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10th annual meeting devoted to Africa, ZOO Jihlava
We invite you to Zoo Jihlava for a meeting with Africa. On Sunday, August 30 th, from 11:45 to 12:45 We enrich the program by a lecture on “Woman and Africa”, where we will share with you our experiences from Kenya. There will be prepared workshops for kids throughout the day with African culture; for adults some quizzes and you will traditionally have a chance to buy Kenyan products from our Fair trade. 

Jihlava Zoo helps as well during whole summer holidays with a collection of books in English which can be also left at the ticket office of Jihlava Zoo up to August 30th.

For more information please visit Jihlava ZOO web.

We are looking forward to meeting you.

Come and see our unique and interesting „guide“, Pimprle the Punch, who was created for our traveller by children from Czech schools abroad and in the Czech Republic. The exhibition, held at the Museum of Puppets in Pilsen, will run from July 7, 2015 to August 31, 2015. (September and October on request!)

During 2014 and 2015 more than 30 schools all around the world joined the programme and also some schools in the Czech Republic started to participate. Punch eventually came also to our school „the Island of Hope“ on Rusinga Island in Kenya. More in the photo gallery…


Dvur Kralove Zoo

Visit us at Africa Live Festival, where we are going to have our promotional stand on Saturday, July 25th. You will have an option to buy products from Kenya from our Fair trade. For children we have prepared workshops with African culture.

Workshop “Dressing of African clothes and Life in Africa” – Kids will learn about the ways of dressing in Kenya, they will try typical African clothes, carrying things on the head and tying babies.

There will also be a workshop “Production of beads” – Beautiful colorful jewelry belongs to African culture. Children can try to produce beads for a necklace or a bracelet made of paper.

And for those who like painting, will be certainly attracted by workshop “Drawing mandalas – decorating clothes of African women” – Africa is full of colors and patterns. From mandalas that children draw, we will decorate clothes of African women.

There will be other possibilities for drawing as well – drawing on further an African picture, painting animals, map of Africa or painting masks.

For more information and a detailed program of the festival please visit this link.

We are looking forward to meet you there.

To whom the Club of Friends of adoption has helped in the second trimester of 2015?
Interview with Ken Okongo – Director of Narovinu Centre in Kenya, at the occasion of his visit in the Czech Republic
Medical cover through the eyes of its founder in Kenya
Meeting of Czech and Kenyan coordinators
Two teachers from Kenya visited a parter school in Dačice

Bulletin – June 2015 (printed version for download)
» Other Bulletins

CENTRUM NAROVINU NGO Kenya publishes Call for tenders for the "Supply of the building material for the construction of the first part of the Boarding High School on Rusinga Island in western Kenya".

CENTRUM NAROVINU NGO publishes Call for tenders for "Execution of the construction works of the first part of the Boarding High School on Rusinga Island in western Kenya".

A container will be sent to Kenya in July – so you can still support our newly built library at the Island of Hope at the Rusinga Island in Kenya by donating books.  We collect books in English for children and adults. You can bring your books to the Narovinu Centre at Sokolská 32, Praha 2, subway station I.P. Pavlova, from Monday till Friday 9:00 -17:00 or you can agree on other time as well.  Books can be brought as well to our Narovinu Africa Fest on June 19-20 held at the international school Park Lane, Valdštejnská 151, Praha 1, subway station Malostranská. Thank you in advance for your support and help.


As a part of the Narovinu 20 th birthday  celebration  we are organizing  a birthday beneficent raffle that will take place at the Africa Fest  during Friday  and Saturday - June 19- 20. You can contribute with a present – there are no limitations for your imagination, it´s all up to you what you donate – a flower, a bottle, chocolate, marmalade, hand-made thing, small gift for luck... The draw will be run each day – on Friday at 9 pm and on Saturday at 6:30 pm.  You can start looking forward to a great-value gifts as well as small gifts for luck. The proceeds will support the children of The Island of Hope at Rusinga Island in Kenya.  Looking forward to meeting you! Your Narovinu Centre.

Narovinu Africa Fest
Exhibitions: Centrum Narovinu: Karibuni Kenya – Africa through unusual eyes, NaZemi: Supermarket SVĚT

Friday 19.6.2015

Stage program

13.00 Zdeněk Vřešťál / Folk
14.00 3Gentlemen / Musical songs
15.00 Miloš Vacík drumming workshop and TAM TAM BATUCADA
16.00 Theatre Lantern Kladno – Little dog and little cat
18.00 Voice workshop Hanka Říhavá / I seek inspiration in african songs, czech folk songs, blues, jazz...
19.00 Zuzka Janiššová / Various genres
20.00 Artmosphere / Borderline of rock and pop with art-rock elements
20.30 Beatrice Dossah (Ghana)
21.00 Lottery draw of birthday charity raffle.
21.30 Monika Vaverová and Firelovers band / fire show

Program of workshops and discussions

12 – 15 Workshops with development theme for children
17.00 Discussion: Fair trade – how does it work and what what experience we have?

  • Jiří Silný – principal of Ekumenic academy
  • Jiří Hejkrlík – Czech university in Prague, chairman of Fairtrade Czech Republic and Slovakia organisation
  • Beatrice Dossah (Ghana) – founder of organisation "Hipsters of Nature", singer and environmental activist.
  • Monica Gyan (Ghana) – founder of fiartrade cooperative in western region of Ghana, cooperative is a part of Kuapa Kokoo, which is one of the biggest cooperatives that grow cocoa.

19.00 Discussion: What are the impacts of Distant adoption of African children?

  • Kennedy Okongo – co-founder and CEO of Centre Narovinu in Kenya
  • Lenka Čapková – head of administration for project Distant adoption of African children, Centre Narovinu
  • Táňa Bednářová – founder and CEO of Wontanara
  • Josef Fukan – adoptive parent of African child from Guinea and expert on development cooperation

Saturday 20.6.2015

Stage program

13.00 Lucka Mrňáková and pianist Lukáš Lázňovský / Musical aria
14.00 Lucie Černíková / Musical and swing melodies
15.00 Infinitas
16.00 TiDiTaDe / performance and workshop
17.30 ŘEKY project – Antonie Nyass and Luhawa Goldin from Yellow Sisters
18.30 Lottery draw of birthday charity raffle
19.00 Lucie Zhory / oriental dance and folk singing
19.30 Jitka Zelenková
20.30 Lucie Zhory / dance with fire
Karamelky will complete the Saturday program with short dance performances.

