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Centrum Narovinu doplní program o dárečky s příběhem Férového obchůdku a o jedno herní stanoviště s africkou tématikou pro děti a dospělé.

Těšíme se na setkání

Sobota 1.6., 14 až 17 hod, Lesopark Háje, Slaný
Zábavné odpoledne s hraním a úkoly pro rodiče s dětmi.

» Více informací na ostrov-svc.cz

Friday, May 17th, 6pm – 10pm
Globe Bookstore and Cafe
Pštrossova 6, 110 00 Praha

Come join us for a night of music, storytelling, and discussion on the job Centrum Narovinu is doing for the Kenyan kids of Island of Hope! If you feel like giving to a good cause or simply like learning more about our project and enjoying an evening of African fun, we'll be waiting for you at Globe Café (where beer is cold and food is great!).

What to expect:

  • Storytelling by Justin Svoboda
  • Drumming performance by Papis Nyass
  • Singing by Lindsay Salvati
  • Auction of products made by African artisans
  • Discussion and videos about the NGO and Island of Hope's project
  • A lot of generous and friendly people!

See you there!

» Facebook Event
» Rusinga Island of Hope – Facebook Page in English

Centrum Narovinu doplní program o dárečky s příběhem Férového obchůdku a o workshopy s africkou tématikou pro děti a dospělé.

Sobota 18. května 2019, 12:00 až 22:00 hod., Park Na Pankráci, Praha 4
Hudba ⦁  tanec ⦁  světová gastronomie ⦁  workshopy ⦁  přednášky ⦁ výstavy ⦁  soutěže

Těšíme se na setkání.
» Více v události na Facebooku

Centrum Narovinu bude u toho s Férovým obchůdkem, přijďte si nakoupit dárečky s příběhem a podpořit komunitní centrum Ostrov Naděje v Keni.

Těšíme se na setkání

Sobota 18. května, 10 až 17 hod., Sulanův statek, Kladruby u Stříbra
Historický trh, řemesla, dílničky pro děti


Širokou paletu aktivit Centra a možnosti uplatnění studentů Ostravské univerzity v jeho projektech představí výkonná ředitelka Dana Feminová, hlavní koordinátorka projektů rozvojové spolupráce.

Vstup volný i pro veřejnost.

Pondělí 20. 5. 14.30 až 16.30, Centrum PANT, Čs. legií 22, Ostrava

» Událost na Facebooku
» Více na www.centrum-pant.eu

Regionální muzeum Chrudim,  Široká 86.
My u toho budeme také s našimi workshopy a Férovým obchůdkem, zastavte se za námi.
Sobota 30. března, 9 –13 hod.

» Více na stránkách muzea

Big thanks for financial support go to SlovakAid, Pojišťovna VZP a. s., DINO SCHOOLS OF PRAGUE, www.Dago.cz, TEPfactor Slapy, Mercuria Laser Game, Premium Fashion Brands  and to all individual donators from Czech republic and Slovakia…  We were able to buy a multifunctional car for needs of Island of Hope thanks to all of you. The car delivered lot of happiness to all people involved in project – it will help as medical car for urgent needs, for needs of farm and for shopping. It will take students to school events, sport games, competitions and conferences where students represent their school.



Dana Feminova is on another working trip in Kenya and  has a very busy schedule again:

– meetings with the Nairobi office and sponsors

– stay at Rusing Island - the Island of Hope project:

  •     appointments with the project team
  •     interviews and meetings with children
  •     methodical seminar for teachers
  •     seminar Life skills with high school students
  •     the final realization of the acquisition of an ambulance for the  Island of Hope clinic, etc

– seminar for volunteer coordinators of Long Distance adoption and partner schools

Current information and photos at www.facebook.com/CentrumNarovinu/


Gifts with the story from the FairTrade Shop support children from the Island of Hope in Kenya
Community Center Island of Hope can be supported by donation SMS
Who is in the team of Center Narovinu? We would like to introduce our volunteers and new support for our team in Prague
Reaction to the article When children in Kenya write letters from June
We would like to introduce our team of Island of Hope in Kenya
Health insurance and an example of an interesting extra payment
Club of Friends of Adoption
Visit of Francis in Kilingili
Project „Kenya“ at Kojetín grammar school

Bulletin – February 2019 (printed version for download)
» Other Bulletins

With the simple visit to Mfangano Island, last 2017, by the Cooperators and donors from Czech and Slovak Republics, created the idea of doing fish farming project in Island of Hope Community Centre on Rusinga Island.

