
Archiv aktualit

We are celebrating 15 years of experience with the project Adoption of African Children – project of long-distance help. And we say YES, IT MAKES A DIFFERENCE!
Who is in the team of Center Narovinu? Introducing Dana and Simona
The difficulties of pregnant girls in Kenya
Strong human stories of adoptive parents, children and volunteers
Visit of Christine
You can contribute also via one-time contributions to the Club of Friends of Adoption!!
Island of Hope on Rusinga Island

Bulletin – May 2017 (printed version for download)
» Other Bulletins

We live in a chaotic world. On a daily basis, populist media purposefully feed us with catastrophic news about approaching world disasters, worries about terrorism and fear of Islam.

I made a free, autonomous decision to live in a world without fear and panic. And so I slowly, step by step, started trying to fight chaos, societal fear, and negative atmosphere by doing something good, helpful, and positive.

One of these steps was the decision to take part in long-distance adoption program organized by the wonderful and unique Center Narovinu.

And so about two years ago, I easily and quickly, in few simple administrative steps, adopted and African boy. When I subsequently found out, upon first meeting with employees of Center Narovinu, that they educate children using the Montessori teaching method, I got even more excited.

My own daughter is just finishing 8th grade in Montessori elementary school Na Beránky, which has been cooperating with Center Narovinu and supporting their wonderful idea and well-functioning project. In this way, my decision to help gained an extra dimension.

With every letter from my adopted son who grows, prospers, is healthy and therefore can experience a little bit of common life happiness that we take for granted here, I get a good feeling full of clear conviction, that each one of us is capable of little help. And if it is not possible financially, then at least by spreading information  about this unique and wonderful project.

By doing that, we first and foremost help ourselves, but then maybe even the whole world. Because it is healthier to stay in positive vibrations, resisting fear and hatred.

Let´s take little steps towards saving the planet. It is worth it. The planet is beautiful.

Good luck to us.

Bára Munzarová
Actress and adopted mother of a boy from Kenya


Victor comes from Kibera slum. Thanks to his adoptive parent's support, he finished elementary and secondary school and college. His adoptive parent visited him in Kenya and later invited him to come to the Czech Republic. Today Victor has a job and his own family. To say thank you, he named his son after his adoptive parent...

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Press release
Centre Narovinu
22nd May 2017

On the occasion of the Day of Africa on May 25 2017 AFRO TRAM will pass through Prague. This event starts a month of the campaign of strong stories from long distance adoption.

Thursday May 25, 2:15 PM, Vozovna Střešovice (Patočkova 4, Prague 6). Tram will leave at 2:30 PM and will be seen in the city centre until 5:30 PM.

15 years of Distance Adoption Project - more than 4,000 children got a chance for a better future! The project helps not only to particular children, but also to the whole families and communities. After 15 years of experience we say: It Makes Sense! Our children have graduated, now they have a job, they have become responsible parents, they are helping as volunteers and spreading the help within communities...

This project and the Day of Africa we perceive as extremely important and symbolic these days! Every day, starting from May 25, we will publish one strong story of adoptive parents, children from the program and volunteers. One of the stories about how the project specifically helps is available at: centernarovinu.org/it-makes-sense-15-years-distant-adoption-project

Campaign will be ended by Multicultural Festival „Narovinu Afrika Fest“ on June 18 2017 on the boat Cargo on Prague „Náplavka“. Symbolically on the occasion of the Day of the African Child celebrated on June 16. Every child on this planet deserves a chance for dignified life!

For 15 years, the Czechs have been helping to diminish tendencies towards intolerance, xenophobia and racism (originated from fear of migration) via long distance adoption. Solidarity and willingness to help is the only way out of the current world situation.

We wish you beautiful days and thank you for paying attention to our activities!
Kind regards, Simona Heřtusová

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In May 2002, the first 100 children took a seat behind the school desks. After 15 years in operation, thanks to your support, more than 4,000 children got the chance for a better future. Those children have begun to fulfil their dreams. The project is of a great benefit not only for them but also for whole families and communities. Thank you! Together we are altering particular human destinies. It makes sense!

» The story of Derrick (letter)
» The story of Derrick (first image)
» The story of Derrick (second image)
» More at page Adoptions of African children – Project of long distance help


Thank you all! With your online shopping on Givt.cz, you have contributed to the Island of Hope on Rusinga Island in Kenya with the sum of 1,341 CZK. Specifically, we used the money for the purchase of textbooks for high school on Rusinga Island.

The contribution was collected from 45 purchases. The highest amount credited from your purchase was 157 CZK, the lowest 1 CZK. People who contributed to us were buying mostly on these e-shops: Dáme jídlo, Mall, Stoklasa, Zoot, Booking, Lékárna and Pilulka.

