
Adoption - Dady Denish Oluoch

Child number: 52618
Boy, 14 years
Child from Island of Hope
Dady Denish Oluoch has been in adoption programme since year 2017 and he goes to school Island of Hope Humanist School.
City, quarter: Rusinga Island Kamasengre West [Nyangera]
State: Kenya
Mother: Grace Akinyi Ouma, birth 1984, a cleaner
Father: Clifford Otieno Ouma, birth 1976
Description of the situation: Dady is the second child in the family of three children. He has two brothers Gift Oyoo (born 2009) and Victor Odhiambo (born 2011). The father who was the main family breadwinner used to sell magazine but now he is sickling (suffering from stomach ache) and stayes at home all the time. The mother is doing cleaning in some school but the income she gets is very little to feed and also pay school fees to the children. The family income is only 3000 KES/per month (24 Eur). The family live in two roomed mud house, which belongs to them. They get water from the lake, use Kerosene lamp for lighting and Firewood for cooking. Dady´s health condition is good. In 2024, he should be attending class 5 at Island of Hope Humanist  Primary School. He needs a support of 600 CZK/25 EUR/month (7.200 CZK/300 EUR/year).
Contact: Alena Tabet, , tel. +420 606 502 885