The team meet Mr. Ronaldo B. Gitana an Aquaculture Expert from the Philippines, who is doing fish farming in the said Island. He is a graduate of Fisheries in one of the Leading Fishery School in the Philippines which is Bicol University College of Fisheries. He graduated in 1986. Since then he is practicing Fish farming. He worked in several countries, namely India, Mozambique, Vietnam, Zambia, Zimbabwe, and Malaysia.

The project started last Jan. 26, 2018. Started the repairs and improvement of the existing 2 x 2 m fish cage and fabricated 6 units 6 x 6 m fish cages. Also improved the existing 2 ponds which was used initially to rear the future breeders of the Fish Hatchery.

For the first two months works were hectic to catch up the schedule of fabrication and installation of the fish cages. All the six units were finished on time and stocked as schedule.

After 9 months of hard work. We started harvesting the small cages, and seen the fruit of our labor.

As of this time we finished harvesting the 4th fish cage. And slowly but surely establish the local market for our Humanist Fish for All brand-fresh from the lake with premium and yummy taste.

Ronaldo B. Gitana


Výstavu zajišťuje Gymnázium Kojetín a součástí akce je:

Sbírka pro školáky z komunitního centra Ostrov Naděje na Rusinga Island v Keni. Nosit můžete:

  • školní potřeby (barevné papíry, pastelky, barvy na malování, pravítka, nůžky, sady na výtvarné a kreativní činnosti, výukové hry s anglickým návodem, lego a dřevěné kostky)
  • sportovní potřeby (vyfouklé míče, pumpičky, švihadla, pálky, stolní hry s anglickým návodem)

Vše, čím se rozhodnete přispět, přineste na infostánek Galerie Přerov v přízemí.

Sběr hliníkových plechovek

  • výtěžek putuje dětem ze sirotčince, MŠ, ZŠ a SŠ Ostrova Naděje

Finanční sbírka

  • na projekty Centra Narovinu v Keni

Dear adoptive parents, dear supporters and friends of Centrum Narovinu, we deeply thank you that you were with us even during this year

We supported together education, health care and standard of living of kids and whole families in Kenya – there study 1745 children in kinder-gardens, basic and high schools and at universities, there are over 500 children who find daily background at Island of Hope and we provided health care for 826 kids in terms of health assurance.

We wish you calm Christmas holidays and good health, love, satisfaction and joy in new year.

Your Centrum Narovinu

Thank you for your huge support, all pleasant meetings with you on our events and for your interest in gifts from fair-trade shop. We appreciate that a lot. We can again support community center Island of Hope on its way to independency… We would like to share with you several contributions, we thank you and we are looking forward to next common cooperation – eg. during Easters fairs

» Fair-trade shop

Individuals, groups, families, organisations, classes or schools are involved in the project. We thank especially to one of the schools – basic school Volary – and we share received contribution. Get involved! You can be in touch with particular kid from Kenya already from January 2019 and follow his/her life and dreams.

» Children database


Your donation will support particularly long term sustainability of community center Island of Hope which is visited by over than 500 children daily. Its part is kinder-garden, basic and boarding high school, orphanage, 24/7 health center, library with PC class and farm. There is a new fish farm at Victoria lake side too. The profit from the farm will financially support catering for children and operations of the center – health care, social and education services.

» Island of Hope – a community centre at the Rusinga Island in Kenya

» How to send Donor SMS…

Fair shop - these are presents with the story
Community Center ISLAND OF HOPE can be supported by DONATION SMS
Who is in the team of Center Narovinu? We would like to introduce our volunteers and new support for our team in Nairobi
Club of Friends of Adoption
What are the typical names in Kenya
Asante sana, Africa, and sometimes see you again
Health insurance programme in the year 2017/2018
Gifts with a story

Bulletin – October 2018 (printed version for download)
» Other Bulletins

We offer gift packages in different values and designs. From smaller variants in a cellophane bag to bigger packages in paper boxes. Standard package contains fair trade coffee and tea from Kenya and a soapstone statuette that was made in manufacture on the Island of Hope.

Also this year we are happy to prepare packages according to your wish - we can add other statuette, wooden or metal products, jewellery, gift certificates in different values from 100, - CZK up supporting health, education and children from the community center on the Island of Hope. Of course, we can prepare only individual products as gifts, for example, for tombola or for your own packages. We return 100% of earnings back to the project and development of the Island of Hope community center on Rusinga Island in Kenya.