More than 2,600 non-profit organizations and 800 e-shops are involved in the Givt.cz project. The portal has already reallocated more than 945,000 CZK to included organizations.

Thank you for helping us to help. We will be happy if you keep your favour to us also in the future.
More at bit.ly/Centrum_Narovinu


Community Centre The Island of Hope is truly comprehensive project, attended daily by more than 500 children. The centre has a total of 47 employees, 65 children in orphanages, 93 children in nursery school, 272 children at elementary school, 31 high school students, 231 children adopted for normal contribution, 67 children adopted for double contribution, 15,120 registered patients on the clinic, 68 births in 2016, 197 hens on the farm, 2 breeding ponds for tilapia, 6 breeding cages for tilapia right in Victoria Lake.

Send it further! We are looking for volunteers and financial and material help. Thank you!

» Business Partnership
» Island of Hope – a community centre at the Rusinga Island in Kenya

Saturday May 20 2017, 8 pm, Malostranská beseda, Malostranské náměstí 35/21, Praha 1

The phenomenal party is dedicated to the Centre Narovinu, and the earnings will be sent to the community centre The Island of Hope on Rusinga Island in Kenya – specifically, we will support the purchase of furniture (wooden tables and chairs) to a new dining room for 500 children.

Come to have fun and contribute to the good thing! A seat ticket costs 500 CZK. Ticket orders via e-mail: simona.hertusova@adopceafrika.cz.

Thank you and we are looking forward to meeting Sandra Nováková, Filip Rajmont and their guests.
More at: facebook.com/barovani

Friendly evenings of Centrum Narovinu

April 25th, 18 – 20 h.
Centrum Narovinu, Sokolská 32, Praha 2, metro I. P. Pavlova
1st meeting of all volunteers, fans, supporters, adoptive parents and friends of Centrum Narovinu.

  • news from Centrum Narovinu
  • six o´clock tea and coffee from Kenya
  • mandalas for joy

Volunteers wanted
Who is in the team of Center Narovinu? We are introducing Hanka, Lenka, Jitka
Club of Friends of Adoption
We are looking for an adoptive parent for Gilack
Why have I applied for my internship at Narovinu Centre?
News from the community centre on Rusinga Island, Western Kenya
What is new in fundraising?
From adoption to Fair Trade Shop
Fair-trade shop helps children from the community centre Island of Hope in Kenya
Journey to Island of Hope and visiting my adoptive son Cindy
Partnership between Czech and Kenyan schools

Bulletin – February 2017 (printed version for download)
» Other Bulletins

Are you interested in meeting new people and cultures and give something from your skills and free time for something reasonable? Are you interested in joining the projects of developing cooperation and education focused of Africa?

Saturday March 25th 10h – 18h, Centrum Narovinu, Sokolská 32, Praha 2, metro I.P. Pavlova

The seminars allow the participants to get to know all necessary about problems and work in projects of developing cooperation, stress on permanent sustainability and active approach at work with local communities, sensitive attitude to cultural differences, respect to heterogeneity. They will get to know work of coordinator of the project „Adoption of African children“, developing awareness and education at Czech schools as well as community centre „Island of Hope“ on Rusinga Island in Kenya.

After the seminar the participants can take an active part in the projects of Centre Narovinu in CR. We are looking for responsible coordinators for the project „Adoption of African Children“, project „Island of Hope in Kenya“, volunteers for exhibitions and promotion of the projects, helpers for making videos and presentations, graphics, administrative help, specialists in promotion on the Internet...

The leader of the course is Dana Feminová – the founder and chairwoman of Centre Narovinu, organizing projects in Kenya and CR over a long period, for instance the project „Adoption of African Children – project of help for distance“ and „Island of Hope“.

Information and registration: dana.feminova@adopceafrika.cz, mobile: 777 711 911

On Sunday we installed an exhibition in the cafe Prazirna (Roaster; Lublaňská 676/50, Prague 2). Come and enjoy a good cup of coffee, view an exhibition of the Island of Hope and maybe even buy some photos of Jan Sibik and Daniela Matulová.

Earnings supports children from the community center Island of Hope. The exhibition will run until 05/03.


Tuesday, February 28,  from 18:00 at the Centrum Narovinu. The director Dana Feminová returned from Kenya and she would like to share with you stories and news from our development projects and the current situation in Kenya.

Tuesday, February 28, 2017 from 18:00 at the Centrum Narovinu (Sokolska 32, Prague 2 – close to the metro station I.P.Pavlova).

The director Dana Feminová returned from Kenya at the beginning of February and she would like to share with you stories and news from our development projects and the current situation in Kenya.

The evening will be scenting by the excellent Kenyan coffee and tea. For children is ensured a creative playground. And of course, the opportunity to buy products from the fair shop. We look forward to you.