Program of workshops and discussions

13.00 Authentic African jewel, lecture and presentation of PhDr. Marie Imbrová, www.imbrova.cz
Marie Imbrová has been collecting authentic African jewels in Sub-Saharan African for 18 years – she will tell the listeners about basic characteristic of an African jewel in her presentation, used materials, its quality and factors which determine its price.

15.00 Projection of film B'ella (Malawi, 2014, 106 minutes) and discussion with Tereza Mirovičová from organisation boNGO Worldwide.
B'ella is a 17 year old girl living with her family in Chazunda – suburban district of Blantyre city in Malawi. Just like the rest of the girls her age she's dealing with problems with her schoolmates, her first love and her own future. The director shot the film in improvised conditions and with mostly non-professional actors, whose direct performance gives the film huge freshness.

17.00 Discussion: Situation with health care in Keyna and how to help efectively?
MUDr. Maria Langová and MUDr. Zuzana Fajkusová – doctors with long-term experience from various African countries and coordinators of healthcare Clinic in Kenya – Rusinga Island.

19.00 Discussion: Projects that helps. How to recognise good, sustainable and meaningful development project? Characteristics of successful projects.

  • Tomáš Tožička – technician, theologian and an expert on development issues, coordinator of development projects of Educon and campaign The Czech Republic against poverty.
  • Kennedy Okongo – co-founder and CEO of Centre Narovinu in Kenya
  • Dana Feminová – founder and CEO of Centre Narovinu, coordinator of project "Island of Hope" at Rusinga Island in Kenya.



Dear adoptive parents,

we would like to invite You to three unique meetings with Mr. Ken Okongo – the president of our Kenyan office, who was one of the  founders of Centre Narovinu in Kenya and also two other key projects: Adoption of African children and project of distance help and Hope Island at Rusinga Island in Kenya.

Come meet the person who knows many of the children from Adoption programs and who will share with you not only their stories but also stories about life in Kenya and everything you would find interesting.

9.6.2015 at 6:00 PM, BRNO – KLUB CESTOVATELŮ

Klub cestovatelů, Veleslavínova 14 (15 metres from Jungmannova stop), Brno - Královo Pole

10.6.2015 at 6:00 PM, BRATISLAVA – CAFE LUXOR

Cafe Luxor at passage Luxor, Gröslingova 5, 81102 Bratislava - Stare Mesto

19.6. and 20.6.2015 PRAGUE – NAROVINU AFRICA FEST

Park Lane, Valdštejnská 151, Praha 1 – metro Malostranská

Ken Okongo will attend discussions where -- with other experts -- will discuss: "What is the outcome of distance adoption?" and "Projects which help. How to spot a good - maintainable and meaningful project. Characteristics of successful projects." Ken will be present during the entire festival and will gladly answer all Your questions.

More detailed festival schedule will soon be posted on our website.

We are looking forward to meeting You and wish you a good week,
Centre Narovinu.


Ken Okongo is coming to the Czech republic on Thursday 21 st May. He was one of the founders of Centre Narovinu in Kenya and also of two other key projects of Distance adoption of children – the project of the Distance help and the Naděje Island at Rusinga Island in Kenya.

During his monthly visit to the Czech Republic he is going to visit several schools which are involved to the program of Distance adoption or the Partnership between schools and he will attend public meetings.

He is also going to the conference and celebration of 20 th birthday of Centre Narovinu within multicultural Narovinu Africa festival which will be held on Friday 19 th June and on Saturday 20 th May in Prague.

Thursday 21 st May at 13:25 o'clock – a greeting and introduction of the program of Ken Okongo in Europe... the airport of Václav Havel in Ruzyně – terminal 1

Health insurance is important for everybody and Kenya is no exception. Health care is expensive, not only special care/treatments but simply just a visit to GP. Families which are part of the program „Child sponsoring” come from very poor background and because they are scared of the financial debt, it is common for them not to visit a doctor even in serious cases.

Thanks to health insurance the approach of the families towards health care is changing and we are very happy to confirm that also this year (7th year in a row) we can provide the opportunity to support sponsored children also with health care. We are happy to see that health insurance really  helps  and that even serious cases end with happy ending. Below is one of the examples:

Swamida Achieng (ID 50836) attends 3rd year at the high school. She comes from a family of 6. She has 3 brothers, her mother is a housewife and her father is a tailor. Her father earnings are little from which he must support rather large family. They live in slum in Nairobi. The girl has suddenly started to experience chest and stomache ache. Because she is part of the program which provides health insurance for her, she went to the hospital „ Coptic „ in Nairobi and got a medicine. Unfortunately the medicine did not work and her condition got worse.

Therefore she has been admited to the hospital where she has undertaken various medial examinations including examination of lungs and heart. But unfortunately her condition has continued to get worse, she started to vomit, had a very low blood pressure and had to get blood transfusion. She undertaken specialized examination – colonoscopy - which confirmed that she has tuberculosis. She has been given immediate treatment to which she responded positively. Swamida was hospitalized for 3 weeks. Now she is almost fully recovered and back at school despite she will need to take medicine for next 6 months.

Without timely medical care such acute condition could have led to death. The treatment costed 285,656 Ksh. Even though the health insurance covers the expenses only till 200.000 Ksh, they covered at the end all because the family could relly not cover the differnece given their poor financial situation. 

