
Adoption - List of Children


» Search urgently for parents
» Children from Island of Hope

Total: 35 children

Velma Awino Odera

15 years
Not adopted
Search urgently for parents
Child from Island of Hope
Child number: 52561
Velma has three older siblings - Domnic Ochieng Odera, Willington Ongoya Odera, Reagan Onyango Odera. The father who was the only family breadwinner died leaving the mother with the children to feed and take to school. After the death of the father, the mother ended up working as a bar maid and the income she gets is very little to provide the basic needs in life to the family. The mother sometimes end up selling her body in exchange of money in order to feed the children. Five people live in a one room rental mud house. They use charcoal for cooking, kerosene for lighting and they gets water from a river. Velma is doing well health wise at present. Because of the living conditions at home she join an orphanage at Island of Hope. In 2024, she should be attending grade 1 at Island of Hope Humanist Mixed Boarding School. She needs support of 1.400 CZK/55 EUR/month (16.800 CZK/660 EUR/year).

Brian Rooney Oluoch

16 years
Not adopted
Search urgently for parents
Child from Island of Hope
Child number: 52193
Brian is the youngest of five children. The father is the only family breadwinner, he does fishing on other peoples fishing nets. The mother is sickling now and always on and off hospital.The income of the father is not enought to take their mother to hosipital, pay school fees to the children and also buy food. They live in earthen houses with two rooms. Family use water from the lake, cooks on the fire and use kerosene for lighting. In 2024, he should be attending class 8 at Island of Hope Humanist  Primary School. Unfortunately he lost his adoptive parent. He needs a support of 600 CZK/25 EUR/month (7.200 CZK/300 EUR/year).

Juliet Akinyi Otieno

16 years
Not adopted
Search urgently for parents
Child from Island of Hope
Child number: 53095
Juliet´s father died and mother as a single parent didnť manage to take care of Juliet and her sister. After the death of the father, the uncles to Juliet did not want the mother and they chase her away from there home forcing the mother to leave with her children to a fishing village and got refuge from a friend for sometimes. Later on the mother got a job as a barmaid where there is a lot of immoralities, she sometimes works as a saloonist but her income is little to pay rent, school fees and other needs of the children. Therefore in 2023 Juliet was taken to our orphanage at Island of Hope. They used to live in mud rental house. Juliet likes reading and English language. She would like to be a doctor. In 2024, he should be attending grade 1 at Island of Hope Humanist Mixed Boarding School. She needs support of 1.400 CZK/55 EUR/month (16.800 CZK/660 EUR/year).

Leviticus Onyango

16 years
Not adopted
Search urgently for parents
Child from Island of Hope
Child number: 52147
Leviticus has 2 siblings. She was born on 20th October 2008. Her mother was not married that time and she was only a student. Later the mother got married after her schooling but the man who she married is very harsh/cruel to her and don’t like her completely. This is why Leviticus and her siblings stays with her grandparents who also have their own children to care for. Grandparents do fishing but their income is low and therefore can not pay school fees and provide other things to Leviticus and her sibblings and cousins. In 2024, she should be attending grade 2 at Island of Hope Humanist Mixed Boarding School. She needs support of 1.400 CZK/55 EUR/month (16.800 CZK/660 EUR/year).

Moses Otieno

16 years
Not adopted
Child from Island of Hope
Child number: 52146
Moses is the only child of the mother; he was born on 10th June 2008. He lives with the old and sickling grandmother who can do nothing for her income. She survives from wellwishers and neighbours. The mother left him with the grandmother after she finnished her education, no one knows where she is at the moment. Apart from Mose the grandmother also takes care of other four children who are total orphans.They stay in a permanent house belonging to the grandmother, use fiewood for cooking, lanten lamp for lighting and get water from the lake. In 2024, he should be attending grade 1 at Island of Hope Humanist Mixed Boarding School. He needs support of 1.400 CZK/55 EUR/month (16.800 CZK/660 EUR/year).

Vena Anyango Mboya

16 years
Not adopted
Child from Island of Hope
Child number: 52127
Vena Anyango Mboya was born on 14th July 2008. She is the first born in the family of three children at present. The father neglected the family and ran away from home, left the mother and the children. Vena and the two sister is staying/living with their mother who only sells fish to cater for the family. The income the mother gets is very little to pay school fees, buy food and also provide other basic needs to the children.The family now lives in uninherited house which they can live anytime.They use firewood for cooking, kerosene for lightning and get their water from the lake. In 2024 she shoud be attending 1st grade at Island of Hope Humanist Mixed Boarding School. She needs a support of 1.400 CZK/55 EUR/month (16.800 CZK/660 EUR/year).

