
Adoption - Antony Omondi Omondi

Child number: 41295
Boy, 21 years
Not adopted
City, quarter: Nairobi Huruma
State: Kenya
Mother: Mercy Atieno Oduor Omondi, birth 1955
Guardian: SarafinaAkelo (babička / grandma), dressmaker
Description of the situation: Antony is studying a Bachelor of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Dedan Kimathi University of Technology, which takes 5 years. Unfortunately, he has now lost his adoptive parent, but he still needs financial assistance to finish school. His family, which is only his grandmother, cannot help him with his school fees and it is not possible for students to earn extra money in Kenya. Therefore, we are looking for a new supporter for Antony for the next 2 years of his studies. He has chosen to study this subject because he has always been very interested in the electrical aspect of physics and he hopes to use the knowledge to design his own electrical devices and get involved in improving the current ones. He would therefore like to work after his studies, for example for KPLC, the main electric network operator in Kenya. By doing so, he would combine his passion and be able to earn enough money to support himself and his family. Once he has saved enough money, he would like to pursue a Master's degree in the same field. Antony currently lives in Nyeri, where his university is located. He is a very good student, having finished high school with a final grade of A-, which is an exceptional result. Thanks to this, he got into university without any problems. And he's also doing very well at university. In his spare time, he likes to draw in pencil, capture images from memory and feels good when he manages to complete a portrait. He enjoys relaxing with a computer game and playing football with his friends because physical activity helps him to relieve stress. Antony had a difficult childhood. Along with his younger sister Mitchel (born 2008), he was born to his mother outside marriage and when his mother married a new man, he did not accept the children. So Antony and his sister lived with their grandmother Sarafina Akelo. The grandmother was a seamstress and the family lived in one room of a tenement house in Mathare North slums. Antony needs support of 1.400 CZK/month (16.800 CZK/year) or 55 EUR/month (660 EUR/year).
Contact: Jitka Baloušková, , tel. +420 721 643 832

The project of remote support „Adoptions of African children“ mediates an access to education for poor Kenyan children without pulling them out of their natural environment and community. This project has been running since 2002 and has helped more than 3500 children. School fees at primary school are CZK 7200 (€300) / year, and at secondary school, college and orphanage are CZK 16800 (€660). The payment can also be broken down into multiple instalments.

Section of detailed information provides an overview of how this projects works. In case you have already chosen a child from our database, you can also find here all the steps to be taken in order to adopt a child remotely.

You can also provide the adoptive children by health insurance, that covers any medical treatment the child needs during 1 year.

Adoption Friend Club forms an integral part of this project, and enables to support education of Kenyan children by one-time contribution anytime during the year.

In case you already are an “adoptive parent”, here you will find complementary information and references for adoptive parents about the whole adoption process.

Photo-gallery and videos document promotional events of this project and provide coverage from trips to Kenya, including greetings and messages from children, handing over of presents and give overview of individual schools and their facilities.