» Fair Trade Shop


Antony Mbugua Gitau is in the 7th grade and is 12 years old. His mother died when he was still small, he now lives with his father and grandmother. Without the support of adoptive mother Sandra Antony would not be able to go to school. He likes football and skating. What does he want to be and what makes him happy? And how is the program perceived by his family? This is what Antony, grandma Rachel and father James will tell you in the video… The Adoption of African Children Program – The Long Distance Help Project has been in operation since 2002 and helped over 4,000 children with education. Join us and change one human fate!

» AdopceAfrika.cz – 15 years of powerful stories
» Adoption of African children – project of distant support

Stáhnout Download video (452 MB)

Like every year during autumn and winter, we are looking for new opportunities where we would be able to present our projects and offer the FairTrade products. We have experience with promotional, presentation and sales events, festivals and sales in shops or school fairs.

The event can be complemented by debate with a screening, a photo exhibition or an African workshop for children and adults.

Thanks in advance for the tips. We are looking forward to the cooperation throughout the Czech Republic.

Contact: Simona Heřtusová, mobile 608 301 270, e-mail: simona.hertusova@adopceafrika.cz

The fair-trade shop – presents with a story
Who is in the team of Center Narovinu? Introducing volunteers in Kenya
10 years of health insurance!
When children in Kenya write letters
Fish cage farming of Hope Island
Examples of interesting extra payments
Club of Friends of Adoption
When there is a will, there is a way: Support of students, classes and even schools

Bulletin – June 2018 (printed version for download)
» Other Bulletins

Health care in Kenya is really expensive and therefore inaccessible for the families of children in the project of long-distance adoption. The program of health insurance was established as a result of much experience we gained with children, who couldn´t attend school due to having bad health problems. Some of the cases were not really that serious and could be dealt with rather easily. However, because the parents or care takers didn´t have enough money to cover the necessary health care for the children, their condition got worse to the extent that they missed a lot of school, or in the worst-case scenarios, their lives were in danger as a result.

Unfortunately, from our experience, hospitals in Kenya tend to refuse to treat even acute life-threatening cases when they cannot be sure that they will get paid for the treatment. Therefore, health insurance is the best present for the children.

The earliest period for which it is possible to cover insurance for the adopted children is from June 2018 to May 2019. They only thing you have to do is to send 1.500,- CZK to the account number 19-1460510217/0100 (in the case of Slovakian adoptive parents 60 EUR to the account number SK13 7500 0000 0040 0105 5909, BIC: CEKOSKBX) by the 27th of May 2018. Variable symbol: 6 + the number of the child.

The insurance will also cover a complete preventive medical check-up from which the adoptive parents will receive an official report.

Lenka Čumpelíková


This is a true story about adoption number 52223, Beatrice Mueni who is in standard two. Her adoptive parents supported her family in 2015 when her mother wrote a letter of what they were going through as a family. Thanks to the adoptive parent who gave some extra payment and I supervised the family in doing shopping.

We bought a bed, mattress, bed sheets, blankets, mosquito nets and kitchen utensils. We paid rent which was in arrears and bought food which lasted for two months. When we delivered all this items, their neighbours were shocked but later on they rejoiced for what Betrice’s adoptive parent had done to her family. Imagine the family was sleeping on the floor without a mattress and a blanket, and when it rained, the water flooded their one roomed house. There was a big relief when the extra payment was brought to the family. The area chief paid them a visit to confirm what the neighbours had shared with him in his office about Betrice’s family and the good work that Centrum Narovinu is doing in Kenya.

The adoptive parents brought another extra payment, I discussed with the family and we agreed that they should start a small business. So we bought a machine for making chips, chips dryer, chips cutter a chips warmer, two big spoons, twenty litres of liquid cooking oil and two sacks of charcoal. Betrice’s started preparing chips next to her house and her first customers were children from a near by school who came to buy from her everyday. Her other customers were the community members who promoted her. She would start her job at eight o'clock in the morning until seven o'clock in the evening. After a month, she employed two ladies who are now working with her.

In January 201, Betrice’s mother told me that she can now educate her daughter on her own. So she decided to relocate her business to her rural home in Kitui County where she is continuing with her business.

Thanks to Betrice’s adoptive parent for her committed support to this family.

Coordinator Alice Kavulani Mugivane on behalf of Betrice Mueni’s family

» 15 years of AdopceAfrika.cz


KAWAK are recycled bags made of jute coffee sacks. We process “waste” from Czech coffee-roasting plants, which is also beautiful and solid material perfect for carrying things. From each bag we sell, we contribute 100,- Kč to the project Island of Hope of Center Narovinu.