Junior Randy Omondi

17 years
Not adopted
Search urgently for parents
Child from Island of Hope
Child number: 53098
Both of the parents died. This is why Junior was taken by his step mother who also have her own children to provide and also she takes care of other orphan. They live in a mud house with three rooms, they use fire for cooking, solar energy for lighting and water from the lake. There were living 27 people. The situation was unbearable as step mum had no money for food. Therefore Junior ended up in ophanage Island of Hope in 2022. He likes math and science. He would like to be a lawyer. In 2024, he should be attending grade 2 at Island of Hope Humanist Mixed Boarding School. He needs support of 1.400 CZK/55 EUR/month (16.800 CZK/660 EUR/year).

Super Diana Opundo

17 years
Not adopted
Search urgently for parents
Child from Island of Hope
Child number: 53063
Super Diana was born in 2007 and has three older siblings: Fredrick is married, Felix ended up dropping out of school, sister Judith (2009). Their mother ended up getting a divorce and remarrying. Their stepfather is a fisherman and their mother sells fruit. The family lives in a mud house that has three rooms. For cooking they uses firewood and charcoal and get water from the lake nearby. For lighting they use kerosene and solar powered lamps. This other husband don’t like the children making Diana's brothers and sister to drop out of school and out of house. Diana was rescued and brought to orphanage Island of Hope in 2022 when she was still in primary school. In the same year she finnished primary school and she gave birth to her baby. Diana was very interested in continuing with her studies, so her mother took care of the baby. Diana was therefore able to continue at Humanist Mixed Boarding School Island of Hope. In 2024 she should continue in the second year. Unfortunately, she has lost her adoptive parent, so we are looking for a new one for her, so that she could continue with her studies. Some of Diana’s hobbies are reading and athletics. Academically, Diana enjoys Kiswahili, English and her social studies courses. She would like to become a journalist one day. She needs support of 5.600 CZK/ 220 EUR per school term (16.800 CZK/ 660 EUR per year).

Fidel Otieno Benard

19 years
Not adopted
Search urgently for parents
Child from Island of Hope
Child number: 52610
Fidel is the first born in the family of three children. The father who was the only family breadwinner died and the mother is not able to take care of the children. Because of this, Fidel was taken by his grandparents who are very old and survives from the hands of well-wishers. The siblings Fabian Odhiambo Benard and Jerry Calmax Benard (in 2023 they are 15 and 13 years old) were taken by their aunt who sells second hand clothes along the street in one of the slums in Nairobi. Fidel and his grandparents lived in a two roomed mud house which belongs to them. They get water from the lake, uses firewood for cooking and Kerosene lamp/Solar mall for lighting. Fidel is healthy at the moment except the occasional malaria. Due to the very difficult family situation Fidel was placed in the orphanage "Island of Hope" on the Rusinga Island, where he found new home and start going to school. In 2024, he should be attending grade 3 at Island of Hope Humanist Mixed Boarding School. He needs support of 1.400 CZK/55 EUR/month (16.800 CZK/660 EUR/year).

Tobias Otieno

19 years
Not adopted
Search urgently for parents
Child from Island of Hope
Child number: 53096
Tobias used to live with his brother and mum in a mud house. His father, who was the only breadwinner, commited suicide. Mum is sickling (hypertenzion) and was not able to provide basic needs for the kids. Therefore Tobias lives in Orhanage from 2022. He likes Math and English. He would like to become an engineer one day. In 2024, he should be attending grade 2 at Island of Hope Humanist Mixed Boarding School. He needs support of 1.400 CZK/55 EUR/month (16.800 CZK/660 EUR/year).

Leaky Odhiambo Dede

20 years
Not adopted
Search urgently for parents
Child from Island of Hope
Child number: 53006
Leaky was born in 2004. He comes from a polygamist family where his father has three wives. Unfortunalety the father has ran away from the reponsibility and left every wife to care for her children. Leaky's mother is a peasant farmer and it is very hard for her to take care of Leaky and his 5 siblings (Maselas, Collins, Molenter, Bob and Frankline). Leaky was born as the third child. The family lives in a two room mud house, they get water from the river, use firewood for cooking and solar for lighting. Leaky is doing well at the moment. He really likes football and soccer. In school he likes Biology, Chemistry and Mathematics. When he finishes his studies he would like to be a doctor. In 2024, he should be attending grade 4 at Island of Hope Humanist Mixed Boarding School. He needs support of 1.400 CZK/55 EUR/month (16.800 CZK/660 EUR/year).