If you want to insure „ your sponsored child „ for another period – from June 2015 till May 2016:

1) Payment no later than May 24th, 2015 – of 1.500 CZK (or Eur 60 for parents from Slovakia or those paying in Eur)

2) Bank account: 19-1460510217/0100 (or 4001055909/7500 – IBAN: SK13 7500 0000 0040 0105 5909 for parents from Slovakia or those paying in Eur)

3) Variable symbol: 6 + the code of your sponsored child (i.e. 641023). If your Variable symbol will not start with number 6, it will not be possible to differentiate this payment from the payment for the school and your child will be without the health insurance.

For detailed information about the health insurance and links to other children cases, please visit our web pages or see our email attachement sent to all sponsored familes on April 20th, 2015.

We are looking forward to that our collaboration is to bring more of such happy ending like in case of Swamida.

Lenka Čapková


We have been realising educational programmes for schools focused on developing and global education since 2003. We offer extensive possibilities of engagement and cooperation to schools. Schools organise project days with African theme based on available methodical material. They are involved in The Program of Adoptions of African children – the project of distance support or Partnership between schools.

We really appreciate the great interest and creativity which teachers and pupils put in all projects. We bring you experience from some of them.

The Partner program between Czech and Kenyan schools – Primary school Dačice

The cooperation with a partner school brings us nothing but positive. Children learn through the letters and pictures plenty of information about the life in Kenya, about their education and about their dreams and aims. We use The Partner program in Czech language lessons, English lessons, homeland studies, natural history and art education. Children make simple tools and worksheets for mathematics, English and art education. We also like to make a picture collage with easy English text for our partner school where we demonstrate to Kenyan pupils our culture, habits and traditions.
Yours sincerely Eva Krobůčková, Primary school Dačice

Fair for our adopted child Muthinu Munywoki from Kenya

Like every year also this year our school crafted different Easter decorations that we sold afterwards in order to make money for our adopted child Muthinu Munywoki from Kenya.

On Thursday (April 2nd) we had our stand on the square in Kladruby and on Sunday (April 5th) we moved it to the courtyard of the local monastery, where the Easter fair took place. Our offer consisted of a lot of different Easter products such as „pomlázky“ (braided whips of pussy willow twigs- typical for traditional Czech Easter celebrations), Easter garlands, decorated corn sprouts, different chicken and rabbit decorations…

Despite the cold weather, which was more Christmassy than Easter, many customers visited our stand. During those two days, we were able to make more than half of the money needed to support our adopted child for another year.
Primary school Kladruby

Lecture in Havířov and project Distant adoption

9th March 2015 - Our school library organised a very interesting lecture about children's life in Africa in relation with Child Sponsorship within The Month of a Book.

Students from the first grades who heard out their lecturer Mrs. Vlasta Pauke Dobešová with interest attended the event. She interleaved exhibit from a life in Africa with her own experience from visit to Kenya and she got them acquainted with the activity of the public benefit company called Cetre Narovinu.

Six years ago our students and employees of The Secondary School of Kpt. Jasioka in Havířov-Prostřední Suché spontaneously decided to adopt an African girl Clementine Oyugi and to regularly help her in her efforts to graduate school. Clementine studies at a secondary school now. Students from some classes write her letters, make their own gifts. For all involved we are sending books in English, photographs from the life of our school, writing accessories and small items, which bring the life in our country to Kenya closer.

A part of the work of our school library is also to lead our readers to interest in children in need, regardless of where they live in the world. Students were surprised to found out, that not everywhere in the world it is common that children go to school and how much effort some of them have to make to get to school.

Majority of the students came across with this issue for the first time and it was obvious that they are interested in it. We believe that our Clementine will be a good student and exploid everything, what they will teach her in an African school. We also wish to volunteers of Centre Narovinu a lot of strenght and pleasure in improving life conditions of children from far Kenya.
J.Moldříková – the school librarian


Czech family supported education of Mathew Wamai from Kenya supported Kenyan family with business too. Kenyan family bought a big cow that is already producing milk.

Currently they are getting 14 liters of milk per day and they already have a nearby school that is buying 10 liters from them everyday and then 3 liters they are selling to the company. So it means that they are making an average of kshs 490 per day. They expect that they will get around 20 liters per day soon. From the money they build also a cow shed and feeds store. The family is very happy with this support and they are optimistic that it will go a long way to change their lives. Thank you.


In January and February, many people leave for holidays in equatorial Africa to enjoy the season of warmth and drought, to rest on the beaches, to challenge themselves by climbing up Mount Kilimanjaro, or to enjoy the adventures close to the wild animals on Safari. I had the opportunity to experience Kenya a bit differently. Together with other enthusiasts, I joined Dana Feminová on her regular work travel for Center Narovinu.

Since I have been working for Center Narovinu for many years now as a volunteer and a coordinator of the Adoption of African children project, I have gotten to know the history of this generally beneficial organization and its projects quite well. I have seen many photos of the construction of the community centre Island of Hope on Rusinga Island by the Lake Victoria and it has been a big dream of mine to visit it one day. And now this dream has come true. I was very pleased with what I saw and experienced. Since 2005, when the project was launched, an orphanage for almost 80 children, a kindergarten, an elementary school, an educational centre, and a clinic have been built there. All the buildings are equipped with solar panels which are used for water heating and obtaining electricity. The water is drawn from the Lake Victoria and it is processed and distributed all over the premises.

Currently, the centre is in the process of buying another estate that will be used for building a boarding school for 60 students- a project supported by the Slovakian government. Thanks to the sponsor, who has also financed the building of a sports ground for the children, the construction of a library and a computer lab are also being finished. Besides the ongoing construction of the new buildings, the focus has been shifted towards the general sustainability and economic self-sufficiency of the community centre and its improvement through the development of farming.  Currently, the centre is planning to start breeding fish in cages right in the Lake Victoria and to establish a workshop for making objects from soapstone which is mined in Kenya.

I was pleasantly surprised by the activity of the local community and their involvement in the life of the centre. To some extent it is caused by the fact that the schools aren´t attended only by the orphans who live here, but also by almost 300 children from the surrounding areas. During our stay, we visited a few more places where people, inspired by Island of Hope, try to actively approach and deal with the problems of their communities. New kindergartens, schools, and orphanages are being established and Center Narovinu cooperates with them through the Project of partnership between Czech and Kenyan schools.

