the attachment. Please send it forward. We will be glad for any other cooperation and help with promotion :)

We would like to thank all participating companies, subjects as well as individuals for great help and support, without your initiative and interest in developing issues and our projects we could not manage so many interesting performances. In the context of advertising market it was a funny amount of money, for us a huge media campaign with irrecoverable experience. That is why we are tightly expecting what reactions and specific results it will bring and what cooperation and doors will be open for future.

For Centre Narovinu

Simona Heřtusová


Video spots download:

» Education
» Education (Czech)
» Water
» Water (Czech)

» Spots in archive (large files)


Island of Hope – Rusinga Island

Looking back at journey of Dana Feminová to Kenya

Marry sounds of children and birds wake me up. I open my eyes and through the mosquito net I can see the first sun rays. The day begins and children are coming to school that is was built just next to the house for doctors at a clinic that is my home for a few days. I have breakfast with a Slovak doctor Daniela, who came here for 6 months to help the local personnel at our clinic.

Already at breakfast she is preparing some medicaments from the storeroom and is getting ready for her ambulance. From the terrace of the house we can see the first patients expecting her in the waiting room.

I am taking a bag with games, building blocks, colouring pictures and methodology manual for teachers and I am heading through our community centre to the building of our nursery school. I am walking through the school. Children in school uniforms greet me from all the classes, where they are ready for the beginning of lessons. I am meeting teacher Evans. In a hurry he reminds me the drama class has prepared a performance for this afternoon that begins already at 4 PM. I am promising to be there. When I am approaching the nursery school I can hear a lot of small children calling my name. Many of them cannot resist the joyful „mzungu, mzungu” („a white man“ in swahili), which we hear so often all over Kenya. It is a common reaction of children when they notice a pale face, unusual for them.

I am entering a large area of nursery school where 4 women teachers with a few groups of children are working, using the teaching method of Montessorri. The youngest, 3-year old children are just singing and dancing together, the next group is working at little tables, pre-school children are learning in pairs at a terrace. I am interrupting the lesson for a while and give them presents from a partner school in the Czech Republic. In a short time the children are colouring the Mole pictures and trying to match the puzzle of animals. The oldest boys together with their teacher are building the wooden blocks. The presents are very successful so I am taking my camera and video camera to capture the joyful moment, because I want to make happy even the Czech children who prepared the presents. I am leaving the children playing and I am hurrying for a meeting with a builder who has been finishing a new shelter for orphans.

Ken is expecting me, the president of our organisation in Kenya who I came with to the island from Nairobi, as well as the local coordinator of the whole community centre of “Island of Hope”, Joash. Together we had a dream about this whole project on the Rusinga Island on the Victoria Lake 9 years ago. At Joash´s during one of my first visits on Rusinga Island. We did not hope at all at that time that it would be possible to build the complex of community centre with an orphanage, nursery school, school, education centre with library and even a medical clinic in such a short time. We also did not suspected what it means to run such a centre for more than 300 poorest children and the whole local community. We did not know how many challenges we would face.

On the way to the new building of shelter we are getting clear with Ken and Joash the main issues to discuss with the builder Dan. Then we are walking through the building. Joash points out at imperfections that are necessary to remove: to finish the last paint, to repair the entrance metal door, to finish tiles in the bathroom...We agree on the date when the whole shelter will be equipped by furniture and the surroundings cleaned from the rest of building material. We are discussing the last doubts at the budget. Dan finally agrees that he will order ten more beds from the original budget. The situation is then solved. From January we can extend the capacity from the present 42 up to 80 children. Ken is announcing that the family of our “adoptive” girl Evalyn that I wanted to see is expecting us. We are leaving the centre and walk across the island.

It is one of the sad heartbreaking stories that had been a part of my life during the 10 years of “Adoption of African children – project of help for distance”. I knew Evalyn since she was 7, she was one of the first children in the programme we had begun in 2002. She was 16 and even if she still attended school, she was pregnant. This year at the beginning of August she gave a birth to a beautiful girl. Her birth was complicated, but thanks to health insurance she was immediately taken to hospital and so it went all right. After a few hours she was sent home. But she suddenly died after 3 days. A small, 3-year old girl from the neighbourhood found her on the floor with a crying baby in her hands and she took it to the neighbours.

I am in front of a poor clay house and with tears in my eyes I am hugging Evalyn´s mum, who is holding in her hand a small baby – a girl who is very lively. I am getting her immediately into my arms and we are entering the house. I am bringing at least one goon news – “the adoptive parents” who supported Evalyn have decided to support financially the upbringing of the girl so she does not have to worry about lack of money for milk. She thanks a lot and is offering us a cup of traditional “porridge” (made from millet). I am making a few pictures and saying goodbye. I have to get back to the clinic, because there is going to be a meeting with all the stuff so that after evaluation of the operation of the clinic we can modify some rules, shifts and start a mobile clinic.

The mobile clinic should ensure medical treatment to the patients in remote villages of Rusinga as well as on the close island Mufangano. It is necessary to increase symbolical registration fee for patients and think about how to keep the clinic going without preventing the poorest to use its services. We still do have money for salaries of the stuff and for medicaments thanks to the donation of Slovakaid, but this project to run the hospital finishes in a year so there is a hot issue how to arrange all services in future.

After the meeting with the personnel of the clinic I am in a hurry for the performance of the drama class at school – under a large tree in the middle of the areal all the school as well as nursery school had met. Thanks to amazing scenery it really looks like in the theatre. Our drama class celebrates huge successes – at a regional competition of all schools they took the second position. Small actors recite and play so lively that all the stage as well as audience is enjoying it. Even the workers finishing the building of orphanage stop working to watch the performance with us. I tried to capture it on the video camera but I am afraid that as most of the situations here it is not possible to capture – one must experience it. It is getting dark. Dark clouds promise heavy rain so there is no extra performance, the theatre is finishing and children are running home. I congratulate to the teacher Evans, the author of the play who is the successful leader of the club.

Evans and his young colleagues make good job at school. They try to include now methods form the seminars for teachers that we regularly arrange on Rusinga. They keep on insisting on non-violent attitude to children which is what makes them difficult with the local community. In most schools on the island it is a natural thing to use a “cane” as an educational method. There is a strong belief that without a physical punishment there is no discipline and without discipline there is nothing from the pupil.