Meshack Ochieng

20 years
Not adopted
Search urgently for parents
Child from Island of Hope
Child number: 53003
Meshack was born in 2004 and has 2 siblings (Abdallah and Abdi). Their parents died and therefore the kids were living with the grandmother who is a widow and now she is sickling. It was very difficult for her to feed the children and to pay them the education, therefore Meshack´s siblings left home. The grandmother and Meshack entirely depends on welwishers. The family lives in a four room mud house, they get water from the lake, use firewood for cooking and solar for lighting. Meshack is doing well at the moment except for occasional malaria. He really likes reading books and playing football. In school he likes History and Religion, and when he finishes his studies he would like to be Criminal Investigation Officer. In 2024, he should be attending grade 4 at Island of Hope Humanist Mixed Boarding School. He needs support of 1.400 CZK/55 EUR/month (16.800 CZK/660 EUR/year). Will you help him to get an education?

William Onyango

20 years
Not adopted
Search urgently for parents
Child from Island of Hope
Child number: 53084
William was born in 2004 and has five siblings. The oldest being Michael (2003), Elijah (2006), Marry (2008), Magret (2015) and Wilson (2013). Their parents split up. Wilson, Marry and Margrey stay with mother. Elijah was taken in by their aunt. Michael and William decided to stay with their father and help him because he suffers from sickling and cannot work. Due to this they depend most of the time on the help of their neighbours. The older brother was forced to drop out of school to drop out of school to involve in fishing to care for William and the father. The family of three live in a mud house that has two rooms. They use firewood for cooking and receive water from the lake nearby. For lighting they use solar powered lights. This home is falling apart due to the condition it is in. Aside from all the problems at home, William enjoys going to school. His favourite subjects are science, english and mathematics. He hopes to become a pilot one day. Some of his hobbies include playing football and reading. From May 2022 William was in the orphanage and in 2024 he should join Form 2 at Island of Hope Humanist Secondary school. Unfortunately he is not having an adoptive parent. He needs support of 5.600 CZK/ 220 EUR per school term (16.800 CZK/ 660 EUR per year). Will you help him to get a good education?

Lucy Akinyi Ouma

22 years
Not adopted
Child from Island of Hope
Child number: 53004
Lucy was born in 2002 and she has 4 siblings (James born 1997, Caroline 2001, Marry 2006 and Maite born 2016 who is also in our program under ID 52881). Their father died and therefore there is just their mother taking care on the family. She does fishing, but it is unfortunately not enough to provide the family all basic needs and school fees as well. Net family income is about 5.000 KES (50 EUR) per month. The family lives in one roomed mud house that is rented, they get water from the lake, use charcoal for cooking and solar for lighting. Lucy is anemic patient. She likes netball. In school she really enjoys Biology and Business studies and when she finishes her studies she would like to be a nurse. In 2023 she finnished third grade at our Island of Hope Humanist Secondary school. She got pregnant and having a baby. Now she would like to continue with her studies but unfortunately she lost her sponsor. Expenses in high school are unfortunately higher than in primary school and therefore her adoption costs 5.600 CZK/ 220 EUR per school term (16.800 CZK/ 660 EUR per year). Will you help her to get an education?

Robinson Aoch

22 years
Not adopted
Search urgently for parents
Child from Island of Hope
Child number: 41320
Robinson was born on 27th Dec 2002. Father is a peasant farmer and the mother also. The father is now very old/sickling and can not do any hard job, so the mother is the only one who takes care of the family. Robinson has four siblings namely: Pheline Derota, Beril Okello, Rinen Okello and youngest is Samsa Marceline. The family average income is kshs.1500; they live in an inherited house. They use firewood for cooking, kerosine for lighting and gets water from borehole. Robinson is doing fine, his health is good. In 2023 he started 3rd year of high school Island of Hope Humanist Mixed Boarding School but at the moment he lost hissponsor. The fee enabeling him to continue attending the high school is 5600Kč/220 EUR per term. In 2024, he should be attending grade 4 at Island of Hope Humanist Mixed Boarding School. He needs support of 1.400 CZK/55 EUR/month (16.800 CZK/660 EUR/year).

The project of remote support „Adoptions of African children“ mediates an access to education for poor Kenyan children without pulling them out of their natural environment and community. This project has been running since 2002 and has helped more than 3500 children. School fees at primary school are CZK 7200 (€300) / year, and at secondary school, college and orphanage are CZK 16800 (€660). The payment can also be broken down into multiple instalments.

Section of detailed information provides an overview of how this projects works. In case you have already chosen a child from our database, you can also find here all the steps to be taken in order to adopt a child remotely.

You can also provide the adoptive children by health insurance, that covers any medical treatment the child needs during 1 year.

Adoption Friend Club forms an integral part of this project, and enables to support education of Kenyan children by one-time contribution anytime during the year.

In case you already are an “adoptive parent”, here you will find complementary information and references for adoptive parents about the whole adoption process.

Photo-gallery and videos document promotional events of this project and provide coverage from trips to Kenya, including greetings and messages from children, handing over of presents and give overview of individual schools and their facilities.