Last year before Christmas, we organized recycling workshops at SLOU Fashion Days, the proceeds of which were also used to support Island of Hope. We are very happy that in this way we could contribute 3 080,-Kč to this beautiful project.

And what is new at KAWAK? In our e-shop www.kawak.cz you can buy a shoulder bag or a really big bag ideal for a farmer´s market, picnic or wherever you need to comfortably carry a bigger amount of things. This year we also add simple smaller bags for zero-waste shopping of potatoes and other vegetables. In June, you can meet us at Slou Days. If you like the KAWAK project, please like and add us on Facebook or Instagram.

Věra Severinová
The founder of the KAWAK project


Do you forget to help for free while internet shopping? Add GIVT helper to your browser and you will never forget again. Here is the link for free download of the app: givt.cz/aplikace. In April, we received another financial contribution. This time we will use it to buy medicine and medical supplies for the Island of Hope clinic on Rusinga Island.

Keep supporting us through your online shopping, thank you. Through the following link you can find Center Narovinu at GIVT: bitly.com/Centrum_Narovinu


From 6pm to 9pm, Charity Café Cesta domů, Soukenická 15, Praha 1

The seminars allow the participants to get to know all necessary about problems and work in projects of developing cooperation, stress on permanent sustainability and active approach at work with local communities, sensitive attitude to cultural differences, respect to heterogeneity. They will get to know work of coordinator of the project “Adoption of African Children”, developing awareness and education at Czech schools as well as community centre “Island of Hope” on Rusinga Island in Kenya.

After the seminar the participants can take an active part in the projects of Centre Narovinu in CR. We are looking for responsible coordinators for the project “Adoption of African Children”, project “Island of Hope in Kenya”, volunteers for exhibitions and promotion of the projects, helpers for making videos and presentations, graphics, administrative help, specialists in promotion on the Internet...

The leader of the course is Dana Feminová – the founder and chairwoman of Centre Narovinu, organizing projects in Kenya and CR over a long period, for instance the project “Adoption of African Children – project of help for distance” and “Island of Hope”.

Information and registration: dana.feminova@adopceafrika.cz, mobile: 777 711 911


Are you interested in the problems of developing world and would you like to obtain experience within a non-profit organization? Do you have good communication skills, are you creative and do you enjoy learning new things? No difficulties using computers and speaking English? You must be the right person for an internship we offer within our organization.

We offer fellowship for university students who study the problems of development cooperation

Center Narovinu has been established in 1995 and it is a charitable organization. Its main scope of activities are projects in the area of the foreign development cooperation and education. Center Narovinu collaborates on the campaign called Czech Republic against the poverty.

All projects are managed with the strong focus on long-term sustainability, self-sufficiency and transition from passive to active approach towards responsibility and independence. Additionally, its goal is the development of volunteer’s works in the area of development cooperation.

Main projects of Center Narovinu
• Adoption of African children – sponsorship
• Community centre at the Island Rusiga in Kenya called “Island of Hope“
• Water for Kauti in Kenya
• Small shop in Africa with the theme of “Fair Trade“
• Project called “Africa in remarkable eyes“ – programs in the schools and public
• Courses for the volunteers in Africa
• Partnership between Czech and Kenya’s schools

Duration of the fellowship: upon agreement
Location: Sokolska 32, Praha 2 (metro I.P. Pavlova)
Working hours: upon agreement, start immediately

Work Responsibilities
• Administration for adoption of African children project
• Administration for small “Fair Trade“ shop / E-shop
• Advertising (organization of charitable activities, support with the materials, social networks media – facebook, youtube…)
• Fundraising (preparing the presentation for the sponsors, contact search, emails distribution)
• Project “Island of Hope“ (support materials for the project implementation such as contact search, validation and search of information, budget preparation etc.)
• Help with the development of printed materials (information search, development of advertising leaflets and text, proofreads etc.)

• Excellent English language – verbal and written
• Interest in development cooperation (the studies focused in this area advantageous but not a must)
• Individual with strong communication skills, thorough and due-diligence, organizational skills, interest to learn, friendly and team player
• Good knowledge of PC (MS Office, database creation etc)

Fellowship is not paid, but we offer:
• Opportunity to gain experience and knowledge of working in the non-profitable organization and development cooperation
• References and confirmation of fellowship
• Friendly working environment in the small team

Please send your application to Lenka Čumpelíková, email: lenka.cumpelikova@adopceafrika.cz,
mobile 732 203 196, www.adopceafrika.cz

Fish cages are on the place on the Victoria Lake. Thank you for supporting to the two-years SlovakAid project and other partners and collaborators that we will be gradually introduced you… Gages are 2 x 2 x 2 m, the anchor blocks are made of concrete, one weighs 500 kg. Place for the placement requires at least 9 m of depth.