Children are asking me if I would be with them in the hall during the evening activities before going to bed. They try to persuade me to tell them who is going to move to the new shelter. I am promising to come after dinner offering a chance to record a message for their “adoptive parents” in the Czech Republic. A few of them are applying immediately, standing up in front of the camera. I am recording a few cute messages and giving thanks and Joash is calling at me that we are leaving. I am invited to his family for dinner so I am saying goodbye to children with a promise that after dinner I would reveal to them who should move to the new building.

We are leaving by car to Joash where his two wives and about 12 children are expecting us. The youngest children in the lead with Milan are welcoming us. I am giving them presents and before dinner we are playing their favourite pairs. The meal is delicious as usual and the whole atmosphere in this large family is just awesome. But to keep the promise to the children in the orphanage I have to say goodbye. Ken drives me back to Island of Hope.

Children with the teacher Millicent are in the dinnig hall so I managed that. We are talking, I am answering thousands questions about the Czech Republic, than the children are singing and showing me homework. Finally I am revealing the new hostel would be for girls so that the boys would have the present one only for themselves. Girls are excited and cannot wait until they are moving and boys are asking when the new friends for empty space in the room were coming. With this sweet news we are saying goodnight. It is really late, our eyes are closing. I am accompanying children to their rooms and I am leaving to the house at the clinic to listen to the impression of the Doctor Daniela from the afternoon meeting with the stuff during a cup of tea.

One unforgettable day is ending slowly.

Dana Feminová
founder and chairwoman of Centre Narovinu

The shortened version of the text will be printed in the next issue of Respekt.

Give a calendar and support our projects this way

For our „adoptive parents“, who donate school fee to the poorest children in Kenya as a part of the project Adoption of African children, we have prepared a small gift again – a calendar for 2013. 

You can find in the calendar beautiful pictures showing our projects including short current information.

We would like to offer a chance to order and buy this calendar to you. 

The format of the calendar is A4, the total prize is 120,- Kč, including postage.

In case you are interested, you can order at centrumnarovinu@centrumnarovinu.cz. In your e-mail please mention the number of ordered pieces, your name and address where you want to send it. Pay the total amount at a bank accout:19 – 1460510217/0100 (KB, Praha), variable symbol: 2013. To the note please write your name to make the identification of the payment easier. Your order will be sent after the money is on our account. 

The look of the calendar can be seen in the photo gallery below. 

Thanks for your support, Centre Narovinu 


In the last issue of bulletin 9/2012 there was an attachment focused on the project Adoption of African children. What do the children that passed the project do today? Have this project had any meaning? And how do it see the Czech adoptive parents? That is all included in the attachment...

We also include all letters of children in English and not shortened version, in the printed version of the bulletin there could be only part of them presented. 

And we also attach photos of Plívovi and Victor – from Kenya and from the visit in the Czech Republic. In the attachment there is also a few words about their common journey as a part of the project of Adoption of African children...

The whole September bulletin in Czech version can be downloaded here.


We wish you peaceful Christmas and happy New Year.

Thank you for your present support and we look forward to the next common projects.

Yours Centre Narovinu

Download PF (9 MB)


Centre Narovinu supports the candidacy of Táňa Fischerová as a public candidate to presidential elections. We realise that developing aims and positive changes in our society that we push through our citizen association are not possible without political will and total change of values and atmosphere in the society. 

Candidacy of Táňa Fischerová supported not by any financial groups, but by activity of people in all the Czech Republic and wide scale of civic iniciatives and nonprofit organisations seems to us as a very interesting hope. We are convinced that thanks to high moral credit, long-term pushed values, clear political and social suggestions as well as support of cooperation and wide civic society Táňa Fischerová would by a very good president for the term of changes which we wish for. Her long-term active support of the campaign „Czech against Poverty“  just proves that her attitudes in the area of our activity completely agree with ours. 

For the Centre Narovinu
Dana Feminová, Simona Heřtusová, Daniela Cachová, Hana Jodasová

What is the aim of her journey?

On Monday 22.10. Dana Feminová leaves to Kenya. During her stay she will focus especially on these issues:

  • Work with the office in Nairobi – improvement of contact between Kenyan and Prague office, control of bookkeeping, plans for future cooperation ...

  • Visit of schools in the project partnership and setting the criteria and evaluation of „good schools“ that we want to deepen our cooperation with

  • To the Adoption of African children – project of help for distance there will be organised a 4-day seminar where she will meet the main coordinators as well as whole groups and work on team cooperation, support motivation and including all volunteers, she will explain all repeated difficulties in process of the whole programme...

  • Island of Hope on Rusinga Island – during a 5-day stay on Rusinga there will be meetings with teams of people running the hospital, orphanage, nursery school and school, with the project manager she will control management and plans of budget, realisation of watering of the farm and plans of investment to the next independence and self-sustainability of the project, there will be a meeting with the community and ceremonial opening of the building of new orphanage for 40 new children...

  • Kauti – during a 1-day trip there will be a control of functions and ways of keeping and running of all parts of the project that have been finished, she will visit the construction of present realisation of watering system, she will meet local community and discuss questions of common maintenance of usage of water by the community...

  • Purchase for the „fair-trade shop“ – there will be meetings with local manufacturers of small cooperatives and purchase of goods...

The programme of the 3-week journey is really full. The news from the trip and projects Dana will present to the whole team of Centre Narovinu including volunteer coordinators at a common meeting 10.11. in Prague. 

Infocentre Zoo Jihlava

Radka Švejnohová

A serie of photographs made in cities, villages and national parks on islands Honshu and Shikoku.

Everyday of Japanese, disciplined carefree children, precisely arranged parks and gardens, walks of Maiko through picturesque streets of Kjótsko, ancient Pagoda...these are motives that want to capture the supermodern country in non-hectic and calm form.

Selling exhibition supports specific projects of Kenya.

Web: www.svejnoha.cz

David Švejnoha and Václav Soukup

Travelling exhibition from the area of Kenyan slums, schools and orphanages. The exhibition is selling and supprts specific projects in Kenya. 

Reference to the author´s pages: www.svejnoha.cz

City Library Ostrov
October 1 – December 31, 2012

You are warmly welcome to the meeting with Ben Ooko from African Kenya, who will teach you how to make a typical meal ugali and introduces to you not only the African cuisine, but also everyday life and developing projects of Centre Narovinu.

Wednesday 17.10. from 18.00
Komunitní centrum Prádelna
Holečkova 38, Praha 5 (undergound line B – Anděl)

Ben is one of the main coordinators of Adoption of African children for distance and other projects in poor areas.

Exhibition of photographs and objects form Kenya – slide show - discussion.