» Photogallery

Follow the monthly business trip to Kenya by Dana Feminová – as usual the travel is full of meetings, consultations, and various appointments. Route plan: Nairobi – The Community center Island of Hope on Rusinga Island – Coordinators meeting in Mombasa – Nairobi.

» Photo gallery


Exhibition of photos "Island of Hope Humanist School" taken during January and February 2016 by students from 8th grade of the primary school at the community center of the Island of Hope in Kenya.

The preview will take place at the library in Soběslav on January 17 at 5pm.

You can visit the exhibition till February 24 and as well purchase photos. The proceeds will be used to support children at the Island of Hope.


Let me invite you to my debut photo exhibition "Outlook on Life" in Prague City Center. You will see impressive photos from unique places of the Earth.

Alina Ushcheka
(Gloria Mundi)

Venue: X-Foto Gallery, Hybernska 24, Praha 1

The opening starts on Friday 6th January at 6 p.m. End of the exhibition: 26th January 2017.

You can buy all the photographs. Photos will be sold at the exhibition with all proceeds dedicated to charity Centrum Narovinu.

See you at the exhibition opening!

» More on Facebook


Thank you for all your support. We wish you peaceful Christmas holidays and a lot love, joy, health and shared experiences in the upcoming year.

Your Center Narovinu

The video spot supports Island of Hope, a self-sufficient and self-sustainable community center, which we have been creating on Rusinga Island in Kenya. The project was launched in 2003. Nowadays, it is daily visited by over 400 children and it consists of an orphanage for 72 children aged 3 to 18, Montessori kindergarten for 90 children, elementary school for 300 children, educational center with a library, workroom for making soapstone products, health clinic for approximately 10 000 patients from the area, and a farm with an irrigation system, fruit trees, as well as fish and poultry breeding. We are also in the process of building a boarding high school for 120 students.

The Club of Friends of Island of Hope is looking for new volunteers, sponsors, and friends who would like to take an active part in creating this development project and thus help it head towards self-efficiency and self-sufficiency. Pass it on, thank you!

» More information

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The whole week between the 28th of November and the 4th of December 2016, you could watch the spot of Center Narovinu called “Donate Education” on channels of Czech TV. The campaign informs wider public about one of the main projects, its meaning and impact – supporting education of children in Kenya. Czech TV aired 35 spots which were seen by 2 575 217 viewers. They did it free of charge as a part of their program “Czech TV Supports Charity”. Thank you for your support!

» More information
» See the spot

Again this year, Park Lane International School organized a traditional Christmas market in support of children from the community center Island of Hope on Rusinga Island in Kenya. The market took place on Saturday December 10th  and a part of it was a sale of Christmas gingerbread cookies which Park Lane students made with the help of Fresh and Tasty company.

The Kenyan children were given 814,-  Kč, the amount collected from voluntary contributions.


Klub cestovatelů, Masarykovo nábřeží 22, Praha 1

The objective of these exhibitions is to inform the general public about situation in Africa and about the projects organized by the association Centrum Narovinu and that way to get new sponsors and co-workers. These documentary photos were taken by volunteers from Centrum Narovinu on their journeys. In the photos you can see the life in slums and poor villages and also how our projects work.

More information: hedvabnastezka.cz/klub-cestovatelu-praha/program

Saturday 10th December 2016
10 am – 3 pm
Valdštejnská 151/6a, Prague 1

We are looking forward to your participation in our Winter Market on 10th December, 2016.

Narovinu Centre will participate with its Fair stall – during the whole day you will be able to buy Christmas presents with their own story and thus support children from the community centre of Island of Hope at Rusinga Island, Kenya. We look forward to meeting you. More information at: www.centernarovinu.org/fair-trade-shop

Employment status: full time employment, fixed working hours
Job position: administrative assistant of the project "Adoption of African children"
Field: administration in a non-profit sector- development cooperation and education, volunteering
Region: Prague
Content of the advertisement: Center Narovinu, o.p.s., which deals with foreign development cooperation in Africa and global development education (Adoption of African children – project of long-distance help, development projects in the area of schooling and medical care in Kenya, programs of global development education and raising of public awareness at schools and other places), is looking for an administrative assistant – especially for the development project of long-distance help "Adoption of African children".