»  Fish Farming on Lake Victoria


Fellowship for University students who study the problems of development cooperation
Who is in the team of Center Narovinu? Introducing volunteers and new helping force in Nairobi
Health insurance programme
Education system in Kenya
January news from the Community center The Island of Hope
Examples of interesting extra-payments
Club of Friends of Adoption
DINO SCHOOL supports project of Centrum Narovinu

Bulletin – February 2018 (printed version for download)
» Other Bulletins

Evelina Milfort – Kenya – Island of Hope

December 6th – 21st 2017, January 3rd – 31st 2018

Českavárna Portheimka, Štefánikova 12, Praha 5 – Smíchov

Dear adoptive parents, friends and fans of Centrum Narovinu.

Thank you for all your support which we appreciate very much.

We wish you a merry Christmas and a great new year filled with joy, love and happiness.

Looking forward to another year spent together.


Donate 180,- Kč in support of the Island of Hope clinic and as a thank you gift we will send you the 2018 Island of Hope calendar.The donation will be used to buy medicine and medical material, and to cover salaries of the hospital staff. The clinic has over 15000 registered patients, an ambulance license and also offers hospitalization. It is open 24/7 and it is offers an indispensable refuge for the local people.

For more information go to: Island of Hope – a community centre at the Rusinga Island in Kenya

The donation can be made by credit card or by a bank account transfer (KB-Prague 5, account number: 19-1460510217/0100, variable symbol 900). Don´t forget to send us your address

For more information, contact simona.hertusova@adopceafrika.cz. Thank you for your support.


Get to know Maureen and her story. Thanks to the support, she is studying at university now and wants to be a journalist. Become a part of someone's story too! Supporting education makes sense!

» 15 years of AdopceAfrika.cz
» Adoption - List of Children

Stáhnout Download video (452 MB)

Thanks a lot to all of you who contributed to a new kitchen and a dining hall for 500 children. The fund-raising campaign ran from February 2016 to October 2017. The building is in service now, its open terrace working as a leisure-time and evening-activities centre of the whole Island of Hope.

Stáhnout Download video (14 MB)


Extra payments are extraordinary one-time payments that adoptive parents can send to their children in addition to the regular payments for school fees. The extra payments can serve various purposes: they can be used to help the family in a difficult life situation (for example by buying food), to buy a bicycle or a  laptop (which will help the students in their studies), to support a business idea (of students that have already finished their education), etc. We have decided to limit the number of extra payments due to organizational and personal reasons to  one payment per trimester and we always try to make sure the payment is really needed.

Mark Omondi (ID 41876) studies at Nairobi Industrial Institute. He lives far from school and it takes him 3,5 hours to get there. The boy has to get up at 4 o´clock in the morning in order to make it to school on time. He doesn´t get back home until 9 p.m. Mark asked his adoptive parent to buy him a bicycle which would help him get to school faster. Now, it only takes him an hour to get there and so he has more time after school to study and prepare for the next day.

The adoptive parent of  Ruth Akinyi Kipasi (ID 51634) wanted to help Ruth´s family to be more self-sustainable - Ruth has 8 siblings who are taken care of by their mother while their father is old and sick. She wanted to buy something for the family, which would bring them a long-term benefit. In the end, she decided buy them two cows, which will give them regular supply of milk. The rest of the money from the extra payment was used to buy food for the family as well as for the animals.

Jitka Motejzíková


Thank you for your online help! The amount of Kč 1 143,- has been spent on food for children from the Island of Hope community centre. Although the project includes breeding fish, farming chickens, and growing fruit and vegetables, it isn't still easy to provide 500 boarders with food every day. Thanks for your help and support!

More information on https://bitly.com/Centrum_Narovinu



The Narovinu Center started in 2014 a campaign ‘Pay it forward’ to support its development projects in Kenya. In this campaign, it is possible to contribute with one-time donation to specific items for Adoption of African children – long distance support project or community centre of ‘Island of Hope’ on Rusinga Island.

