
Adoption - Lucy Akinyi Ouma

Child number: 53004
Girl, 22 years
Not adopted
Child from Island of Hope
City, quarter: Asiyo Karachuonyo Kadipo
State: Kenya
Mother: Anne Atieno, birth 1974, fishing
Description of the situation: Lucy was born in 2002 and she has 4 siblings (James born 1997, Caroline 2001, Marry 2006 and Maite born 2016 who is also in our program under ID 52881). Their father died and therefore there is just their mother taking care on the family. She does fishing, but it is unfortunately not enough to provide the family all basic needs and school fees as well. Net family income is about 5.000 KES (50 EUR) per month. The family lives in one roomed mud house that is rented, they get water from the lake, use charcoal for cooking and solar for lighting. Lucy is anemic patient. She likes netball. In school she really enjoys Biology and Business studies and when she finishes her studies she would like to be a nurse. In 2023 she finnished third grade at our Island of Hope Humanist Secondary school. She got pregnant and having a baby. Now she would like to continue with her studies but unfortunately she lost her sponsor. Expenses in high school are unfortunately higher than in primary school and therefore her adoption costs 5.600 CZK/ 220 EUR per school term (16.800 CZK/ 660 EUR per year). Will you help her to get an education?
Contact: Lilien Linková, , tel. +420 604 995 683