One of my strongest experiences in Kenya was the visit of children living in Maragoli town- children, that me and my family have been supporting for quite a few years now. On our way to see them, we also attended a few meetings concerning the possible expansion of the farming activities at the community centre. That´s why we didn´t get to Maragoli until the afternoon. There we picked up the Kenyan coordinator Mary who took us to an all boys boarding school, which is attended by one of our adopted kids, 16-year-old boy Hillary. We were able to catch him during his PE class. He showed us the library with English and French books and a well-equipped computer lab. Hillary seemed to be really happy with his life at the boarding school; his satisfaction was obvious.

Unfortunately, we didn´t have time to see the whole school, because we also wanted to visit the second adopted child, a 10-year-old girl Faith, Hillary´s sister. She is living with her sister and grandparents in Mbale, suburban part of Maragoli, in a typical clay house with a metal roof. Behind their house, they have chickens and a little field with banana trees. After their father died, their mother left them, and they have been looked after by their grandparents ever since. It really moved me, when the grandmother thanked me for giving her grandchildren a chance at a better life. It reassured me of doing the right thing. I am happy, that Center Narovinu has been able to find so many adoptive parents, who together with other co-workers and sponsors donate their financial means, time, and energy in order to positively influence the lives of people from the poorest parts of Africa. I believe, that the number of enthusiasts, wanting to support the beneficial work of this organization, will keep increasing.

Finally, I have one big favour to ask the adoptive parents. Please, write letters to your children. It´s often difficult to find time; some of you are not confident enough about your English. But believe me, it´s beautiful to see the happy faces of the adoptive children, when they receive a couple of nice sentences, photos of their adoptive parents, or a small present. And when the luckier ones share their candy with the rest of the children, and they let them see their letter, and laugh together about the photos, one cannot overlook the sadness in the eyes of those, who have never received anything from their sponsor.

Helena Havlišová


9.5. 2015, 17:00 – 18:30, Kutná Hora
Cafe Na Kozím plácku (Dačického náměstí 10, 284 01 Kutná Hora, www.koziplacek.cz)

11.5. 2015, 17:00 – 18:30, Ostrava
Restaurant Credo (Pavlovova 1351/44, Ostrava-Zábřeh, tram stop Rodimcevova or Zábřeh vodárna, restaurace-pizzerie-kavarna.com/restaurace_credo)

Tuesday 5. 5. at 18:00.
Café V lese – Krymská 12, Prague 10 – Vršovice.

Two Kenyan teachers Kevin Okinyi Onyango and Vincent Onyango Rowa work with children at primary school Island of Hope on Rusinga Island. The projects has been running since 2003 and works well also thanks to Czech and Slovak sponsors, who support the children in the project Adoption of African children – project of help for distance.

What is their experience with introducing innovative teaching methods? What are the reactions of children, parents and community? Did the school and children succeed in countrywide evaluation? They also bring specific information to adoptive parents who support children on Rusinga Island. Come and meet the teachers who teach „your“ children in Kenya.


Dear Parents, Colleagues and Partners,

I am delighted to inform you that three staff teams from Park Lane International School and one from Nessie English Preschool will be participating in the relay event at the Prague Marathon on Sunday 3rd May with the principal aim of raising funds for (and awareness of) Centrum Narovinu’s splendid work on behalf of the impoverished children and orphans of Rusinga Island (i.e. the ‘Island of Hope’) in Kenya.

Since Kenya is so famous for the great success of its long distance runners, our staff thought that the Prague Marathon would provide an ideal opportunity to develop and showcase our schools’ ongoing commitment to Centrum Narovinu. In this respect, please note that all funds raised by our runners will be channelled into the educational projects on the Island of Hope – specifically the further development of the primary school and the establishment of a secondary section from September 2016.

If you would like to support our runners’ fundraising efforts, kindly place your donations in our “Marathon–money box” in our School Offices or send it to the bank account no. 2107914717 / 2700.

Donations of any size will be gratefully received!

Many thanks for your support and kind consideration.

Yours faithfully,
Paul Ingarfield
Park Lane International School

The 16th trade fair of the non-profit organizations – the NGO Market 2015 will soon take place and we look forward to meeting you at our stall.

We will prepare African workshops for children at the childcare area, you will be able to buy small presents from Kenya or  to join us  at our projection and talk show about the community centre at the Island of Hope at Rusinga Island in  Kenya.

The fair will take place on April 23, 2015 from 11:00-18:00 at the Karlin Forum in Prague.
More information and the program can be found at: www.forum2000.cz | www.ngomarket.cz | www.facebook.com/ngomarket

Two Kenyan  teachers – Kevin Okinyi Onyango and Vincent Onyango Rowa work at primary school of the Island of Hope at Rusinga Island in Kenya. Island of Hope is a project of Narovinu Centre and most of the children are orphans coming from very poor families.

The project has been  running successfully since 2003 also thanks to numerous Czech and Slovak sponzors, that support local kids via various programs, e.g. the program of Adoptions of African Children –  the project of remote support.

The two teachers have been invited to the Czech Republic by their partnership school Park Lane, that offered them consultation, possibility to new gain experience by teaching  at the Prague international school and participation at an international teachers´ training, which is organized each year for their staff.

They will also be able to visit other schools that are active in the program of Partnership between Czech and Kenyan  schools and will have the opportunity to meet students and the general public and to discuss various topics, not only the Kenyan school system.

Saturday 18.4. at 11:05 – first impression and welcome of Kevin a Vincent in Europe...
Václav Havel Airport – Ruzyně

Thursday 23.4. at 11:15 – discussion as part of the presentation of the Island of Hope project at the NGO market, the non-profit organizations trade fair at Prague, Forum Karlín, Pernerova 51, Prague 8  (metro station Křižíkova).

An exhibition of documentary photoes that were taken by the volunteers working for Centre Narovinu during their trips to Kenya.  The photoes show the development projects and life in the poorest areas and villages.