The fair trade shop of Narovinu Centre offers many gift certificates of different value in three main categories:

1) Donate education (school bag, school things, school books, school fee…)
2) Donate health (regular medical treatment, specialized treatment, birth…)
3) Donate hope (for children in orphanage in Island of Hope: mosquito- curtain, food, books, chickens, mattress…)

Anyone can support with what makes the most sense to him or her and meets his/ her idea of ‘real’ help. For example, you can buy school books and in this campaign you can ‘pay it forward’ – which means to send them directly to child in need in African Kenya. You then get a gift certificate with photo of the school books which confirms your purchase of the given value. As thank you, you will also get an original African good luck bracelet directly from Kenya. These gift certificates have such an interesting graphic design they are also very nice present for your beloved ones or your friends. And it is always very good to have such an option if you want to make someone happy and do not want to spend money on silly things and support consumerism, but you want to do a nice gesture and support someone else on the other side of the world in a meaningful way.

Since the beginning of the campaign ‘Pay it forward’ until the end of 2016, the following amounts have been collected and used for those who needed them most during this period of time in Kenya:

1) Donate education – 60 150,– CZK
This amount was used for purchase of school books and school things for primary and secondary school of Island of Hope.
» Photos

2) Donate health – 26 200,– CZK
This program covers medical treatment costs for those who have no other way of paying for urgent medical care. Unfortunately, as these medical care costs are always very high, this amount was just a small contribution to save 2 very small patients – small Emmanuel from Mombasa and new born baby Marie Kitha from Rusinga Island. We are very happy that also thanks to this contribution, we could literally save life of these two children and today, they are both doing well.

Emmanuel from Mombasa – this handsome boy was found as new born baby by the dust bins in Mombasa in January 2016. Our volunteer coordinator Doris is taking care of him since then as she found him by coincidence and saved his life with her fast reaction and help. Unfortunately, at the end of 2016 Emmanuel got sick with very serious inflammation of intestines. After several rounds of antibiotics and incorrect treatment he was dehydrated, undernourished and with strong inflammations in his body. His serious health issues required immediate hospitalization and long medication on dropping funnel and alimentation artificial.
» Photos

Marie Kitha from Rusinga Island – this baby girl was born on our clinic and everything seemed to be fine. Nevertheless, after few days, it was obvious she is loosing weight as she is not able to ingest food. Her digestive system was not developed enough and was not working well and she needed an immediate operation. Our doctor diagnosed her and confirmed intestinal atresia. She was hospitalized in specialized hospital in Kisomu and well-timed operation saved life of little Marie Kitha – small sister of one of our long term ‘adopted’ students.
» Photos

3) Donate hope – 21 580,– CZK
This amount was used for purchase of equipment needed for the orphanage of the Island Hope – matrasses and mosquito curtains. Since the island on Victoria Lake is highly malarious area, the new impregnated mosquito-curtains are very import for health protection of our children. Sleeping under mosquito- curtain is ‘must do’ in this area.
» Photos

Thank you for supporting children in Kenya.

Dana Feminová

Friday December 8, from 6pm.
Theatre café at Prague 1, Ve smečkách 26
Meet-up with the photographer Regina Jäger, the author of beneficent calendar Island of Hope 2018

Music – theatre – photo exhibition – beneficent auction – fair trade shop

» Press release (Czech)

7pm City Cultural Center

» Facebook event

SlovakAid support community center Island of Hope in the period September 2017 – September 2019

In line with the Slovak Republic Strategy for Development Cooperation with the Republic of Kenya for the period 2014-2018 and Agenda 2030, the project promotes sustainable and equitable socio-economic development for inhabitants of the isolated Rusinga Island in western Kenya in agriculture, specifically in the fishery development.

Development problem – Rusinga Island is one of the biggest islands on Lake Victoria with population about 30,000 inhabitants, of whom about half are children under 15 years. This very poor area has one of the highest mortality rates in the county, and therefore a large numbers of orphans. The island is strongly affected by the presence of malaria, HIV/AIDS, typhoid fever, TB, parasitic and other diseases. Fishing is the main economic activity in this region.

The aim of the project is to improve the quality of life of Rusinga Island inhabitants, to strengthen the economic and food security of an existing Community center by promoting economic activities in the fish farming sector. At the same time, the project focuses on the high prevalence of HIV/AIDS, Homa Bay (where the island belongs) has the highest incidence of HIV/AIDS-positive people in Kenya.

The project promotes the sustainability of an existing community center on the island, which has been gradually expanding since the year 2003. The community center has an important role on the island, providing quality education for a total of 400 children and young people, including orphans, providing health care and community awareness. It includes a kindergarten, primary school and new boarding high school, an orphanage and a 24-hour health center. In the community center, a fish farm in Lake Victoria will be established, the center is located directly on the shores of the lake, where floating cages will be housed for a total of 260,000 Tilapia fish. The production profit will financially support the operation of the community center including the clinic, part of the production will support food safety.