Admission voluntary, the profit will support the feeding programme of the project Island of Hope on Rusinga Island in Kenya. 

Friday 12.10. 18:30 hod. Meeting with Ben – discussion and slide show  (Klub cestovatelů , Veleslavínova 14, Brno – Královo Pole).

For more information see www.hedvabnastezka.cz/brno

Tuesday 9.10. 19:30 hod. Life in poor areas in Kenya – discussion with Ben (Kulturní centrum Nová Beseda , Slavětínská 120, Praha 9 – Klánovice).

For more information see www.kcnovabeseda.cz

As a part of the project „Africa by Uncommon Eyes - Through Education Towards Universal Humanation”, one of the main coordinators of Centre Narovinu in Kenya – Ben Ooko will arrive on Thursday 4.10. to the Czech Republic. Ben has been cooperating with our organisation since 2000.

He was one of the founders of the organisation Centre Narovinu in Kenya, of the Adoption of African children for distance and other projects of poor areas.

During his stay Ben will visit several schools and including his presentations and interactive workshops he will introduce African culture, music or everyday life to students.

On the programme there is also a few evening events for public. Come and meet personally the African coordinator, talk about present life in the poorest ares and slums and get information about projects of international cooperation of Centre Narovinu.

You are warmly welcome to the meetings.

From the events for public we are choosing:

Tuesday 9.10. 19:30 hod. Life in poor areas in Kenya – discussion with Ben
(Kulturní centrum Nová Beseda , Slavětínská 120, Praha 9 – Klánovice )
For more information see www.kcnovabeseda.cz

Friday 12.10. 18:30 hod. Meeting with Ben – discussion and slide show
(Klub cestovatelů , Veleslavínova 14, Brno – Královo Pole )
For more information see www.hedvabnastezka.cz/brno

Wednesday 17.10. 18 hod. Focused on African cuisine and developing projects

– a lesson of making traditional meal ugali, slide show, discussion,
(Komunitní centrum Prádelna , Holečkova 38, Praha 5 )
For more information see www.veselysmichov.cz

From the events for schools we are choosing:

Monday 8.10. ZŠ Česká Lípa , Wednesday 10.10. MŠ Třeboň, Wednesday 10.10. ZŠ Dukelská, České Budějovice, Monday 15.10. ZŠ Odolená Voda , Tuesday 16.10. ZŠ Újezd nad Lesy

For more information see www.adopceafrika.cz


On Thursday 13.9 our colleague Petr Chaloupka flew to Kenya to help start the next part of the project Water for Kauti – irrigation system. 

Until now everything goes smoothly – work on the dam and water reservoir. The lengths are measured – between the damp, the main tank (above Kauti market) and the next tank (on the top of the ridge at farm King´oo). 

These places are very good, from both there will be possible to supply a large area by water and for the future hopefully enlargement will be able, too...

The irrigation system in the planned form will contain 2 tanks (50+30m3), a feeding pipe and also a line of the distribution pipe, which will be in future available for next consumers from the location. During this phase the community in Kauti will carry out a spring Yanzonga remediation , as well as it was the last year by Muthala. Everything is supposed to by finished until the end of November. We wish good luck.


In Island of Hope we have an orphanage which is catering for needy children who are either orphaned and do not have relatives to take care of them effectively for them to go to school or those children with either of the parents but are not able to offer a conducive environment for children to go to school.

The orphanage has a total number of 41 children 19 boys and 22 girls against 4 rooms to the boys and 4 rooms for the girls. Each room was meant to host 4 children but since there were more demands, some of whom were very desperate cases, already the rooms are overcrowded. The orphanage buildings have the capacity of 32 children and now we have 41 children. The children who had to join when the room were already full because of their condition.

This population needed another building and through Eva Hlavatá and Dana Ferminová we got the support of SLOVAC AID and now we are building a modern Girls Hostel. This Hostel is now under construction and will be ready by the end of October. It has a capacity of 40 girls. This now means that the old buildings will remain for the boys.

We again have a child Monica Odira Achieng whom we have brought in the orphanage. Her father died  and her Mother remained in Homabay 40km from Rusinga Island. When she followed her mother there, the mother continuously quarreled  her to go town and look for men so that she can get money which can support them something that this girl opposed. We got message and sent Millicent to go and save this child and now the girl is very happy in the orphanage and a main actress in our Drama club in Island of hope school.

The major challenge we have is feeding programme,we are working on activities to sustain feeding. One of the programmes we have tried and worked for us.


We have a school garden where we grow vegetables, maize and fruits. Some of the things we grow are attached below

Fish farming

The government of Kenya through the Ministry of Fisheries made for us the fish pond and over one thousand fingerlings of Tilapia fish was put in eight months we started using the fish. The fish from the pond and the products from the farm were very useful last term. Last term we managed to close the school without debts, something which  has been recurring over the years. The government realizes that we managed the pond well and they were over excited when they came for the first sampling and they gave us another pond. The fish in this pond will be ready in January.

Some of the programmes we have in mind but we have not realized are

  • Large scale crop farming
  • Large scale poultry farming
  • Rabbit farming
  • Cross breed dairy farming under zero grazing for milk production

These programmes can go a long way in sustaining the feeding programme and other areas of running the orphanage.

Joash Okongo


At the weekend 7. – 9. September Little African conference in Zoo Jihlava was held – a meeting of travellers, photographers, zoologists and Africa lovers. Centre Narovinu took part as well so we are bringing a short summary. 

For more information and photographs see the webpages of Small African Conference.

The attachement includes a Czech text and pictures. 

To give a tractor = to give food

As we have informed you, in autumn 2011 the band Vypsaná fixa launched its new album and started a tour that includes a presentation of our developing project „Island of Hope“. Vypsaná fixa decided to support it and by selling badges helps us get some money to byu a tractor. Thank you. 

Buying  a tractor enables to enlarge farming – it will be possible to plant on a much larger field, there will be enough food for a school canteen and orphanages. The rest will be supossed for selling to get more money to run the Island of Hope. We also prepare for keeping chicken, rabbits, fishes and fruit trees. The tractor together with an irrigation system  will be a great step to be self-sufficient and to sustain the project permanently. 

Because we need 270 000,- Kč to byu the tractor, we ask you for a favour to help. Please, help the people on Rusinga and support the buying of a tractor that will help the local community to work more easily and enables better catering for children of the Island of Hope. Thank you. 

You can send money to the bank account: 19-1460510217/0100 KB, VS 905.

More infomation by Dana Feminová, dana.feminova@adopceafrika.cz, mobile 777 711 911.

