
Adoption - Brighton Onyango Odoyo

Child number: 52852
Boy, 15 years
Not adopted
Search urgently for parents
Child from Island of Hope
City, quarter: Rusinga East Waregi
State: Kenya
Mother: Maurine Awour Acholla, disappeared after death of husband
Guardian: Caroline Aoko Akeyo, birth 1996
Description of the situation: Brighton is the second born in the family of two children (sibling Christine, born 2007). Father who was the sole breadwinner died leaving them with their mother who later on disappeared. Because of this Brighton was taken by his aunt. The aunt lost her job as an instructor in a driving school because of her poor health. The Aunt also has her own children to feed and take to school. The living condition of the family is very bad and therefore Brighton was taken to orphanage in our community centre Island of Hope in January 2020. He likes mathematics, religion, science and kiswahili. He would like to be a teacher at the end of his studies. Brighton also likes playing football. In 2024, he should be attending class 8 at Island of Hope Humanist Primary school. He needs a support of 1.400 CZK/55 EUR/month (16.800 CZK/660 EUR/year). .
Contact: Mirka Mrňáková, , tel. +420 728 216 230