
Adoption - Mary Anyango Omondi

Child number: 53160
Girl, 12 years
Not adopted
Child from Island of Hope
City, quarter: Siaya Gem Sironga
State: Kenya
Father: . Peter Omondi, birth 1979, casual work
Guardian: Peres Auma, birth 1955, House wife
Description of the situation: Mary's parents seperated and she remained with the father but he does only casual job and moves a lot due to nature of his job. The father is also a drunkard and does not care for the child and also becomes violent when he is drunk. Nobody knows where is the mother. This is why Mary was taken by her grandmother who is old and does nothing for her income, the family survives from welwishers and neighbours. Apart from Mary, the grandmother stays with other three children who are orphans. She should move to orphanage at Island of Hope and she should be attending class 6 at Island of Hope Humanist Primary school in 2024. She needs a support of 1.400 CZK/55 EUR/month (16.800 CZK/660 EUR/year). She would like to be a doctor one day.
Contact: Stanislav Švaček, , tel. +420 721 370 858