In June there was one of the main coordinators in Kenya Ken Okongo in the Czech Republic and that is why all June was full of different events. There were a lot of discussions, workshops at schools, meetings with adoptive parents or public held there. 

This time except Prague and Brno there was a meeting in Krnov, too. In June you could also see an exhibition of pictures of African children as a part of the competition of the Czech Radio We are drawing online.  

Ken spend this time together with us so he could show to children and parents African culture, music and everyday reality. You can see the pictures in Letohrádek Kinských – Musaion in Prague until September (more on www.rozhlas.cz/malujeme). Focused on Africa was also a pleasant event, where, except a rich programme for children and youth, there was an interesting discussion about developing projects. Adoptive parents, Czech doctors working in a clinic on Rusinga Island or representatives of the organisation Educon and Czech against poverty took part in the discussion and described their experience.

To see more we attach a few pictures from these events in the photogallery. 

If you, as a school, adoptive parents or public did not take part, do not worry, in October another Kenyan coordinator comes to us and there will be plenty of chances for personal meetings :)



Radka Švejnohová

A serie of photographs made in cities, villages and national parks on islands Honshu and Shikoku. Everyday of Japanese, disciplined carefree children, precisely arranged parks and gardens, walks of Maiko through picturesque streets of Kjótsko, ancient Pagoda...these are motives that want to capture the supermodern country in non-hectic and calm form.

Web: www.svejnoha.cz

Hobby centrum –  pavilion D, Bartákova 4, Praha 4

Selling exhibition supports specific projects of Kenya

See more on www.adopceafrika.cz


David Švejnoha and Václav Soukup
City library IP Pavlova, Karlovy Vary

Travelling exhibition from the area of Kenyan slums, schools and orphanages. The exhibition is selling and supprts specific projects in Kenya. 

Reference to the author´s pages: www.svejnoha.cz


Zoo Jihlava invites you for the 7. meeting of travellers, photographers, zoologists and Africa lovers.

Except lectures on Saturday in Centre PodpoVRCH and in a clubroom of the zoo there will be a rich accompanying programme.

On Friday 7.9. from 18.00 in the Centre PodpoCRCH there will be shown a film Under Sun Darkness, the winner of 15th International Festival of Documentary Films in Jihlava, entrance without registration and free.

On Saturday 8.9 in African village Matongo from 18.30 stylish clothes and at 20.00 theatre Cylinder performs Fire on the Mounatin – 5 Ethiopian fables.

On Sunday 9.9. in the zoo there will be held presentations of African culture, interesting projects and shown films. There will be introduced for example Centre Narovinu, NaZemi, ShineBean, Arcidiecézní charita Praha, Life Africa, culture of Tuaregs, dancing performance Shela and Al Fayyum dancers, dancing workshop of Monika Rebcová and you can watch films Okuhepa Africa, Africa obscura, Bama and lost gorillas and Under Sun Darkness.

» Current information on ZOO webpages 

Preview 19.6. from 17.00 – life African music, jam- session, workshop – producing badges


Summary of production of Ceramics studio Ulita – selling and presenting exhibition
Open 20. – 25.6 from 13.00 to 18.30, except Saturday and Sunday



Even this year children from our schools in Kenya took part in a drawing contest of Czech Radio – We are drawing online. This time the topic was „Ideas that have changed the world“. From June the best pictures will be presented in Letohrádek Kinských – Musaion in Prague. The preview of the exhibition will take place 12th June from 3 pm. 

As a part of the festive preview, from 1 to 3 pm, we are preparing owrkshops for children with topic Africa (music workshop, masks, African clothes, carrying things on heads..). There will also personally appear Kenyan coordinator Ken, who is currently in Prague. We are looking forward to you. For more information see the invitation of www.rozhlas.cz/malujeme

» Video


As a part of the project „Africa by Uncommon Eyes – Through Education towards a Universal Human Nation, Ken Okongo, one of the main coordinators of Centre Narovinu in Kenya came on Sunday to the Czech Republic.

Ken was a member of the partner organisation of Centre Narovinu in 2000 in Kenya and also of the 2 main projects of Distant adoption of African children and Island of Hope on Rusinga Island.

During his month-long stay there will be held a lot of presentations, workshops at schools and meetings of wide public. You are warmly welcome.

Come and meet personally the founder of the developing projects of Centre Narovinu in Kenya, talk about present life in the poorest areas and slums and get some news about the projects of international developing cooperation.

Wednesday 13.6. 15.00 – 21.00. Focused on Africa

 15.00 - 18.00 Africa through game workshops of African issues for children and youth

17.00 – 20.00 Discussions about development  topic Distant adoption of African children and developing projects

20.00 – 21.00 MUSIC PROGRAMME

 The programme will be completed by an exhibition of photographs and African products and by showing documentaries from Kenya. For more information see the leaflet.

At schools Ken will describe the African reality to children through interactive workshops and he will present African culture, its customs, music or everyday life in this way. We are choosing two schools from his rich programme:

If you are interested, we will be glad to send you the programme for the whole Czech Republic.

Monday 11.6. ZŠ Hostýnská, Praha 10 – discussions and workshops for I. and V. classes

Tuesday 12.6. ZŠ Grafická, Praha 5 – music workshop for the first level of primary school

Centre Narovinu is a civic association founded in 1995. Currently the main activities of Centre Narovinu are projects of foreign development cooperation, global education and development of voluntary work. It is a member of Czech Forum for development cooperation (FORS), and participates in the campaign Czech against Poverty. Developing projects in African Kenya have been organised since 2000.

Development projects are directed with great emphasis on long-lasting sustainability, support of self-sufficiency, transition from passive attitude to active taking over responsibility and use of own possibilities.

The main projects of Centre Narovinu:

• Africa by uncommon eyes –programmes at schools and for public in the Czech Republic. Now it is included in the project „Through education towards a universal human nation“ that was made with financial help of European Union. The aim is to intensify the knowledge of difficult life in developing countries and developing cooperation, to increase the awareness of uestions of develpins world and strengthen support of public for the area of foreign developing cooperation.

• Adoption of African children – project of distant support

• Minishop Africa in "Fair Trade" style

• Courses „Volunteers for developing cooperation in Africa“

• Developing projects : Community centre Island of Hope on Rusinga Island / Kenya

• Developing projects: Water for Kauti / Kenya

• Partnership of Czech and Kenyan schools

Thank you for your attention to this activity and we are looking forward to meeting you. In case of any question we are here for you.