Job description:

  • administrative and technical support of the projects and helping with running the office
  • maintenance of the database of the project "Adoption of African children“, handling mail and phone calls, providing information, organizing the fair trade like minishop, …)
  • communicating with "adoptive parents" and volunteer coordinators of adoption in Czech republic
  • communicating with the office in Nairobi and volunteer coordinators of adoption in Kenya
  • communicating with the public, dealing with inquiries from mailing lists


  • min. high school degree
  • good organizational and communication skills
  • experience with administrative and technical leading of an office
  • PC skills (MS Office – especially Excel on an excellent level, databases, …)
  • good knowledge of written and spoken English
  • self-reliance, dependability, systematic work, orderliness and responsibility
  • ability to work in a team
  • willingness to learn, interest in development cooperation in Africa

Advantages: experience with a similar position in a non-profit organization, experience in the field of development cooperation, pleasant manners, communicativeness, tidiness

We offer:

  1. Possibility to see direct impact and purpose of your work
  2. Work in a pleasant team of people who desire to help the needy
  3. Starting salary of 19 000 Kč

We ask serious applicants to e-mail their structured CV and motivation letter to dana.feminova@adopceafrika.cz by December 10th. Personal interviews will take place at December 15th – 20th; we expect the new employee to start working as soon as the interviews are over at the beginning of January 2017.

Name of organization: Centrum Narovinu,o.p.s. Contact: Dana Feminová, Address: Sokolská 32 Praha 2
E-mail: dana.feminova@adopceafrika.cz, WWW: www.adopceafrika.cz

My world – my energy, such is the subtitle of the calendar of the Europe Easy Energy Company for the year 2016. It is dedicated to twelve children of Kenya, whose education is sponsored by the company through our organization. We bring the twelfth December story of Bilia.

» A January story » A February story » A March story
» An April story » A May story » A June story
» A July story » An August story » A September story
» An October story » A November story

Bilia, 17 years old

E as the electrical engineering, that is my motivation and energy.

» More info (Czech)


65 live lectures or unique films at 5 projection halls, 5 photo-courses, 10 stalls with exotic cuisine as part of the Exotic Food Court, 10 dancing performances... Centre Narovinu will participate with its Fair stall

The festival program offers: 65 live lectures or unique films at 5 projection halls, 5 photo-courses, 10 stalls with exotic cuisine as part of the Exotic Food Court, 10 dancing performances and many more. More information at:  www.kolemsveta.cz and  at Facebooku.

Narovinu Centre will participate with its  Fair stall – during the whole weekend you will be able to buy Christmas presents with their own story and thus support children from the community centre of Island of Hope at Rusinga Island, Kenya. We look forward to meeting you. More information at: www.centernarovinu.org/fair-trade-shop.

Fresh coffee and tea, soapstone products, jewellery, T-shirts, bags… You will find all of that and more in our Kenyan Fair Trade shop!… We will be happy if you remember our gifts with a story again this year when buying presents for your beloved ones, business partners, or employees. Besides making them happy you will also bring joy to the children from the community center Island of Hope.

The profit will be used for the completion and operation of a high school – an administrative building with a teachers´ room and offices, another building with 2 classrooms and more teachers´ rooms, and 2 more buildings which will serve as girls´ and boys´ dormitories.

The community center Island of Hope runs a kindergarten, an elementary school, an orphanage, and a health center, taking care of more than 500 children in need and 10 000 patients from the Rusinga Island community.
» More information about the project

We offer gift packs of different prizes and designs – from smaller options in cellophane bags to larger gift packs in cardboard boxes or baskets lined with wood wool. The packages include fair coffee and tea from Kenya, imported without intermediaries directly from the manufacturers, and a soapstone product, coming from a manufacturing workshop of the Island of Hope on Rusinga Island in Kenya,which supports the sustainability and self-sufficiency of the project.

The Fair coffee is high quality 100% Arabica. Kenyan coffee is generally regarded as one of the highest quality coffee there is. It has received an AA classification – one of the highest possible levels of certification awarded by the Coffee Board of Kenya. It comes from the area of Mount Kenya, where it is grown at an altitude of 1700 meters. Gentle roasting brings out its strong aroma, which reflects the wildness of Africa, as well as a specific, delicate flavor with hints of cherries and almonds.

The Fair tea from Kenya is high quality black tea grown in the tea gardens located in the mountain areas around Nairobi. Thanks to the ideal climatic conditions in which it grows, it is generally regarded as one of the highest quality tea in the world. Its strong, very pleasant aroma, and delicious taste is excellent with lemon, honey or milk.

And who makes the soapstone products in Kenya? Rough-hewn bowls are hand-made by stonemasons from Kisi tribe occupying the Tabaka village region, the only place in Kenya where soapstone is mined. These stonemasons have lectured the women from our community, the members of the Luo tribe on Rusinga island, on how to further shape the bowls, how to smooth, paint, decorate, and polish them. So, the stonemasons supply us with rough semi-finished products which are then finished by the women from the Island of Hope. So far 12 women have worked in the workshop, two of which we would like to introduce to you now:

Eunice Awuor Oreso is 23 years old and she is married with two sons. Eunice comes from a place called Gunda in the western part of Rusinga Island. Eunice graduated from high school but was unable to go to college because her parents did not have enough money to cover her tuition. Eunice makes money by selling second hand clothes while her husband works as a shop attendant. The family lives in a three-room mud house, they fetch water from the lake, use firewood for cooking, and kerosene for lighting.