Address: Kino Miloše Formana, Jeníkovská 138,286 01  Čáslav, www.kinocaslav.cz/vystavy.xhtml

On Wednesday 18th March 2015 the Nairobi office held the career guidance seminar for students from our program who finished last year a high school and live in Nairobi and its environs. There were 91 people. Students were informed about further studies possibilities and future careers.

They got practical advice regarding examination body, college fees etc. Interactively discussed were topics such as communication skills, how to build networks via social media, being responsible individuals, developing right attitude in life, time management, making right choices and priorities in life.

The final evaluation of the seminar was very positive, everybody really enjoyed it and found it useful.



During May – June 2005 Ester Starman shot many pictures in African Kenya. She donated those photoes to Centre Naroviny and it´s needs and in her pictures she captured mainly portraits of children from the poorest areas – slums, villages and Centre Narovinu projects.

Domov Sue Ryder Gallery (in Prague)

Are you interested in meeting new people and cultures and give something from your skills and free time for something reasonable? Are you interested in joining the projects of developing cooperation and education focused of Africa?

Saturday 14.3. 10 - 18, Centrum Narovinu, Sokolská 32, Praha 2, metro I.P. Pavlova

The seminars allow the participants to get to know all necessary about problems and work in projects of developing cooperation, stress on permanent sustainability and active approach at work with local communities, sensitive attitude to cultural differences, respect to heterogeneity. They will get to know work of coordinator of the project „Adoption of African children“, developing awareness and education at Czech schools as well as community centre „Island of Hope“ on Rusinga Island in Kenya.

After the seminar the participants can take an active part in the projects of Centre Narovinu in CR. We are looking for responsible coordinators for the project „Adoption of African Children“, project „Island of Hope in Kenya“, volunteers for exhibitions and promotion of the projects, helpers for making videos and presentations, graphics, administrative help, specialists in promotion on the Internet...

The leader of the course is Dana Feminová – the founder and chairwoman of Centre Narovinu, organizing projects in Kenya and CR over a long period, for instance the project „Adoption of African Children – project of help for distance“ and „Island of Hope“.

Information and registration: dana.feminova@adopceafrika.cz, mobile: 777 711 911

Have you missed the first talk with Hellen, a student from Kenya who is visiting the Czech Republic for a month? Then come and meet her on the 12th of March at 19:30 at JABOK school where she will be having a discussion with the students.

Club Vzducholoď, JABOK, Salmovská 1538/8, Prague 2

Besides the meeting with Hellen, there is going to be a projection and a discussion about life in Kenya and also the development projects of Center Narovinu.

Humanistické centrum NAROVINU o. z. publishes Call for tenders for the "Project documentation to build the Boarding High School on Rusinga Island in western Kenya".

My (our) story with Eunice
The Club of Friends of Adoption is helping children in Kenya with their education even in the first trimester of 2015
The News from Hope Island A classroom with library is under construction.
The Club of Friends of Island of Hope
SlovakAid supported another project of Community centre on Rusinga Island
Partnership between Czech and Kenyan schools
The Project Day – „The country We live in – My School“
School Engagement in international developing programs
Once again you can present medical insurance to children!

Thursday, 19.2. at 8.50am – first impressions and a welcome to Europe..
Vaclav Havel International Airport, Prague

Thursday, 26.2. at 11am – Press Conference with Hellen and her adoptive parents
6pm – Meeting with Hellen followed by a projection and talks not only about life in Kenya, but also about development projects of Centre Narovinu
I Love Mama restaurant, Lublanska 11, Prague 2

More information in attached message.

We are pleased to invite you to our traveling exhibition of documentary photographs which is held by The Youth Information Centre in cooperation with The Civic Association Centre Narovinu. The aim of this exhibition is to inform general public about the situation in Africa and the projects carried out by Centre Narovinu. The photos presented during these exhibitions were taken by Centre Narovinu volunteers during their visits to the region. They depict various development projects as well as day-to-day life at the poorest villages and slums.

The exhibition can be visited from February 4 until March 15 on the premises of DDM HMP (entrance area and lobby) weekdays between 8am and 10pm. Free of charge.

Karlínské spektrum, Karlínské nám. 7, Praha 8 – Karlín

Our coordinator, Ilona Musilova, captured what is typical of Kenya – its children and fauna. The opening will take place on Friday, February 6, at 5pm, in the aula of Řečkovice and Mokrá Hora townhall. The exhibition will remain open until Sunday, February 15, weekdays from 2pm till 5pm, weekends between 9am and 12pm and 2pm and 5pm.

Dana Feminová, the director of the Centre Narovinu is from 20.1. to 11.2. 2015 on a business trip in Kenya. Current pictures and news from her journey can be found on our facebook.

» Photogallery

Dana spent the first two days working in the office in Nairobi – with Brenda (an accountant), Carol (aministration of the project Adoption for distance) and Ken (the director of the Centre Narovinu for Kenya).

The third day a seminar took place with the deputies of the Partner schools in Kenya, there came teachers from Mombasa, Rusinga Island, Mufangana, Kakamegy and of course also from Kenya. After the first year of cooperation we can still see huge excitement and motivation, all schools are looking forward to the next part of the project also in 2015.

The weekend was focused on the seminar of Adoption, which went also very well. Totally there took part 40 coordinators who care about children in the program of Adoption for Distance. This week Dana is expecting a trip to Kauti and evaluation of the project Water for Kauti and then she is moving to Rusinga Island, where she is staying for the whole week. In the project Rusinga Island there has to be planned a project of building a secondary school, which is supported by Slovak Aid and the first children sit in the desks already in January 2016.

At the end of December a construction of a new computer classroom and a library has been started at the community centre – the Island of Hope. In a few months children from the orphanage and the primary school will be able to use the new library and the IT learning can be started in the newly built computer classroom.

We are currently trying to obtain books for the library, so in case you have suitable books in English that you could donate, the kids would be very grateful. For more information please contact Dana.Feminova@gmail.com, mobile: 777 711 911. We would like to thank you in advance for your support.