Best regards, 

for Centre Narovinu

Simona Heřtusová
mobil 608 301 270
Centrum Narovinu, Tyršova 1, 120 00 Praha 2



Make your close friends happy and support Centre Narovinu this way.

We are offering cotton bags with an African motive and a quotation for 50,- crowns. The size of the bag is 42 x 38 cm, long ears over shoulders 60 x 2,5 cm. The picture of two colours – orange and dark red. The material is natural cotton. You can order it on centrumnarovinu@centrumnarovinu.cz and we will tell you other details about paying. 

Thanks for your support.  


At the weekned 19. – 20.5. a meeting of coordinators of distance adoption was held, this time in Zlenice at Čerčany. There were 24 coordinators from all over the Czech Republic present. At the beginning of the meeting we had a personal reflexion of own roles in activities of the Centre Narovinu and a discussion about existence of our organisation, what we consider as positive and negative and what our visiones for future of Centre Narovinu are.

Later coordinators of projects summarised news from Island of Hope on Rusinga Island, form Water for Kauti, Africa by Uncommonn Eyes, Distance adoption of African Children etc. And together we discussed realised projects and outlooks to future. Each of coordinators could experience a piece of African workshops that we organise at schools. 



On Friday 11th May Center Narovinu took part in 13. NGO Market in National Technical Library in Prague 6. 

As a part of the programme we organised a discussion „Africa unusually“  with a topic of necessity of education and developing projects in Kenya, which focus on access to education and health care.

A student from Kenya took part at this discussion, who was a part of the project „Distance adoption of African children“ and „adoptive parents“ from CR. The programme was accompanied by pieces of live traditional music from Subsahara Africa. 

Thanks to all who stopped at our stall and supported our activities by buying traditional African items. 

We look forward to seeing you again :o)


Documentary photographs from Kenya by Ester Starman
Center for children and youth -  Praha 4 - Hobby center 4, Bartákova street1200/4

Travelling exhibition is selling and supports the project in Kenya „Water for Kauti“

 We are inviting you on 18.6.2012 at 18:00 to „Spolkový dům“ in the building of cinema Mír in Krnov, address Náměstí Míru 1/14. 

We welcome adoptive parents and other visitors interested in meeting with Kenyan coordinator of „adoptions for distance“ Ken Okongo. 



Community center Prádelna, Holečkova 38, Praha 5, www.veselysmichov.cz

Exhibition of documentary photographs that capture volunteers of Center Narovinu during tours included in projects of developing cooperation in African Kenya.


Wednesday 13.6. from 15.00
Community Center Prádelna
Holečkova 38, Prague 5 (underground line B – station Anděl)

Africa by games, discussions about development, music programme – African traditional music and drums, exhibition of photographs and items from Kenya, showing videos

15.00 - 18.00 Africa by game

workshops with African theme for kids and youngsters (music workshop, African fairytale, African fabion, production of masks…)

17.00 - 20.00 discussions about development

topic: adoption of African children – the project of distance adoption
guests: Kennedy Okongo – Humanist center Narovinu – coordinator of the project in Kenya, Simona Heřtusová – Center Narovinu – the founder of the project and coordinator, Ladislav Kopecký – an adoptive parent and others

topics: Projects of foreign developing cooperation
guests: Dana Feminová and Kennedy Okongo – Center Narovinu – community center Island of Hope - Rusinga Island in Kenya, Tomáš Tožička – Educon – Energy for everybody– Zambia, Dagmar Trkalová – Czech against poverty – developing aids of millenium and other guests

20.00 - 21.00 music programme

African traditional music and drums

Exhibitions of photos and items from Kenya – showing films

Entrance free, proceeds from the sale will support the purchase of a tractor for the project Island of Hope on Rusinga Island in Kenya

We thank a lot for help organising a meeting with Willy, we really enjoyed our visit.

One mening we sent an sms to Mr. Ngome and just the next day he gave us a lift. He was very nice, willing and pleasant. He was also able to manage Willy to move from school home very quickly. 

We went by matatu with Mr. Ngome and then by motorcycles, we set off in the morning and after a stop in a shop and a bank we were at Willy in the afternoon. 

It was a very lovely village, a few people from the relevant organisations came to welcome us and spent some time with us at Willy´s. His mother was very happy and offered us local products. 

To imagine we include a few pictures. 

Thanks a lot and have a nice time!

Adam and Hanka


Good morning, 

Mrs Feminová, we have just returned back from holiday in Kenya. Thank you for help with organising our visit of school in Mombasa.

The whole visit went smoothly, the director and Doris came for us to our hotel, after visiting the school They toured us through Mombasa. They are awesome people, the visit at school was our strongest experience from the whole holiday. 


Children welcomed us by a song Jambo bwana, we went through the whole school, gave out presents to children, made pictures with them, it was an experience that cannot be described. Children were happy and we were excited from the visit. 

I am attaching a few pictures.

Once more thanks to all of you who do this helpful job, people can see there how needed it is. 

Yours sincerely, 

Hana Viktorinová



The organisation NAROVINU realizes a project of a health centre on Rusinga Island on Victoria Lake in western part of Kenya, which is in process since May 2010. During that time we treated 9 700 patients, made 5 700 laboratory examinations, vaccinated 7 000 children. 141 babies were born until today here. 

From October 2011 to September 2013 we gained a grant MZV SR – Slovakaid to run the hospital, which covers the costs for medical material, medicaments, staff of local nurses. In cooperation with College of St. Elizabeth we organise missions of our doctors. 

A part of a new project, financed by Slovakaid is also building of a new orphanage for 20 children. The building company was chosen in a process of a tender and the building will be held from May to September 2012. 

The winner of the tender is the company RADIUS AFRIKA with its centre in Nairobi. The contract was signed 4.4.2012. 

The attachement includes the subject of the contract with the building company. 

Eva Hlavatá, the coordinator of the project
kontact : +421905424914, hlavata@hosping.sk


We warmly invite you for a meeting with Peter Otieno from Kenya.

As a part of the project „Africa by uncommon eyes - Through education towards a universal human nation“ one of our colleagues from Nairobi – Peter Otieno – will visit the Czech and Slovak Republic in a few days.

Peter works as a volunteer since 2001. He was at the start of some non-profit projects, e.g. building of a school in a poor area of Spring Valley. He also works as one of the coordinators of the project „Distant adoption of African children“.

As a part of his visit there will be held several lectures and workshops at Czech as well as Slovak schools and also some meetings of public you are warmly welcomed to.