Tracy Akinyi Otieno is 24 years old and she is married with two children – a daughter and a son. Tracy completed elementary school but could not study any further because of the birth of her first child. She also comes from Gunda located in the western part of the island. Tracy makes money by selling water to people on the island while her husband works as an occasional labourer and fisherman. The family income is very low. The family lives in a two-room mud house, they fetch water from the lake, use firewood for cooking, and kerosene for lighting.

Gift boxes
The gift boxes contain fair Kenyan coffee (200 g), fair Kenyan tea (200 g), and a soapstone animal statue for luck, alternatively a small soapstone bowl or a candlestick, depending on your choice. It is packed in a gift cardboard box, lined with wood wool.

1A / Gift box – coffee, tea, statue – value of 490,- Kč
1B / Gift box – coffee and statue – value of 420,- Kč
1C / Gift box – tea and statue – value of 390,- Kč
1D / Gift box – coffee, tea, soapstone bowl/candlestick – value of 500,- Kč

Gift pack in a cellophane
The gift packs contain fair Kenyan coffee (200 g), fair Kenyan tea (200 g), and a soapstone animal statue for luck, alternatively a small soapstone bowl or a candlestick, depending on your choice. It is packed in a cellophane bag, lined with wood wool.

2A / Gift pack in cellophane – coffee, tea, statue – value of 420,- Kč
2B / Gift pack in cellophane – coffee and statue – value of 320,- Kč
2C / Gift pack in cellophane – tea and statue – value of 270,- Kč
2D / Gift pack in cellophane – coffee, tea, soapstone bowl/candlestick – 440,- Kč

Additionally, just like last year, we will be happy to prepare other packages tailored according to your ideas and wishes – we can add other products from Kenya or gift certificates of different values (starting from 100,- Kč), which support health, education and the children from the community center Island of Hope. Also, we can offer you different sizes of coffee and tea packages – 100 g, 250 g, or 500 g. Do not hesitate to contact us!

Thank you very much for your support! We look forward to our cooperation.
We wish you beautiful autumn days.
Simona Heřtusová

Centrum Narovinu
Simona Heřtusová
Mobile phone 608 301 270
Sokolská 1802/32, Praha 2, 120 00
www.adopceafrika.cz, www.facebook.com/CentrumNarovinu


Diana´s Visit
Adoption Friends‘ Club
News from the Island of Hope – the community centre at the Rusinga Island in Kenya
Fund-raising campaign of Island of Hope for final facilities of kitchen and dining room
Who is a team of the Centrum Narovinu? Introducing Helena
Profit or non-profit? Getting new corporate partners for the community center Island of Hope in Kenya
Exhibition Island of Hope – Jan Šibík and Daniela Matulová took pictures for Centre Narovinu
We offer fellowship for university students who study the problems of development cooperation
Fair trade shop

Bulletin – October 2016 (printed version for download)
» Other Bulletins

My world – my energy, such is the subtitle of the calendar of the Europe Easy Energy Company for the year 2016. It is dedicated to twelve children of Kenya, whose education is sponsored by the company through our organization. We bring the eleventh November story of Bridget.

» A January story » A February story » A March story
» An April story » A May story » A June story
» A July story » An August story » A September story
» An October story

Bridget, 17 years old

Trees supply the energy for me and for my country.

» More info (Czech)


Café bar Deštník, campus VŠE, New building, W. Churchilla 4, Praha 3.

The photographs were taken by Jan Šibík and Daniela Matulová in July 2016 on Rusinga Island in Kenya. The exhibition shows the everyday life on the island and in the community center Island of Hope. The photographs can be purchased and the profit will be used to support the children from the community center Island of Hope.

More information www.vse-destnik.cz

Thursday 1st December, 6 PM, KC Nová Beseda - Klánovice
Entrance fee: 180 CZK
Reservations required.
Dear ladies,
in case you are waking up in the middle of the night from the nightmare of buying Christmas gifts, we have good news for you. This year it is possible to shop without stress. Already for the seventh time we organize the Ladies Night, this year with motto: Christmas is here, let´s enjoy it in peace, let´s avoid crowded malls and let´s buy all the Christmas gifts under one roof, at KC Nová Beseda.
What can you expect on 1st December at our cultural centre?
6 PM - 8:30 PM    Klánovice Christmas Market, our Fair Trade stand included - coffee, tea, soapstone products, gift certificates and parcels, direct trade products with story from Kenya etc., more on: www.centernarovinu.org/fair-trade-shop
8:30 PM - 9 PM    Fashion Show, Raffle
9 PM                   Screening of comedy Bad Moms

We would like to show you for an inspiration how the correspondence between a Czech adoptive parent, and his supported child in Kenya can look like.