County Homa Bay has the highest incidence of HIV/AIDS-positive people in Kenya (up to 26%), HIV prevalence in Kenya is stable at around 6% over the past 5 years. The main factors supporting the spread of HIV/AIDS in the area are: poverty, cultural and sexual attitude and behavior, the fishing industry networks, lifestyle related factors, health risk behavior and professional related issues. The fishing industry is associated with the phenomenon called “Jaboya”. The “Jaboya” concept entails men (fishermen or middlemen) exploiting women traders by only selling fish in exchange for sex. This concept is also used to lure young girls into sex in exchange for free fish that they can sell and get money.

There is very high prostitution in the area. Young people lack knowledge of the subject, our school has a few underage mothers. Second part of the project is the organization of a one-year seminar focusing on sex education and family planning for high school students in the community center. The seminar will raise the awareness of the most vulnerable group and the permanent introduction of sex education and parenting topics at a high school into Life Skills.

Miriam Lišková

The project is implemented by financial means of the official development assistance of the Slovak Republic, SlovakAid.



Who is in the team of Center Narovinu? Introducing Ken, Carol, Irene and Mercy
Fish Farming on Lake Victoria
School project of adoption for distance
Actress Barbara Munzarová supports the project AdopceAfrika.cz
What can influence the performance of children in Kenyan schools?
Examples of interesting extra payments
Club of Friends of Adoption
Gift certificates “Pay it forward” help children in Kenya

Bulletin – October 2017 (printed version for download)
» Other Bulletins

We would like to invite you to the opening of the exhibition of photographs by Evelina Milfort from Ostrov Naděje in Kenya on Thursday November 23th from 7pm to the SmetanaQ Gallery at: Smetanovo nábřeží 334/4, 110 00 Prague Old Town.

During the opening, Kenya coffee will be served, and after the introductory word of the photographer and Centre Narovinu director Dana Feminova, the movies from the Island of Hope will be screened. The exhibition will be used to purchase goods from our e-shop and the proceeds from the sold photos will be devoted to the Center Narovinu projects. The exhibition will be in the gallery until December 1st.

We look forward to you.

Public transport links:
tram numbers: 1, 2, 17, 18, 25 to the stop “National Theater”
or the tram numbers: 2, 14, 17, 18 to the stop “Karlovy lázně”

Possibilities of parking a car:

Prague 1 – Zones of paid parking:
Price: orange zone 40, - CZK / hour
Price: green zone 30, - CZK / hour

National Theatre indoor car park
Located at Ostrovní 1, Prague 1
1st–8th hour from the start of parking: CZK 50 per hour. Each extra hour: CZK 20 per hour.

Parking Alšovo nábřeží
Located at Alšovo nábřeží, Prague 1
Price: CZK 50 per hour
Within walking distance is Rudolfinum Concert Hall (approx. 100 m)


Saturday November 25th, 10am – 6pm, Centrum Narovinu, Sokolská 32, Praha 2, metro I.P. Pavlova

The seminars allow the participants to get to know all necessary about problems and work in projects of developing cooperation, stress on permanent sustainability and active approach at work with local communities, sensitive attitude to cultural differences, respect to heterogeneity. They will get to know work of coordinator of the project “Adoption of African Children”, developing awareness and education at Czech schools as well as community centre “Island of Hope” on Rusinga Island in Kenya.

After the seminar the participants can take an active part in the projects of Centre Narovinu in CR. We are looking for responsible coordinators for the project “Adoption of African Children”, project “Island of Hope in Kenya”, volunteers for exhibitions and promotion of the projects, helpers for making videos and presentations, graphics, administrative help, specialists in promotion on the Internet...

The leader of the course is Dana Feminová – the founder and chairwoman of Centre Narovinu, organizing projects in Kenya and CR over a long period, for instance the project “Adoption of African Children – project of help for distance” and “Island of Hope”.

Information and registration: dana.feminova@adopceafrika.cz, mobile: 777 711 911


Friends, we cordially invite you to the first November benefit event in Kutná Hora ... There will also be our Fair Shop, where you can buy Christmas presents (coffee, tea, talcum products, jewelry, gift certificates and packages, bags, T-shirts ...). We look forward to meeting on Sunday 5th of November

We would like to thank to all adoptive parents, children and volunteers from the program for their touching stories they sent us. We very much appreciate your help. Jitka Ježková, Marcela Březinová or Filip Rajmont also belong to the group of the adoptive parents. You can read the stories of 15 years of adoption on AdopceAfrika.cz or look at the photo gallery on facebook. It makes a difference, please share it!