Come and see the coordinator from African Kenya personally to talk about present life in the poorest areas and slums and get some information about projects of foreign developing cooperation. Not only adoptive parents of children in Kenya and co-workers of Centre Narovinu are invited, also public interested in this issue.

5.3.2012 from 18:30 hod. Centrum neziskových aktivit, Tyršova 1, Praha 2


18.3.2012 from 18:30 hod. Klub cestovatelů, Veleslavínova 14, Brno – Královo Pole

At schools Peter Otieno will talk to children about the situation in developing countries and interactive workshops will give the children insight to African culture, its traditions, music or everyday life. From the rich plan we are choosing following meetings, if you are interested, we will send you more details including contacts.

6.3.2012 ZŠ Pouchov – a project day with a discussion and a workshop

8.3.2012 ZŠ Kladno – a project day with a discussion and a workshop

12.3.2012 ZŠ Dolní Rožínka – a discussion with video

19.3.2012 ZŠ Jihlava – a discussion with workshops

21.3.2012 ZŠ Obecnice – a discussion with workshops

23.3.2012 ZŠ Radonice – a discussion with video

Centre Narovinu is a civic organisation founded in 1995. The main focus of the centre are currently projects of foreign developing cooperation, global developing education and development of voluntary work in developing cooperation.

It is a member of Czech Forum for developing cooperation (FORS) and cooperates in a campaign Czech against poverty.

Developing projects in African Kenya are organised since 2000.

All projects are dealt with focus on long-term sustainability, support of self-suffiency, turn from a passive attitude to an active overtake of responsibility and usage of own possibilities.

Main projects of Centre Narovinu:

Project Africa by uncommon eyes– programmes at schools and for public in the Czech Republic. Currently it is included in Through Education towards a Universal Human Nation, which was organised with help of financial help of European Union.

The aim of the project is to deepen awareness of problems of life in developing countries and developing cooperation, to increase sensitivity to the issue of developing world and to strengthen support of public for foreign developing cooperation.


Adoption of African children – project of remote support
Shop Africa - "Fair Trade"
Courses „Volunteers for developing cooperation with Africa“
Developing projects: Community centre Island of Hope on Rusinga Island / Kenya
Developing projects: Water for Kauti / Kenya
Partnership between Czech and Kenyan schools


We started the distribution on Saturday 24. of september through to Sunday 25. of september.

The experience was very touching more so when I was talking directly to the families and they dint expect that we would provide them with such amount of food.

We targeted 119 families that we have in the distance adoption and another 20 families….this we did as we expected that since we are going in the villages we were very sure that there are those old people that would come even if they are not invited and to turn a way such people would have been not very good. So we prepared some smaller parks for such cases and we gave them to 20 families. Such families we gave the following

5kg of cooking oil.
4kg of rice
24kg of maize
24kg of beans.

For the families that we targeted who are in the distance adoption we gave the following:

90 kg of Maize
90kg of Beans
20kg of Rice
10kg of cooking oil.

For many families when I was talking to them these items will last them for an average of four months. All the regions that we target are from Eastern province of Kenya (Athi River, Kauti, Makueni and Mavoloni).

Here is one direct speech that I wrote down from the guardian of 41706 and 41707.

“As you see the tears on my face today, it is one of those few days that I have happened to shade tears of joy. I leave with five orphans, two from my son and three from my daughter both of whom are dead. Out of the five orphans two are HIV positive and one is epileptic. I have struggled with all these kids and they always give me a reason to wake up very early in the morning in search for food. For the last four days the four of us have spent without food….the little I got I gave to the two who are HIV positive so that they can have energy to take Drugs. The rest of us we would do with porridge. I can’t believe that today I have this much food. More so I can’t help to imagine that these foods have been donated by friends that maybe will never meet in life. May god bless them all”

We later established that the neighbors have been helping to feed the two kids who are HIV positive.

Well the same story of families going without food for two days or doing only with one meal per day was echoed by all the families.

I have attached some group photos that we took in different place. There was also video that elias was doing and I will send the tape.

If there are still more information needed let me know.

Big hug
Ken Okongo


Hi here is a taste of how the Kauti community felt after the good help they were extended by our friends  in Czech. This was wonderful since the area has food scarcity for we rely on rain for our crops to grow, and :many children go to school and fail to concetrate with the learning due to stomach being empty and also many opted to go look for cheap jobs such as sand harvesting in order to find food to eat,so through our esteem office in Nairobi and Czech the problem was solved  and teachers are happy now for no more sleeping and absconding of school by children since they able to eat at home and at school.

On behalf of Kauti community have pleasure and happy to say thanks for this kind help at this time of draught and famine, all area community were happy and praised the support to some extend some were shading tears of joy and happiness.

Josephat King´oo


After my return from Kenya, I would like to share my impressions and information from the situation which could be seen in TV news recently. As you probably know, some parts of Kenya have been affected by long lasting draught which has caused famine – hundreds of thousands of people suffer from lack of water and food.

Animals, which the tribes often totally depend on, have died, and the situation in the North has been worsened by a huge flow of refugees from Somalia, where the difficult famine situation is made worse due to war battles. Even though prices of food have risen in the whole country due to this situation and basic food has become three times more expensive since the beginning of the year, the situation has awaken a wave of solidarity, and a campaign „the Kenyans to the Kenyans“, where millions have been raised to quickly support the most affected regions by food, is in progress.

One week ago I managed to visit one of the most affected regions with „adopted children“ from our program, where we have been trying to support solving problematic approach to water – Kauti. Even though our project „Water for Kauti“ has been helping people from the closest neighbourhood and they at least have access to drinking water, it is not enough for farms irrigation and therefore does not enable to grow food in periods of draught. The government has started distributing food in these regions, however, its supply is very limited and it is not available for everybody.

Because we have about 120 children from these affected regions in our „distant adoption“ program, I would love to ask you for help in the form of a financial collection, which would enable buying basic food (a big sack of corn and beans) for each family of these 120 children, so that we would help them get over this difficult period. We need about 2500,- Kc for buying food which could last for 1 month to a six-members family.

If you could and would like to support this, we will be grateful for any amount – all we raise in this collection will be divided among families of „adopted children“ in these affected regions, and we will naturally give you all information. We would love to finish the collection by September, 9th, so that we could buy and hand over food in the middle of September.