Three times a year large packages with letters, certificates and photographs of children from Kenya come into the office and we put them into envelopes and then forward the adoptive parents. Among the letters pictures of Belinda Nafuly, at those she is holding large colorful pictures and is surrounded by birthday wishes, birthday hat and many letters, impressed us. Belinda Nafula was lucky that she had gotten into the project Long distance Adoption, and was very lucky that she has been chosen by Tomas Zapletal, who became her adoptive parent at the end of 2013.

He invented a wonderful gift for her this year's birthday, and thanks to its great ideas and energy he made very happy girl in the 9000 km distant Kenya. He called out his friends and family, one day they met in the Olomouc square and made a little "celebration" of Belinda' s birthday. He printed letters, which the participants were holding, bought balloons and various "party" things and created a birthday photo together. At the same time he asked all to write a short letter to Belinda, where they introduce themselves and write something interesting. All letters, characters and birthday accessories he then packaged and sent to Belinda. He also made a list of people who are on the photo so Belinda knew who is writing to her. It was his birthday present. Mr. Tomas Zapletal is holding the letter "L" in the photo :-)

Belinda can be promoted through his business – sell fashion on the internet and rental super sport cars – www.figroup.cz.

We thank Thomas for his support and original idea :-)


My world – my energy, such is the subtitle of the calendar of the Europe Easy Energy Company for the year 2016. It is dedicated to twelve children of Kenya, whose education is sponsored by the company through our organization. We bring the tenth October story of Sharon.

» A January story » A February story » A March story
» An April story » A May story » A June story
» A July story » An August story » A September story

Sharon, 18 years old

Energy to work on our family farm gives me the smile of others.

» More info (Czech)


We've managed to raise enough to finish a kitchen and a dining hall for 530 children from Island of Hope on Rusinga Island and at the moment, construction work is in full swing. Now we need to collect money for cauldrons, fridges, storeroom equipment, cookware, tables and chairs to furnish both the kitchend and the dining hall. Please help us!

Account number: 107-6829480277/0100, variable symbol 900.
Thank you!


Jan Sibik and Daniela Matulova for the Narovinu Centre
Café Muzeum Vinohradska 1, Prague 1 (new building of National Museum)

The preview will take place on Sep 21st, at 6 pm.
Discussion with the photographer Jan Sibik and Ken Okongo – the project coordinator in Kenya.


Saturday Sept 17,  from 10 am – 7 pm
At Vltavanů site 229, Prague 4 – Braník

Narovinu Centre will complement the program with creative workshops and fair-trade stall full of Kenyan products. We look forward to meeting you there.
» More information at www.facebook.com/RestauraceaKavarnaKorkoran/

My world – my energy, such is the subtitle of the calendar of the Europe Easy Energy Company for the year 2016. It is dedicated to twelve children of Kenya, whose education is sponsored by the company through our organization. We bring the ninth September story of Tabitha.

» A January story
» A February story
» A March story
» An April story
» A May story
» A June story
» A July story
» An August story

Tabitha, 4 years old

Tabitha is the source of energy, her smile will charge you for the day.

» Photogallery


Center Narovinu Press Release

Join us at this event! Ken Okongo will arrive at Prague´s Vaclav Havel airport  on Friday September 2, 2016 at 18:30  (terminal 1, flight from Istanbul).

Ken Okongo, Director of Narovinu Centra in Kenya: „We have  begun with the development projects in Kenya in 2001.  One of our key projects today  is  the program of Adoption of African children – the project of distant support. This project has helped over 4000 children with their education  and additional 400 kids that daily visit the community centre of Island of Hope at the Rusinga Island in Kenya."

We have prepared a very busy schedule for Ken Okongo. He will take part at workshops with students at schools  and will also  meet adoptive parents, who support children in Kenya, and people and public interested in developmental projects.

Monday 5.9. from 18:00 – meeting in Brno
Traveller´s Club – Hedvábná stezka, Veleslavínova 183/14, Brno-Královo Pole

Wednesday 21.9. from 18:00 – meeting in Prague
Café  Muzeum, Vinohradská 1, Prague 1 – new building of National Museum

Monday 5.9. from 18:00 – meeting in Brno
Traveller´s Club – Hedvábná stezka, Veleslavínova 183/14, Brno-Královo Pole

Wednesday 21.9. from 18:00 – meeting in Prague
Café  Muzeum, Vinohradská 1, Prague 1 – new building of National Museum

How about spending a part of teacher's summer holiday at school? Quite crazy, isn't it? But I have tried it and I can't appreciate it more. I learned about Centre Narovinu 9 years ago, when our school adopted a Kenyan girl by this organisation. I have been following their activities since then, I was at meetings with Kenyan coordinators as well. And I have to add, I admire what they have done on Rusinga Island at Victoria Lake , the project called Island of Hope.