Victor from Kenya who was part of the long-distance adoption program visited in July his parents and friends he keeps in touch with. Česká televize (public Czech TV station) and Český rozhlas (public Czech radio station) also came to the meeting.
Reportage of Česka televize in Události (main TV Journal).
Reportage of Český rozhlas in afternoon edition of Radiožurnál.
» Victor's story

Have a look in the manufactory of the Island of Hope, where the soak stone products are made, decorated and painted. Fair shop, it also means direct import from Kenya without any middlemen – coffee, tea, soak stone products, jewellery, earrings, wood and iron products. And also gift certificates and packages, bags, t-shirts, badges. Find an inspiration for presents for your family, business partners or employees… 100 % of the income goes to the Island of Hope Community Centre on Rusinga Island.

Children from Czech schools sent to Kenya beautiful cards and coloured postcards for 15 years of AdopceAfrika.cz. We would like to thank the following schools: primary school Dacice, Praha 5 Barrandov, Opava, Plzeň, Řečany nad Labem, Vlkava kindergarden and Youth Centre Mnichovo Hradiště. We are looking forward to the answers from the partner schools. More about the program Africa seen with unusual eyes at schools or in photogalery.



We want to thank you for thinking of us while shopping on Internet. You can support us by 1 click only in the internet project Givt.cz, and it does not cost you any additional money. You just have to install a simple add-in of your web browser that will make sure that you do not forget to click on GIVT while shopping. Whenever you visit an e-shop supported by GIVT, the application will make you aware of this option.

On the occasion of the Day of Africa (May 25th) we started a campaign of moving stories of Adoption of African children – project of long-distance support. Every day, we share one story of either adoptive parents, children, or volunteers from the program. The campaign will finish on Sunday Jun 18th, when a multicultural festival Narovinu Afrika Fest will take place, on Cargo ship on the bank of the Vltava river in Prague. We chose Jun 18th as it comes shortly after the Day of African Child, which is celebrated on the Jun 16th. It makes a difference – every child on this planet deserves a chance at a dignified life.

» We present the story of Denis

» Another beautiful story of Mitchelle

» We present the story of Daughty

» We present the stories of Everlyne and Danson

» Introducing the story of Regina

» Story of Huldy

»  Introducing the story of Antony

» French fries true story – the long-distance adoption helps entire families

» Story of Maureen

» Actress Barbara Munzarová supports the project AdopceAfrika.cz

» Twenty-year-old Franciscah Ayako Amwai describes the experience with the program…

» Journey to Island of Hope and visiting my adoptive son Cindy

» Story 15 years old

» Adoptive parents Petra and Radek received a video greeting from their Belinda

» Thanks to the project I did not feel forgotten

» The project solves not only education, but also health and social needs

» The project has changed me a lot, changed my life and helped me a lot.

» We appreciate the fact that we have been in the project for so many years together

» A meeting with an adoptive parent is always a big experience. And not just for the adopted child...

» The Club of The Long distance Adoption was created on Fler and supports Susan and Simon

» I started adoptions at a long distance at college in 2002

» Phaustine´s parents named their daughter Vivian Lenka

» My journey to adoption

» Adoptive parent and adopter coordinator in one person

» We wanted to offer a helping hand – for better or for worse

» The Story of David and Doctor Zuzana

» Besides the relationship of an adoptive parent – adoptive daughter, we have become friends and buddies

» Mum Magdalena, always know that Rose loves you dearly

» Experience gained during the 15 years would make for a long book

» Jenipher story – to help like this is not only giving presents, education helps people to go further

» Good people are still alive, and that's cool finding!

» School Project Distant Adoption

» Giving over taking and helping others

» Thanks to the project, I gained respect for myself

» A 5-year old Klara back then has grown to a very beautiful 20 year old self-confident woman. She has a boy-friend, studies that she enjoys and lives a worthy youth.

» Simon story

» We get the most important key in life, and that is education

» It is important to cooperate with the community and to create a new better life in the place where they are at home.

» Faith, Grace, Diana and Sabina, these are four young ladies who are fulfilling their dreams…

» We are happy we can take care of children from our community

» We were among the first to conclude the adoption agreement

» I would like to thank all of them in the Center Narovinu

» The story of Vinnie and her five-year-old daughter

» The Story of Vivien

» Find 5 Differences…

» Marie and David story

» Alice from the Korogocho slum


» Victor's story

» The story of Derrick