I am thankful for any contribution and your cooperation and will to help

Yours sincerely
Dana Feminová
Centre Narovinu

Collection for food help to families of „adopted children“ in affected regions of Kenya
Term of the collection: 26.8. - 10.9.
 variable symbol: 999

Bank account:
Czech Republic: KB-Prague 5, account number 19-1460510217/0100
Slovakia: ČSOB-Zvolen, account number 4001055909/7500

The poor and helpless people in the fight against diseases on a Lake Victoria island are not alone with their health trouble any more. Medical centre opening on Rusinga Island has been the last project of Centre Narovinu Island of Hope.

Next to the school, nursery and orphanage, there has grown a clinic, which is trying to fight off inaccessibility to health care for local people. Bad access to health care on the island is both physical (real distance of hospitals or lack of public transport) and financial (health care is mainly financed by direct payments from patients). The ill are therefore brought to hospitals by their relatives in such late phase of their disease that even the maximum possible effort can not improve their health state. Centre Narovinu clinic started to operate in the spring of 2010 only with local medical staff. Thanks to the support of Medical and Social work University of St. Alžběta in Bratislava the team could be strengthened by two doctors from North Moravia, Zuzana Fajkusova and Marie Ticha.

What made you leave peaceful environment of local hospitals and set off to cure in Africa? What had you expected from Kenya?

Marie: Even during my studies I wanted to go somewhere where a doctor is needed more than in Europe. There is a huge disproportion between the number of doctors in Africa and Europe; for example, if there were the same density of doctors in Brno as in Kenya, there would be just about 50 of them there! This lack of doctors has troublesome effects in Africa, especially in the country. An African doctor was not possible to reach in Rusinga, even for more than a thousand Euros per month. For a local doctor to work out of a town the salary offer must be around two thousand Euros per month. In Nairobi, skilled doctors can make even higher money. So why to slog up to discomfort - with a low salary?

Zuzana: In comparison with Marie, Africa was not any news to me. I had experienced a three-month stay in a hospital in Ethiopia, and I also knew that the best was to have no expectations. In Africa, things are totally different and unpredictable, therefore we wanted - after my "hungry" experience in Ethiopia - be at least sure about eating. We brought forty kilos of food to Kenya, and I have to admit we did not feel sorry at all.

Do you remember your first impressions from the community centre Island of Hope and the clinic?

Zuzana: We were pleasantly surprised by the centre. Nice buildings with a neat lawn are not common in Kenya. Our clinic is definitely the most beautiful facility on the whole island. People looked nice from the beginning, but it was very difficult, sometimes impossible, to tell them apart. They all were dark skinned, short black haired and with white teeth ... to distinguish children from the orphanage took us two long months. You have to use such identifying signs like a nice smile, dimples, style of walking, etc.

Marie: At the clinic I was very nicely surprised by the laboratory. I had expected a microscope at maximum, but the number of diagnostic facilities and other equipment, which we could use, was amazing for local conditions.

What duties at the clinic did you have apart from the roles of doctors?

Marie: For several first weeks our main tasks were to observe local staff at work, to organize work at the clinic, to order medicaments, to manage the pharmacy and to subsequently reorganize the whole operation of the clinic. To initiate cooperation with local health facilities and governmental institutions, in the way to enable access to medicaments and health materials distributed for free by Kenyan government, was crucial. Primarily, this concerned antimalarics of the first choice (Coartem), special formulas for malnourished children, testing sets for HIV, etc. Despite initial bureaucratic obstacles we managed to ensure continuous supplying of our clinic by these medicaments. However, it mainly concerns future cooperation. For the time being, necessary material is paid through donations of development support SlovakAid, the same as salaries of local staff. Towards the future, the plan for the clinic is not to be dependant on financial support from Europe, which is why it is very necessary to form maximal cooperation with local offices, and to educate skilful local staff.

Zuzana: Our common work day started at about 8 a.m. Ideally, a receptionist had already started to register coming patients. Registration hours officially finished by 3 p.m., but it took a lot of work to explain patients, that it was more advantageous to visit the clinic in the morning. We lost about three months due to a communication mistake, because we found out that a day in Kenya starts at 6 a.m., which is the 0 hour. When we emphasised to patients to come at 8 o'clock, they actually understood at 2 p.m... and finally they came at 4 p.m. Daily, we treated about 30 patients. Their number depended mainly on weather - it is very difficult to reach the clinic in the rain. In a nice weather, which was usual, working hours used to prolong up to late afternoon. In the evening and at night our work shifted with local staff consisting of one clinical officer (sort of a more educated European nurse) and from one to two nurses. Similarly, we shifted also our weekend duties, so that somebody was permanently at disposal.

Did you ever have to improvise while treating your patients due to lack of medical supplies or unknowingness of local disease?

Zuzana: While treating patients we had to improvise almost always. Especially bandage which is used in our country is very expensive and not available in Africa at all. We had a lot of syringes, needles, infusion sets and protective gloves; however, their quality was incomparable with the ones used in Europe. There were enough medicaments there, and we practically had all we needed. The situation concerning medicaments is rather opposite in Kenya. In a shop you can buy any medicament without a prescription, and use it as you wish. It may result firstly in damaging a patient (pregnant woman, not suitable dosing, late coming to the doctors), and secondly, conditions for loosing sensitivity of microbes towards given medicaments are build.

Marie: Furthermore, sometimes you are wrongly advised while buying medicaments in a pharmacy, which can lead to troublesome consequences for the ill person. Neither us were all-powerful. The clinic operated only as ambulance at the beginning, and we were the first contact doctors. Usually, people suffered from headache, fever, diarrhoea, or something... mostly, it was because of malaria, typhus, amoeba ... sometimes stories of our patients were more interesting: "I have felt pain in right hypochondrium for fifteen years ...", "I have been coughing for five years..". And then, God knows. These extraordinary cases luckily appeared in the first wave of new coming patients. Then they ceased.

Doctors in Europe complain that people are not afraid of getting infected by HIV any more. For many Europeans, this has been a refrain. Is it similar on Rusinga Island?

Zuzana: Several years ago, AIDS was still a big taboo. It was considered shameful to go for testing, to admit positivity. Even now, locals approach AIDS somehow inconsistently. On one hand this theme seems to appear on daily basis. Everywhere, you can see billboards with condom advertisement, and there are many places to have a free check-up. However, their capacity is far from being fully used by public. Why? Many still do not admit that AIDS issue could concern them personally. On the other hand we have seen many cases of young people, actually children, who got infected through sexual contact. The number of newly infected people is still growing. To start with education about AIDS is definitely important already at primary school children, including lower classes. When kids reach eleven, prevention may come too late. Personally, I consider lectures and discussions at schools the most effective. Only through this way a new generation can be educated, who will approach the issue of AIDS actively and responsibly. For reducing AIDS spread it is also essential to search for newly infected cases and give them throughout treatment. We organized so called "HIV camp", where medical staff tested children and parents in the school complex. Several positive children were detected, who might have now higher chances to spend their childhood as children.

