
Adoption - Brian Rooney Oluoch

Child number: 52193
Boy, 16 years
Not adopted
Search urgently for parents
Child from Island of Hope
City, quarter: Kisumu Wamwanga
State: Kenya
Mother: Rose Awino, birth 1974, housewife
Father: Philip Oluoch, birth 1969, fisherman
Description of the situation: Brian is the youngest of five children. The father is the only family breadwinner, he does fishing on other peoples fishing nets. The mother is sickling now and always on and off hospital.The income of the father is not enought to take their mother to hosipital, pay school fees to the children and also buy food. They live in earthen houses with two rooms. Family use water from the lake, cooks on the fire and use kerosene for lighting. In 2024, he should be attending class 8 at Island of Hope Humanist  Primary School. Unfortunately he lost his adoptive parent. He needs a support of 600 CZK/25 EUR/month (7.200 CZK/300 EUR/year).
Contact: Lucie Strnadová, , tel. +420 725 364 361