
Actions Archive

Preview 19.6. from 17.00 – life African music, jam- session, workshop – producing badges


Summary of production of Ceramics studio Ulita – selling and presenting exhibition
Open 20. – 25.6 from 13.00 to 18.30, except Saturday and Sunday



Documentary photographs from Kenya by Ester Starman
Center for children and youth -  Praha 4 - Hobby center 4, Bartákova street1200/4

Travelling exhibition is selling and supports the project in Kenya „Water for Kauti“

 We are inviting you on 18.6.2012 at 18:00 to „Spolkový dům“ in the building of cinema Mír in Krnov, address Náměstí Míru 1/14. 

We welcome adoptive parents and other visitors interested in meeting with Kenyan coordinator of „adoptions for distance“ Ken Okongo. 



Community center Prádelna, Holečkova 38, Praha 5, www.veselysmichov.cz

Exhibition of documentary photographs that capture volunteers of Center Narovinu during tours included in projects of developing cooperation in African Kenya.


Wednesday 13.6. from 15.00
Community Center Prádelna
Holečkova 38, Prague 5 (underground line B – station Anděl)

Africa by games, discussions about development, music programme – African traditional music and drums, exhibition of photographs and items from Kenya, showing videos

15.00 - 18.00 Africa by game

workshops with African theme for kids and youngsters (music workshop, African fairytale, African fabion, production of masks…)

17.00 - 20.00 discussions about development

topic: adoption of African children – the project of distance adoption
guests: Kennedy Okongo – Humanist center Narovinu – coordinator of the project in Kenya, Simona Heřtusová – Center Narovinu – the founder of the project and coordinator, Ladislav Kopecký – an adoptive parent and others

topics: Projects of foreign developing cooperation
guests: Dana Feminová and Kennedy Okongo – Center Narovinu – community center Island of Hope - Rusinga Island in Kenya, Tomáš Tožička – Educon – Energy for everybody– Zambia, Dagmar Trkalová – Czech against poverty – developing aids of millenium and other guests

20.00 - 21.00 music programme

African traditional music and drums

Exhibitions of photos and items from Kenya – showing films

Entrance free, proceeds from the sale will support the purchase of a tractor for the project Island of Hope on Rusinga Island in Kenya

ROXY, Dlouhá 33, Praha 1 (from 7 p.m.). Performing BENGAS, Ekvator, Jahtec Jammin' Job, BATOC... dancing performance, photo and African handwork exhibition, projection...

Let us warmly invite you for a „Small African Conference“, which takes place on Friday, September 9th and Saturday, Sept. 10th in Jihlava ZOO and Na Kopečku Theatre.

Lecture meeting of travellers, photographs, zoologists and Africa lovers will be joined by interesting accompanying program in the form of amusing African workshops for the small and the big. You can look forward to African masks painting, drumming or African style dressing. Additional information can be found in the invitation.

Best regards and wishes of pleasant „Indian summer“

Centre Narovinu

Sales exhibitions are taking place in cafes Pitomá kavárna in Smíchov and Vesmírna in Prague 1.

From May, 14th photo sales exhibition from Kenyan slums environment Cafe Pitomá kavárna, Preslova 3, Prague 5 - Smíchov.

From July, 10th photo sales exhibition from the life of Kenyan kids Cafe Vesmírna, Ve Smečkách 5, Prague 1

June, 20 7 p.m. Africa through uncommon eyes – discussion with projection with Veronika Matoušová

» pozvanka_20110620_pitoma_kavarna.pdf



Rachel Okoko, one of our Kenyan colleagues, will soon visit Czech and Slovak Republic within the project „Africa through uncommon eyes“, whose main sense is not only to inform children and the young about situation of children in Africa, but also prevention of racism and xenophobia in our society.

For a long time Rachel has dedicated her time to work with children from the poorest social class, and works as one of coordinators of the Distant adoption project.

Within this occasion many lectures, presentations and workshops will take place at Czech and Slovak schools, and also several meetings for wider public, which we would like to invite you for:

May, 31, 2011, Brno: Karibuni Kenya – meeting not only for adoptive parents
(www.adopceafrika.cz, www.klubcestovatelu.cz)
June, 2, 2011, Prague: Karibuni Kenya – meeting not only for adoptive parents
June, 12, 2011, Ostrava: Football for development
(www.adopceafrika.cz, www.fotbalprorozvoj.org)
- detailed information can be found in enclosed invitation, or on given web-pages
Next meeting will take place in Slovakia – more detailed information will be published soon on our web www.adopceafrika.cz

June, 10 – 6:30 p.m. – meeting with adoptive parents connected with Rusinga Island project presentation, meeting room Ford, Centre Zlaté piesky, na Tuhovskej 9, Bratislava.



We would love to offer you a possibility to participate in a seminar for volunteers – apart from the classical „two-part“ evening seminar its weekend version has been prepared, which could be more accessible for those who are interested and do not live in Prague.

EVENING SEMINAR (course of 2 following evenings) will take place in April, 20 and 21, 2011 5p.m.-9p.m., Centre of Non-profit activities (Tyršova 1, 120 00 Prague 2).

WEEKEND SEMINAR will take place in May, 28 from 10a.m. to May, 29 4p.m., Club Lávka Chocerady (www.lavkachocerady.cz)
- price about 700Kč (full board, accommodation), registration and reservation is necessary by April, 30, 2011
More detailed info including contact can be found in the invitation


12th fair of non-profit organizations NGO Market 2011
Friday, April 29, 2011, 10a.m.7p.m.

Let us invite you for an event organized by the foundation Forum 2000, where you will be able to closely learn work of nearly 150 non-profit organizations. The main topic of this year‘s fair is volunteerism. We will introduce variable range of opportunities to visitors of how they can help and become volunteers. Accompanying activities will be newly extended through creative workshops, fair-trade stalls, exotic dishes tasting and stage culture program. Rich program of lectures and workshops is an essential part of the forum.

Vaclav Havel has taken over the patronage over the fair and the singer Tonya Graves and actor Boris Hybner have become its patrons. Entrance to the fair and all accompanying events is for free.

We look forward to you

NGO Market
fair of non-profit organizations NGO Market 2011
Friday, April 29, 2011, 10a.m.7p.m.

National technical library, Technická 6, Prague 6 (metro station Dejvická)

March, 3, 2011 - 6.30p.m. Photographs, memories, perceptions, talking about 4-month journey of Klara Bednarova (Thailand, Burma, Laos).  Organized by Convergence of Cultures. Centre of non-profit activities, Tyršova 1, Prague 2

We will build a true library in a Kenyan slum tooth and nail! Performing the group Echt! Zuby nehty (Tooth and nail), support group Sleva (Discount)

All profit from the concert will support the library construction in Kibera, the largest slum in Kenya. Photos and small products brought from Nairobi will be sold there. 
Concert takes place on Dec. 7th from 8p.m. in a Prague club Futurum (Zborovská 7, Prague 5).
Partner of the event is Music Bar Futurum. 

Miroslav Svejnoha, October, 1st – December, 31st, 2011, Restaurant Na Věčnosti, Velká Mikulášská 11, Znojmo Touring exhibition about the life of natural ethnics in Africa. Profit supports the project KiberaKids4Peace. The exhibition is realized under a project financed from EU resources and co-financed by governmental program of foreign development cooperation of CR and EU. EU.