The article in English will soon be on our website, thank you for your understanding.


We are preparing a special Christmas offer for you this year – do not forget our fair-trade shop when you choose presents for your friend, employees or company partners. We offer direct trade presents with a story that please somebody and also support projects in Kenya.
What makes our Kenyan coffee and tea special?

Centrum Narovinu in cooperation with its partner, organization Mezi světy s. r. o. (Between the Worlds Ltd.), are currently the only suppliers of Kenyan coffee importing raw coffee beans and tea on the direct route from Kenya to the Czech Republic, without using middlemen and wholesalers. We pay attention to freshness and way of processing of Kenyan raw materials that go straight to Fair & Bio Organic Coffee Roasting Plant in Kostelec nad Labem. On the top of that this Czech fair trade roasting plant was the first one to employ workers with disabilities.

Kenyan coffee and tea are grown around Africa's second highest mountain "Mount Kenya", at an altitude of 1700 m. Thanks to the local climate and ideal growing conditions this coffee and tea are rightfully considered the highest quality products of it skind.

Location of Mount Kenya.

In Fair & Bio Organic Coffee Roasting Plant in Kostelec nad Labem the imported Kenyan coffee is roasted in three different ways: light, middle, dark.

Preparation of raw – green coffee in Kenya for transport to the Czech Republic.

And what kind of coffee should we drink, pure (one variety) or blend?

The answer is quite simple – have you ever seen an experienced winemaker to mix quality vintage wine and wine from carton? Purpose of coffee blending is not the desire to achieve „balanced“ flavour as often stated in leaflets. It is only marketing propaganda that hides the true intention – to reduce prices and increase revenues.

Káva se totiž dělí na 2 základní druhy:

This variety is highly susceptible to temperature changes, it grows at higher altitudes around 1300 – 1700 m and it is very sensitive, so the beans are harvested by hand. Farmers are waiting for the first harvest for 4 – 6 years. They are then rewarded by really good quality of coffee.

Robusta thrives at places where arabica would not grow. Plants are stonger and more resistant so the beans can be harvested by machines and the first harvest is possible after two years. The taste of coffee is neither interesting nor very good that is why it is roasted by using so called „Italian way“ which basically means that the beans are burned.
The original taste is replaced by the taste of burn which is the one we know from the most commercially used coffee brands.

Black Tea

Tea is bought from manufacturing Cooperative Ndima in Nyeri whose members are small farmers who are also suppliers of the tea leaves. The Cooperative is also a holder of Fair Trade certificate.

Collection of tea leaves around Mount Kenya area.

Wholesome effect of coffee and black tea for human body

The recommended maximum daily intake of coffee should be between 250 – 300 mg of
caffeine, ie. 3 – 5 cups. Coffee beans contain antioxidants which have positive effect on diabetes (type 2), act as a protection of the cardiovascular system, reduce the risk of stroke, increases the activity of the metabolism and hence contribute to weight loss and last but not least caffeic acid has chemopreventive effect. Thanks to caffeine there is a proven increases of dopamine in the brain, and thus drinking of coffee creates a feeling of happiness and satisfaction.

The optimal consumption of black tea is between 1 – 3 cups per day. Black tea also reduces the risk of heart diseases due to reduction of cholesterol in blood. Black tea gives us energy thanks to its higher amount of caffeine compared to other varieties of tea and as well as in case of coffee it was found that it contains anticancer substances.

100% of earnings will support the community center „Island of Hope“ on Rusinga Island

Products from Kenya are delivered from first-hand manufacturers and growers directly to the above mentioned Coffee Roasting Plant and then straight to particular households. All earnings then fund the activities and running of the community centre „Island of Hope“ on Rusinga Island which takes care of orphans and children from poor families. Community centre provides them with basic education, health care and love.

Leisure time and games, „Island of Hope“, Rusinga Island.


Evelína Milfortová


Saturday August 27 and Sunday August 28 2016. Narovinu Centre will be participating at this event on Sunday August 28. You will be able to buy things at our fair shop stall or  take part at various workshops.

You can get ready for the trip to Africa – can  put on African clothes, make African jewellery, decorate an African dress or paint an African mask. We look forward to meeting you!

The complete festival program is attached.

My world – my energy, such is the subtitle of the calendar of the Europe Easy Energy Company for the year 2016. It is dedicated to twelve children of Kenya, whose education is sponsored by the company through our organization. We bring the eighth August story of Moureen.