Dear adoptive parents, volunteers and supporters of the Centre Narovinu,
we wish you peaceful pre-Christmas time and Christmas holidays and a lot of happiness, well-being and good health in the coming new year.

We would like to thank you for your support and help in 2014, thanks to which more than 2500 children have an access to education and healthcare.

Moreover the community centre Island of Hope runs a successful primary and nursery school for 400 kids, as well as a  health clinic, a farm and an orphanage for 80 kids. A new playground has been built for the children this year.  Thanks to your support there is water is available in the Kauti area and  11 Czech and Kenyan schools participate in a regular partnering program. During the 2014 we have organized numerous very successful beneficiary and promotional events.

Thank you for being part of all of this and we look forward to our cooperation in the coming year. We have prepared a short video-clip PF 2015 for you, which we attach.

Sincerely yours,
Centre Narovinu

The story began in 2007, when the Pavelka family from Bratislava, Slovakia, had read her life-story published at our webpage: Eunice Akinyi was born in August 12, 1996. Both of her parents died, when she was a little girl. She stays with her mother´s sister Evarlive Adhiambo, who takes take of her. Eunice doesn´t have any siblings. They live in a house with thatched roof, use firewood for cooking, kerosene lamp for lighting and get water from the river. Her aunt is a small-scale farmer. Eunice enjoys playing football and volleyball...

Today Eunice is a 17-year old lady and studies at the secondary school. She would like to become a nurse and help Kenyan people. The Pavelka family visited Eunice in Kenya in 2011 and they spent a wonderful week in the Siaya area. They promised then, that one day Eunice would visit them in Slovakia. Their mutual wish has been fulfilled now and Eunice could spent her Christmas and New Year with her Slovakian adoptive family. She has visited not only Bratislava, but also went for a trip to see Christmas Vienna and  she has visited Prague with her adoptive family. They all attended a public meeting, where they shared the details of the distant adoption project, their pen-friendship, the meeting in Kenya and the invitation to Slovakia. It´s a great pleasure for Eunice that she has the opportunity to see how her adoptive family lives and her biggest surprise so far is how cold the winter in Europe can be...


A traditional and a highly valued Christmas purchase of food is just underway in Kenya. The money for this purchase comes from the unused annual scholarship paid for the Adoption of African children program, which we managed to save due to the exchange rate differences during the year.

The children in the Adoption of African kids program and their families have received following food parcels: 4 litres of cooking oil, 4 kg of sugar, 4 kg of rice and 12 kg of wheat flour. Children, whose adoptive parents pay double amount scholarship for their education, have received half amount of the food parcels, since a higher amount of their scholarship has been used during the year for their education.


Are you interested in the problems of developing world and would you like to obtain experience within a non-profit organization? Do you have good communication skills, are you creative and do you enjoy learning new things? No difficulties using computers and speaking English? You must be the right person for an internship we offer within our organization.

We offer fellowship for university students who study the problems of development cooperation

“Centrum Narovinu” has been established in 1995 and it is a charitable organization. Its main scope of activities are projects in the area of the foreign development cooperation and education. “Centrum Narovinu” is a member of Czech forum for development cooperation (FORS) and collaborates on the campaign called Czech Republic against the poverty.

All projects are managed with the strong focus on long-term sustainability, self-sufficiency and transition from passive to active approach towards responsibility and independence. Additionally, its goal is the development of volunteer’s works in the area of development cooperation.

Main projects of “Centrum Narovinu”
• Adoption of African children – sponsorship
• Community centre at the Island Rusiga in Kenya called “Island of Hope “
• Water for Kauti in Kenya
• Small shop in Africa with the theme of “Fair Trade “
• Project called “Africa in remarkable eyes“ – programs in the schools and public
• Courses for the volunteers in Africa
• Partnership between Czech and Kenya’s schools

Duration of the fellowship: upon agreement
Location: Sokolska 32, Praha 2 (metro I.P. Pavlova)
Working hours: upon agreement, start immediately

Work Responsibilities
• Administration for adoption of African children project
• Advertising (organization of charitable activities, support with the materials, social networks media – facebook, youtube…)
• Fundraising (preparing the presentation for the sponsors, contact search, emails distribution)
• Project “Island of Hope“ (support materials for the project implementation such as contact search, validation and search of information, budget preparation etc.)
• Help with the development of printed materials (information search, development of advertising leaflets and text, proofreads etc.)

• Excellent English language – verbal and written
• Interest in development cooperation (the studies focused in this area advantageous but not a must)
• Individual with strong communication skills, thorough and due-diligence, organizational skills, interest to learn, friendly and team player
• Good knowledge of PC (MS Office, database creation etc)

Fellowship is not paid, but we offer:
• Opportunity to gain experience and knowledge of working in the non-profitable organization and development cooperation
• References and confirmation of fellowship
• Friendly working environment in the small team

Please send your application to Simona Hertusova, email: simona.hertusova@adopceafrika.cz, mobile 608 301 270, www.adopceafrika.cz

A Kenyan girl from the Adoption of African children program – the project of remote support has flown in to visit her “adoptive family” in Bratislava. She will also visit Prague on Friday December 19 and we would like to make use of this opportunity and to invite you for a meeting with her.

Eunice has lost her parents when she was a little girl. Her Slovakian adoptive family has been supporting her since 2007 and thanks to them and the project of Adoptions based on remote support Eunice can now continue her studies at the secondary school.

Friday - 19.12.2014
Restaurant I Love Mama (Lublaňská 1001/11, Prague 2)

PRESS CONFERENCE at 1 pm will include tasting of freshly roasted Kenyan coffee...
MEETING for the public  with discussion and projection will start from 18:00

During the meeting you will have the opportunity to taste freshly roasted Kenyan coffee, that has just arrived from Kenya. Keep your fingers crossed so that the additional coffee shipment does not get stuck on the road and you will be rewarded by the possibility to purchase Kenyan coffee and tea, through which you can support our projects as well. And of course that our gift certificates “Pass it on!” will be also available for purchase.