Marie: It is really very hard to fight against AIDS in a place, where men offer paid sex to class-five girls, and where girls get married and become mothers in the age of thirteen, without even trying to finish their primary education. Furthermore, sex functions as a means of payment in local fishermen's community. However, we cannot stop fighting, because the chance to change all this is still here.

Are there any kinds of specific diseases in Rusinga? It is no secret that Victoria Lake water is permanently contaminated.

Zuzana: On the island of Rusinga and in the whole Nyanza province there is the greatest occurrence of HIV in the whole Kenya; according to WHO, it reaches up to 24%, which means that almost every fourth person is infected. Concerning other diseases, Lake Victoria coast is characterized by year-long occurrence of malaria, which belongs to the most frequent reasons of death in Kenya. Quite frequent, but mostly not recognized, are infections by schistosomani - parasites living in the lake. Rate of infection is high, but imperfect diagnostics does not enable to identify all cases and treat them. Also occurrence of tuberculosis is high on the island, especially in combination with AIDS. The same as in the whole Kenya, intestinal diseases caused by amoebas and other parasites are frequent on the island.

Marie: Fortunately, local people, for whom the lake is the only source of water, have learnt to use water purifying tablets or boiled water. Even here, enlightenment has worked and the situation is improving.

What is the main difference between understanding health care at ours and in Kenya? What in this context seems the facility of Island of Hope like?

Zuzana: The biggest difference between the Czechs and Kenyans might be the view on health-care as a whole, and its role in the society. In Kenya, quite commercial view on people's health is common: you have money = you have the right to be treated = you have the right to live and vice versa. Finally we found common way concerning even registration fee at the clinic. A socially favourable system was introduced, when patients pay a certain sum while coming to the clinic (equal to about 30 - 40 Czech Crowns) and they are given the highest care and treatment. Because of the fact that in Kenya public insurance is unaffordable for majority of people, patients in state facilities always pay for any treatment, giving medicament, health material and medicine one by one, which may result in a very high sum after a few days of hospitalisation. Because patients do not know in advance how much the treatment will finally cost and if they can afford it, they often decide not to go to hospital at all.

Marie: Operation of this centre is based on cooperation - the Whites - the Blacks. All what has been built came up from Africans. They know best what they lack and need. Europeans only helped them to fulfil their dream. I can see the main difference in our trying to implement "European" factors here. Children learn to be punctual at school, to take responsibility for themselves, their lives, they learn to decide in the right way, to cook, to tidy up. They learn to succeed in the real life. In the health centre the following principle is valid: Help people without regarding whether they have money for it or not.

MUDr. Marie Ticha: Was born in Opava in 1983. She studied Faculty of Medicine of the Palacky University in Olomouc. Currently she has worked at the department of hematooncology in Brno for three years.

MUDr. Zuzana Fajkusova: Was born in Krnov in 1985. She studied Faculty of Medicine of the Palacky University in Olomouc. Currently she works as a doctor at the department of infectious diseases in Silesian hospital in Opava.


ROXY, Dlouhá 33, Praha 1 (from 7 p.m.). Performing BENGAS, Ekvator, Jahtec Jammin' Job, BATOC... dancing performance, photo and African handwork exhibition, projection...

Let us warmly invite you for a „Small African Conference“, which takes place on Friday, September 9th and Saturday, Sept. 10th in Jihlava ZOO and Na Kopečku Theatre.

Lecture meeting of travellers, photographs, zoologists and Africa lovers will be joined by interesting accompanying program in the form of amusing African workshops for the small and the big. You can look forward to African masks painting, drumming or African style dressing. Additional information can be found in the invitation.

Best regards and wishes of pleasant „Indian summer“

Centre Narovinu

Sales exhibitions are taking place in cafes Pitomá kavárna in Smíchov and Vesmírna in Prague 1.

From May, 14th photo sales exhibition from Kenyan slums environment Cafe Pitomá kavárna, Preslova 3, Prague 5 - Smíchov.

From July, 10th photo sales exhibition from the life of Kenyan kids Cafe Vesmírna, Ve Smečkách 5, Prague 1

June, 20 7 p.m. Africa through uncommon eyes – discussion with projection with Veronika Matoušová

» pozvanka_20110620_pitoma_kavarna.pdf



Rachel Okoko, one of our Kenyan colleagues, will soon visit Czech and Slovak Republic within the project „Africa through uncommon eyes“, whose main sense is not only to inform children and the young about situation of children in Africa, but also prevention of racism and xenophobia in our society.

For a long time Rachel has dedicated her time to work with children from the poorest social class, and works as one of coordinators of the Distant adoption project.

Within this occasion many lectures, presentations and workshops will take place at Czech and Slovak schools, and also several meetings for wider public, which we would like to invite you for:

May, 31, 2011, Brno: Karibuni Kenya – meeting not only for adoptive parents
(www.adopceafrika.cz, www.klubcestovatelu.cz)
June, 2, 2011, Prague: Karibuni Kenya – meeting not only for adoptive parents
June, 12, 2011, Ostrava: Football for development
(www.adopceafrika.cz, www.fotbalprorozvoj.org)
- detailed information can be found in enclosed invitation, or on given web-pages
Next meeting will take place in Slovakia – more detailed information will be published soon on our web www.adopceafrika.cz

June, 10 – 6:30 p.m. – meeting with adoptive parents connected with Rusinga Island project presentation, meeting room Ford, Centre Zlaté piesky, na Tuhovskej 9, Bratislava.



We would love to offer you a possibility to participate in a seminar for volunteers – apart from the classical „two-part“ evening seminar its weekend version has been prepared, which could be more accessible for those who are interested and do not live in Prague.

EVENING SEMINAR (course of 2 following evenings) will take place in April, 20 and 21, 2011 5p.m.-9p.m., Centre of Non-profit activities (Tyršova 1, 120 00 Prague 2).

WEEKEND SEMINAR will take place in May, 28 from 10a.m. to May, 29 4p.m., Club Lávka Chocerady (www.lavkachocerady.cz)
- price about 700Kč (full board, accommodation), registration and reservation is necessary by April, 30, 2011
More detailed info including contact can be found in the invitation