» A January story
» A February story
» A March story
» An April story
» A May story
» A June story
» A July story

Moureen, 16 years old

I give energy to others in the stories that I invent itself.

» Photogallery


Press Release of Centrum Narovinu
Wednesday, 27/07 – Prague Vyšehrad – 4 – 7 PM

Park in front of the Old Burgraviate. In bad weather the meeting will take place in a cafe of Old Burgraviate.

Picnic with a Kenyan student Diana, her adoptive parent and the Centrum Narovinu. Diana arrived at the invitation of her adoptive parents, who supports her education for already six years.

Come to meet her, ask about anything that interests you, share the experience with her adoptive parent, who visited her last year in Kenya, or just sit in a pleasant atmosphere. You can even bring a little something for a picnic. We look forward to meeting you.

Diana, thanks to support of her adoptive parents from the Czech Republic, studies higher vocational college. She has two siblings, a 5-member family lives in a brick house with just one room in a district of the capital Nairobi - Kayole. Family income is about 8 000 KES per month (about 2000, - CZK).

Public Service Company Centrum Narovinu focuses on development cooperation in order to improve education, health and living standards in Africa. The company Narovinu celebrated last year its 20th birthday Narovinu since its inception. The main projects include the program Adoption of African children - long distance help project, which has been operating since 2002 and has helped over 4,000 children with the education and The Community center Island of Hope on Rusinga Island in Kenya which is attended by more than 400 children a day.

» Photos
» Video


You can support further development of our Community centre Island of Hope at the Rusinga Island in Kenya by donating books in English, used computer/notebook in good condition, sewing machine and musical instrument.

You can bring it or send it to Centrum Narovinu at Sokolská 32, Praha 2 (subway station I.P. Pavlova), from Monday till Friday 9:00 -17:00 or we can agree on other time as well. Collection is till 31st August 2016.

Thank you in advance for your support and help.

My world – my energy, such is the subtitle of the calendar of the Europe Easy Energy Company for the year 2016. It is dedicated to twelve children of Kenya, whose education is sponsored by the company through our organization. We bring the seventh July story of Gift.

» A January story
» A February story
» A March story
» An April story
» A May story
» A June story

Gift, 4 years old

I envy the cats their energy with which they jump and frolic.

» Photogallery


Even this year we are there! Meet us on Sunday 24.7 and at the weekend 30. – 31.7 in an African village, where you can buy products from fair-trade shop at our stand or you and your children can join workshops.

You will prepare for a trip to Africa – put on African clothes, make African jewels, decorate a dress of an African woman or draw an African mask... We are looking forward to meeting you.

» More about the festival

Press Release of Centrum Narovinu

A Kenyan girl Diana is supported with the education for six years. In 2015, she and her adoptive parents first met in Kenya and on Saturday 16/07 they are going to meet in Prague ... Be there for the meeting with us!

On Saturday 16/07 Diana Nyambura Wakhome will arrive from Kenya to Prague at 18:30 to the Vaclav Havel Airport (Terminal 1, a flight from Istanbul).

Diana, thanks to support of her adoptive parents from the Czech Republic, studies higher vocational college. She has two siblings, a 5-member family lives in a brick house with just one room in a district of the capital Nairobi - Kayole. Family income is about 8 000 KES per month (about 2000, - CZK).

Public Service Company Centrum Narovinu focuses on development cooperation in order to improve education, health and living standards in Africa. The company Narovinu celebrated last year its 20th birthday Narovinu since its inception. The main projects include the program Adoption of African children - long distance help project, which has been operating since 2002 and has helped over 4,000 children with the education and The Community center Island of Hope on Rusinga Island in Kenya which is attended by more than 400 children a day.

» Photos
» Video


A picnic with a Kenyan student Diana, her adoptive parent and Centre Narovinu. Diana came for an invitation of her adoptive parent to Prague.

Come and met her, ask her what you are interested in, share experience with her adoptive parent who visited her last year in Kenya or just relax in a pleasant atmosphere. You can also bring a snack. We will meet in a park between a church and Staré purkrabství. In case of bad weather we will hide in the café of Staré purkrabství.

Actress Barbara Munzarová supports project of the Center Narovinu
Communication between children and adoptive parents brings great joy
Health Insurance Programme – A Case Study
Supporting families in Kenya, from child education to business start-ups (The story of Rolex)
Adoption Friends‘ Club
News from the Island of Hope – the community centre at the Rusinga Island in Kenya
My first trip to Kenya
We would like to thank to „Divadlo SEMAFOR“ for a benefit performance for children from community centre the Island of Hope.
Fashion show in Gask ADO Narovinu
Click and help via Gift.cz

Bulletin – June 2016 (printed version for download)
» Other Bulletins