Education of Kenyan children can be supported by various ways: The first and the most frequent option is the Adoption of African children – the project of remote support. The program enables to adopt a concrete child remotely and to support his education financially. This project has been running since 2002 and has already helped more than 3,500 children.

The second option includes one-time or irregular donations and support via the Adoption Friend Club or a purchase of a gift certificate “Pass it on!”. Each gift certificate includes a small African gift for luck, which we hope will bring you joy in the same way as you support brings joy to concrete Kenyan children.

We wish you peaceful Advent time and thank you for your attention to this activity.

Best regards,

Simona Heřtusová
On behalf of Centre Narovinu


Dear adoptive parents, friends and supporters of Centre Narovinu,

We would like to invite you for 2 pre-Christmas meetings with Eunice - a Kenyan girl, who has flown in to spend Christmas with her adoptive parents.

Come to meet Eunice and to find out how does the project of remote adoptions work. What is her experience and how has the program of adoptions helped her? You will have the opportunity to ask many more questions personally.

16.12.2014, 17:00-18:00, Bratislava, Kafé Luxor (Grösslingova 5, 81102 Bratislava)

During the meeting in Bratislava you will have a chance to meet Vivian, another Kenyan girl who studies in Slovakia and had gone through the program of remote adoptions in the past.

19.12.2014, od 18:00, Praha, Restaurant I Love Mama (Lublaňská 1001/11, Prague 2)

During the meeting you will have the opportunity to taste freshly roasted Kenyan coffee, that has just arrived from Kenya. Keep your fingers crossed so that the additional coffee shipment does not get stuck on the road and you will be rewarded by the possibility to purchase Kenyan coffee and tea, through which you can support our projects as well. And of course that our gift certificates “Pass it on!” will be also available for purchase.

We wish you peaceful Advent time and will look forward to meeting you,

Centre Narovinu


When: Saturday 13th December 10 am – 3 pm
Where: At Valdštejnská Campus Garden (Valdštejnská 151/6a, Prague 1)

Come and celebrate the festive season with us. Find lovely gifts from a range of stalls including hand-made goods such jewellery, candles, children's clothing, children's books and of course hand-made gitfts prepared by Park Lane children.

...and much more!

There will be plenty of hot beverages and delicious food to enjoy. By visiting our bottle raffle stall you will also support  Centrum Narovinu and the 'Island of Hope'. Park Lane children will be singing from 11 am.

Saturday, 6 December, 2014, 10:00 – 16:00, InterContinental Hotel, Pařížská 30, Praha 1. IWAP Christmas Market – Over 40 Vendors, Live Music, Delicious Baked Goods, Amazing Raffle Prizes, Used Book Sale, Unique Christmas Gifts, All day program in the Kid’s Corner.

Saturday 29.11.2014 19.00
Meetfactory, Ke Sklárně 15, Praha 5

Center narovinu will join the African atmosphere with its promotional stand and a small "fair" shop with products from Kenya.

Come join us, it´s definitely going to be a very nice evening.

For more information go to www.rytmyafriky.cz


When I found out, that I would fly to Nairobi for a CBRN workshop as an expert, I immediately started to prepare a plan to meet my adoptive boy (who is already 19 years old)  Dominic Mwangi. Dana – the director of Narovinu Centre helped me to connect  with my “adoptive son” Dominic and his Kenyan coordinator – Ken Okongo.

Our family had been supporting Dominic financially for almost 10 years enabling him to complete his primary education and significant part of his secondary education as well. Even though we do not support him anymore, the possibility and desire to meet was very strong and realistic. Once I had arrived to Nairobi and finalized my private program and plans in this exotic, but poor African country, I sent a couple of sms to the Kenyan coordinator Ken. It was a real pleasure to invite Dominic and Ken for dinner to the hotel I was staying at.

They both came and so we had an opportunity to discuss Dominic´s current  education, to talk about his hobbies and his plan for future. I gave both some small presents and a small financial support to Dominic for the purchase of school and sports supplies and various other small needs.

The two-hour meeting has engraved in my memory and soul forever. I was surprise by Dominic´s interests and questions about the life of my older daughter Zuzana, who had worked in Kenya some time ago. I brought with me a small family album from years 2013 and 2014 and so we could go over it together and talk about our family.

Otakar Mika, October 2014

A benecial auction took place on Wednesday 29.10. 2014 where a unique statue of a Zimbabwian artist Lovemor Bonjisiho and talc artefacts from Kenya were auctioned. An unbelievable amount of 212 600,- CZK was raised and donated to children of the Russinga Island community centre. The money will be used for the reconstruction of the school canteen which will enable to resolve catering at the Island of Hope.

The canteen building will also include a new kitchen and a bigger food storeroom for  400 children who daily come to the centre.  Once again we would like to thank you for the help and support of this beneficial evening.

212 600 CZK raised at a charity auction to support a community center Island of Hope in Kenya

On Oct 29, 2014 an NGO from Prague “Centrum Narovinu” held a charity auction at the Gallery Miro to raise money for its current project Island of Hope in Kenya. The initial price of a sculpture made by a famous Zimbabwe Architect Lovemore Bonjisiho (they call him African Michelangelo) was 15 000 CZK.

No one could expect that night that the auction will bring an unbelievable profit of 212 600 CZK! The heated bidding of 2 gentlemen lasted for over 40 minutes ! The winning bidder Mr X asked not to disclose his identity as he is planning to present the sculpture to his wife for Christmas!

The amount of money generated at the auction will be used to repair the dining hall at the community center Island of Hope, i.e. building a new kitchen and extending the existing food storage warehouse. This will help to improve the situation with providing food for 400 kids  from very poor families daily.

"We are overwhelmed and speechless at the same time", confesses Dana Feminova, head of the NGO Centrum Narovinu. "Our NGO has been functioning for almost 20 years and we have been organizing a lot of fundraising events, but none of them have been such a success! It is incredible! It will help us a lot in achieving the goal we set for the next couple of years: to ensure self-sustainability of the community center Island of Hope that we built in Rusinga Island, Kenya.

We are really grateful to all the people who took part in organizing the event and those who came to the auction and especially to our generous philanthropist whose Christmas gift for his wife turned into a real Christmas miracle for a whole community center in Kenya!"

Christmas is coming only in 2 months, but Christmas miracle is already taking place for a Prague NGO Centrum Narovinu and the Kenyan community center under their patronage.

But they are not going to rest on their laurens. There is still so much to do. For example , they are launching the Sponsor a child's education social media campaign on the 1st of November to raise awareness about lack of education in Sub-Saharan countries. The choice of the month is not a coincidence. November is acknowledged as the International education month worldwide. However, for most of the African kids from the Sub-Saharan region it is still a great privilege to get access to education.

"We totally understand that or project Distant adoption can't change the overall situation in Kenya and the whole Sub-Saharan region. However, we know that we make a difference every day! Helping every single child makes a difference. Since the launch of the project 2447 kids from Kenya have been supported to get education at different level, from pre-school age to college. Right now the data base of the partner Kenyan association includes 243 more kids that are waiting for support. We are doing our best every single day for these kids to get an equal chance to get be getting education. ", says Ms Feminova.

Acclaimed sculptor Lovemore Bonjisi, nicknamed “the African Michelangelo”, comes from the renowned Bonjisi dynasty of stone-sculptors. He visited the Czech Republic  in 2007 and could be watched at work in Prague Botanical Garden. On this occasion, he donated the sculpture to Centrum Narovinu. 
Wednesday 29. 10. at 6 p.m.
MIRO Gallery, St. Roch Church, Strahovské nádvoří 1/132,  
Prague 1 - hradčany, www.galeriemiro.cz
The event is hosted by actor Justin Svoboda from Kladno theatre Lampion, that has been supporting a boy from the Distant Adoption Programme of African Children for ten years.

» Leaflet



Acclaimed sculptor Lovemore Bonjisi, nicknamed “the African Michelangelo”, comes from the renowned Bonjisi dynasty of stone-sculptors. He visited the Czech Republic  in 2007 and could be watched at work in Prague Botanical Garden. On this occasion, he donated the sculpture to Centrum Narovinu. 
Wednesday 29. 10. at 6 p.m.
MIRO Gallery, St. Roch Church, Strahovské nádvoří 1/132,  
Prague 1 - hradčany, www.galeriemiro.cz
The event is hosted by actor Justin Svoboda from Kladno theatre Lampion, that has been supporting a boy from the Distant Adoption Programme of African Children for ten years.

» Leaflet



Centre Narovinu invites you for a seminar Volunteers for Developing Cooperation in Africa.

Are you interested in meeting new people and cultures and give something from your skills and free time for something reasonable?

Are you interested in joining the projects of developing cooperation and education focused of Africa?

The seminars allow the participants to get to know all necessary about problems and work in projects of developing cooperation, stress on permanent sustainability and active approach at work with local communities, sensitive attitude to cultural differences, respect to heterogeneity. They will get to know work of coordinator of the project „Adoption of African children“, developing awareness and education at Czech schools as well as community centre „Island of Hope“ on Rusinga Island in Kenya. 

Pension Liškův mlýn, Milešov  www.liskuvmlyn.eu
Saturday 25.10. – Sunday 26. 10.

After the seminar the participants can take an active part in the projects of Centre Narovinu in  CR. We are looking for responsible coordinators for the project „Adoption of African Children“  and programmes at schools, volunteers for exhibitions and promotion of the projects, helpers for making videos and presentations, graphics, administrative help, specialists in promotion on the Internet...

The leader of the course is  Dana Feminová – the founder and chairwoman of Centre Narovinu, organizing projects in Kenya and CR over a long period, for instance the project „Adoption of African Children – project of help for distance“ and „Island of Hope“.

Information and registration: dana.feminova@adopceafrika.cz, mobile:  777 711 911


Do you want to support a particular project in Kenya? Buy one of our gift certificates (and)  SEND IT FORWARD and donate for health and education!

In the programme DONATE FOR EDUCATION, the following certificates are available: a school bag (Kč 200,-), school supplies (Kč 300,-), textbooks (Kč 500,-), a school uniform (Kč 850,-) and school fees (Kč 1,000,- and Kč 3,000,-).

The certificates of the programme DONATE FOR HEALTH enable a child to get a high quality health care. You can choose from these: treatment of common illnesses (Kč 200,-), check-up by a specialist (Kč 400,-), delivery (Kč 600,-), treatment of fracture and dog bite (Kč 1,800,-).

Enjoy you help to a particular child as much as they do. Your support brings them hope and gives them a chance for better life. THANK YOU!

To buy certificates, pls contact Eva Syrovátková, mobile +420 777 831 836, e-mail: info@centrumnarovinu.cz


On Tuesday 14.10. will be Centrum Narovinu present in Bratislava during Development day... come to see us. Prepared are workshops for children and adults and many interesting informations...

More info rozvojovyden.mvro.sk

What are her future plans? What were the benefits of the project for her? What is her relationship with her Czech family like? We are pleased to invite you for the meeting with Rose.

Wednesday 3.9. at 13:25 – first impressions, welcome and introduction of Rose program in Europe, Václav Havel airport -  Ruzyn, Prague

Thursday 11.9. from 18:00 – meeting with Rose,  projection of photographs and film, together with talk and discussion of Centre Narovinu about its development projects in Kenya, Restaurant I Love Mama, Lublaňská 11, Prague 2


With the help of Center Narovinu support Rose has completed her primary, secondary and college education. Today the 22 year old young lady studies successfully at the university in Kenya.

What are her future plans? What were the benefits of the project for her? What is her relationship with her Czech family like? We are pleased to invite you for the meeting with Rose.

Wednesday 3.9. at 13:25 – first impressions, welcome and introduction of Rose program in Europe, Václav Havel airport -  Ruzyn, Prague

Thursday 11.9. from 18:00 – meeting with Rose,  projection of photographs and film, together with talk and discussion of Centre Narovinu about its development projects in Kenya, Restaurant I Love Mama, Lublaňská 11, Prague 2